Why is Sup Forums anti-Shu?
Why is Sup Forums anti-Shu?
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I don't dislike most of Shu. They've got some cool guys on their side.
I just despise Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Guan Yu.
Shu = Hilary Clinton
Because my favorite color is blue.
but green is a better color
best dw girl
>I just despise Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Guan Yu.
This. The main characters of Shu drag the rest of them down.
Jin has best boy
I Jiang Wei. But I like him better with Wei
I just want my breakdancing Wei Yan from DW4 back.
Yeah, I liked how he lived in the Jin ending.
>Zhuge Liang
Fuck this guy. Wei Yan did nothing wrong.
It's such a shame what they did to him in DW.
Its far to late to change him without negative feed back. People are used to Ooga Booga Chinese man now.
but zhuge liang didn't do anything to him. he just died.
There's a multitude of reasons, and most of them boil down to being able to look past the blatant Shu favoritism on the creators' part.
The first is that Shu's leaders are beyond incompetent. Liu Bei is an indecisive moron that was too busy ranting about "muh benevolence" to do anything meaningful until it was far too late. Guan Yu is completely fucking full of himself, and the shitshow at Fan Castle is easily one of the dumbest moves made by any character. Zhang Fei is a drunken idiot that got killed by his own men. Zhuge Liang is constantly hyped up as a fucking godlike being of infallible intelligence, and yet Shu's greatest victory against Wei was the Battle of Chibi - all of which was actually Wu and Zhou Yu's doing.
The second reason is that all of their talk of benevolence and "winning the hearts of the people" ultimately amounts to absolutely nothing. Shu was the last kingdom to establish itself - and the first to fall by a large margin. For the kingdom constantly heralded as the "good guys" by the story, they do a lot of dumb shit.
The third reason is that Shu has quite a few decent characters, and it sucks knowing that everything they do is wasted on the aforementioned incompetent morons. Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Xingcai, etc. They're all solid characters that would look so much better in blue or red. At least then they would get to do something other than risking their lives to protect "Liu Bei's Weekly Peasant Train of Running Away From All of Your Problems."
Jin has muh imbeciles and best girl
100% agreed
Cao Cao did nothing wrong
Nobunaga did nothing wrong
Fedoras are against benevolence and heavenly righteousness.
Don't mind me just posting best character from best kingdom in the best game
I'm gonna assume it's because Shu's the most Idealogical of the three factions, and pushed most as the 'most righteous' and 'honorable', so there's probably the largest disconnect between them and their actual selves in history of all three factions.
Look dude if Liu Bei was fighting for the people why the fuck would he extend the conflict by making his faction in turn cost so many more lives? At least Wu and Wei are honest about why they are fighting.
That isn't Sun Jian
>so there's probably the largest disconnect between them and their actual selves in history of all three factions
That's most of it. The writer of the novel was biased toward Shu. The games just roll with it.
Granted some of the noble things in the novel don't exactly hold up by today's standards. Baby spiking and cannibalism aren't exactly noble acts in current year.
Hey you uploaded my image while I was typing this. Have a random RotTK female create a character portrait instead.
I've noticed that the games nowadays have been putting Cao Cao and Wei in a more sympathetic light.
It's a bit refreshing that they aren't just the villain guys.
Because they hate benevolence and the literal god of war.
>literal god of war.
>Does nothing but lose fights.
>Most of his accomplishments at Hu Lao Gate were actually done by Sun Jian.
>Biggest thing of note was he lost Fan Castle and Jing to Wu
Yeah that's God of War material right there. Fucking propaganda.
I've only ever felt like Wei was villanious honestly. But now I just think they're the most badass, actually seeing Xiaho Dun take an arrow to the eye or Dian Wei slaughter niggas was amazing. Wei is patrician though, Shu is for white knights.
all the shu girls are so classy
except that bao whore
>read RotK because of DW
>Liu Bei knowingly eats a guy's wife and thanks him for it
>Sup Forums
Try everyone who knows what Shu became.
Luo Guanzhong was even a well-known Shu sympathiser.
Fuck Shu-han, they did nothing right in the end.
Wait what, Liu Bei ate someone? Were they alive when he started?
Because the game is pro-Shu
It's not just the games that favor Shu, it's pretty much every fictional representation of the 3 Kingdoms period that favors Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei.
Shu wasn't just weak and incompetent, historically speaking they were more akin to rebels than Cao Cao. All three kingdoms did pretty bad things but Liu Bei and co. just wandered around for years until they stole Chengdu from another warlord. Cao Cao was technically acting under the authority of the emperor (although he was just a puppet) and Sun Quan established dominance in the east. Both Wei and Wu had peasants in their care and some kind of government system, like actual kingdoms. Liu Bei was just working under various people (including Sun Quan after Chi Bi) and just tried taking the land he was charged with protecting as his own (Jing province for example).
He and his brothers were bandits who got lucky.
>Threadly reminder that the greatest victory Shu ever had was Mt. Ding Jun and that was because of Fa Zheng and Huang Zhong
>Another reminder that Zhuge Liang was useless as a military strategist and that his campaigns were disastrous. Hell even as a prime minister/government official he was pretty bad.
He shows up at a peasant's farm sometime in the first volume. The peasant has nothing to offer him for food, so the farmer kills his wife, cooks her, and presents the meal to Liu Bei, telling him what he has done.
Liu Bei consumes the meal and, overcome with emotion at the magnamity of the farmer's gesture, weeps grateful tears.
Basically, Cao Cao did nothing wrong.
>dude learns liu bei is visiting his village
>oh shit I don't have any meat
>fuck it I'll butcher one of my wives and cook her
>liu bei arrives
>presents the meat, liu bei starts munching it down
>guy suddenly gets a guilty conscious, confesses what he did
>liu bei starts crying tears of joy over their loyalty to him
Yes, this actually happens in the novel.
Funny how this event was added into the novel because the author wanted to show how good a man Liu Bei was.
Holy shit, Liu Bei what the fuck.
When do you think will be the reveal of DW9? I don't think that new strategy game was the big reveal they were talking about for this year
Fucking BENEVOLENCE man.
The big reveal was Berserk Musou. I initially thought that we'd have some news after Toukiden 2 is out, at this rate, I don't think DW9 is coming any time soon, at least not until Berserk is out.
I'm pretty hype for berserk but damn that ain't until February.
>Dong Zhou was a "villain"
When will this outdated meme end?
He was a benevolent and kind ruler.
Harsh, but fair.
His greatest mistake was actually trusting his adopted son, Lu Bu.
who /yellowturbans/ here?
>Dong Zhuo shitposting on Sup Forums 1800 years after he died
I'm all about the Wu
>Lu Meng master race
Because Romance of the Three Kingdoms is putrid trash, it's literally revisionist fanfiction
DW makes me feel a sort of empathy for Lu Bu while RoTK made me see him as a pretty pathetic person
How does Koei do it
I'm a Lu Bu man. The greatest warrior in history.
Who are your favorites?
The true hero of the Three Kingdoms
Cultural differences and shit.
It's like the touchdown bit where Liu Bei smashes his baby. The Chinese at the time fucking loved it.
Someone post the image of "accurate" Liu Bei with the huge arms
Wu got the best beefcakes really
Why are chinks so fucking insane, holy shit
It's really hard to defend Dong Zhuo
Best thing i could say about him is that he was a competent general
Sun Jian was superior though
If I'm completely new to this series, what movies, games, and books should I get? I see these threads a lot, (often making fun of something to do with "benevolence,") and I'm in the mood for learning some Chinese history/lore. That said, as interested as I am, I'm also poor, so if you got links to cheap copies of this stuff, that'd help. Thank you, Sup Forums.
Play Dynasty Warriors 7 for a very romanticized version of the period.
Best story mode is objectively Dynasty Warriors 7.
>TV Shows
Look up Romance of Three Kingdoms 2010. It's fantastic
Obviously a copy of the original Romance of the Three Kingdoms would be your best bet.
just grab the last dynasty warrior, which is DW8, get the xtreme legends version if you can
>TV series
Three Kingdoms 2010 or the old Romance of Three Kingdoms 1994, both can be found on youtube, I believe.
Either DW5, on the PS2, for better introduction for characters, or DW7, on the PS3, for better storytelling.
Obviously the novel Romance of Three Kingdoms itself.
And when you're already familliar with the Three Kingdoms, be sure to check out the manhua The Ravages of Time. It's a really good read, but is not very newbie-friendly.
my grandfather was from Shu, so i use them
Well the first cannibalism story is to imply that Liu Bei understands and sympathizes with the common man and to show how the common man perceived Liu Bei as the one who had the power to restore the Emperor and the Mandate of Heaven
The second story is to show how Liu Bei isn't one that cares about his son over his generals. To show that he isn't one to fall into Nepotism and that he values his best soldiers, followers and meritocracy
>To show that he isn't one to fall into Nepotism and that he values his best soldiers, followers and meritocracy
But when Cao Cao does it he's evil.
I'll never understand the Chinese's obsession with spitting and coughing blood. It's in every fucking form of media.
I don't remember Cao Cao "good eye for talent" being seen in negative light.
Also to be fair, Cao Cao did employ tons of cousins and uncles in his service
lel, what the hell is that?
Anybody got a Torrent for the complete series of the Live Action Show?
I heard its pretty fucking good
Look up Liu Bei`s description in the romance Three Kingdoms.
Thanks m8
It's kinda similar to the Japanese over "hair turns white under extreme stress", it's just a common trope to show a character being infruriated.
I get that, but that someone literally starts coughing blood and fainting is so ridiculously far fetched to me.
Bao is despicable. Guan Suo should slap that bitch around a bit to get her to shut the fuck up. Too bad he`s a fucking fuccboi.
It has nothing better to shitpost about, so it picked up the old LOL MORALFAGS meme and gave it a twist, and off we went.
Everyone in that conflict were either a bunch of shitters, or a bunch of saviors, depending on perspective. You can see Sup Forums's colors though, when it's constantly shitting on shu, but glorifying edgelords like cao cao, and deifying zhang "shot in the dick like a bitch" liao.
It kinda works in these things since pretty much everyone who didn`t die from murder died from some lung or stomach shit.
Don't talk shit about zhang Liao faggot
>Calling out Shu
Shufag pls leave
Top and Worst 10
>Fa Zheng
Based character and best Shu strategist.
Fuck his rug weapon though
>Those lowest 10
Did not expect some of those, specifically Zhang Jiao, Yuan Shao and Zhang Chunhua. Figured I was one of the only Zhang He fans though.
>Zhang Jiao that low
Fucking heretics
But can he beat Madara Uchiha?
Oh woops, thought that was an actual poll, not personal opinion.
If I go to china everyone will have statues of the Guanster not Sun "dies in the second level" Jian.
>Zhang He
mein negro
I am pro Shu because I want to marry Xing Cai.
He manages to get a little gayer every game. Every time I think he's reached peak gay he manages to one up himself.
Sun Ce is the greatest character
Prove me wrong
What is there to dislike with Sun Ce?