How is this game or series compared to MN9?
How is this game or series compared to MN9?
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mega man zero series is very good
the first game is a little shoddy but it picks up in games 2 and 3
mmz 4 is really good too
just fucking play it
But it's between buying the DS collection or MN9
Down right better in every conceivable way.
Same for every other megaman game.
Yes, that includes the shitty versions of the originals and the bad sequels to X and Battle network.
Bestest designs in the whole franchise.
>4 games or 1 game
This is a hard decision how?
But the ds collection. It's great. Also don't forget to check out the window and I will be a good time the new York city of London andthe planet is now dying in the morning. Buy Horizon, zelda sucks.
The DS collection, you stupid apologist.
MMX = MM = MMBN > MMZ = MMSF = MML > MMZX >>>>> MN9
Z3 > Z2 > Z1 = Z4
The apex of the entire franchise.
Post Megaman games that are better than Mighty No. 9!
>Post all Megaman games
The Zero series is the only Mega Man series that got progressively better instead of worse.
So all megaman games as well as a large majority of megaman fan games?
I would say, as clunky as the first game is, its still miles fucking better than MN9. At least it was trying different things and mixing up the MMX formula.
2>3>4>1 imo, but they're all great.
Basically Megaman Zero is the best Megaman series and MN9 is the worst.
Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?
Joke's on you, I grinded Pantheons for 2 hours to get the charge attack
I just always grind the shit out of the first area. Didn't you only have like a minute to kill this guy? Brutal second boss.
He was more of a "Welcome to MMZ" kind of boss
Literally all of them except X7.
Are you saying X7 is worse than Mega Man DOS?
>even considering mn9
I don't even know what to say. am I being baited?
They're about on the same level, though I would rank DOS slightly higher.
>Level up jingle plays
IIRC, charge attack was the 4-star reward? Or was it the 3-star reward? I can't remember if the spinning air attack came right before or right after it.
I think you actually get the spin attack sooner or later depending on how many air attacks you do
I'm pretty sure you can get either the charge attack or the spinning attack after the combo
daaaa-daaa, da-da
daaa-daaaa, da-da
Bwa-na-na-naa-naaa, na-nanananaaaa
Bwa-na-na-naa-naaa, na-nanananaaaa
Starforce 3 was the best game in that entire spinoff line though.
Neat, I use to play MMZ1 a ton when the GBA/DS were still big, but it's been years since then. Memory gets fuzzy after a while.
post good mmz songs
Some OC I never get to use.
I love that there were like 6 MMZ albums, shit was so good.
I always loved that it was still the MMZ1 inventory in the opening stage, and after you get repaired your inventory screen gets updated.
So are the Megaman X games connected story wise to Megaman Zero? Never played the X games but I played the first Zero game (more than a decade ago) and I inferred that the final boss was the main character of X, which I really liked. Is this correct?
I liked armored zero more than fucboi zero but I'm a sucker for spears
Are there any other games that do that as well?
Could you still use the triple rod?
Megaman Zero is like Prime series to Metroid or DS games to Castlevania:
All of them are good and one of them is almost perfect
The only Mega Man game I'd say MN9 is better than is X7.
All the Zero games trump them in quality.
Not that I can recall.
No, it was broken at that point if I remember correctly.
I have a question anons, how many times will I have to use the chain rod in MMZ2? I dropped the game after playing one level that forced me to use it, and haven't picked it up since, I've played through MMZ and MMZ4 and I want to get through the other two, but 2 might be a lost cause for me, 3 as well if it keeps the chain rod.
And the DOS game, as another user pointed out.
Yeah, Zero is basically the deuteragonist of the X series. The final boss of the first game is a copy of X, the real X is the fairy hologram that talks to Zero in the ending cutscene.
I think the 2 jungle levels force you to use it, but I don't think it's necessary outside of those levels.
>Sup Forums loves the Zero series
>the one MM series that actually did come directly from Inafune and wouldn't exist if he hadn't created it
>Sup Forums hates Inafune
IIRC Legends was the one that directly came from Inafune. I'm pretty sure of it.
So why don't people like Z4 all that much?
Legends is the only one that came directly from Inafking.
And surprise, it's the third worst series only ahead of Star Force and the ZX games.
I don't recall ever being forced to use it. By chance were you just bad at the game?
I like it, it was pretty fun to play but the story was eh compared to the others really. Still a good game regardless, just that 2 and 3 are better.
Both of the forest levels force you to use the chain rod. However, the first instance is more grating than the second because it has bottomless pits.
I'll take the ZX games over the Battle Network games any day.
At this point comparing MN9 to just about any other game seems to be unfair in a way to the point of it being pitiful. Its like comparing grades between a below average student to that of a special ed student.
Zero also came directly from him, aside from Legends.
You mean 2nd best
But seriously, 4 had some great designs
Except it's fair because he lied to the backers when they removed the transforming mechanic over online coop
4 actually had a different artist than the other 3 games. I always thought the bosses in 4 looked more like X series mavericks than the previous bosses did.
What do you all think of Gunvolt?
Does this one end on a cliffhanger?
I'd hang out with him desu.
We're getting the physical 1+2 pack.
Why is everything in this "like family" except for the fairy?
Nope. All gets wrapped up in a nice bow
Could have used better level design. Bosses were fun except for a certain meteor-summoning asshole
>The end of GV's ponytail is becoming purple after absorbing Joule's soul
That's pretty neat.
So we know they die or something bad happens to them this game.
Megaman Zero series is probably the pinnacle of the gameplay MMX set out to establish.
It's fast, it's challenging, tight as fuck controls, high replay value, great music score, even on the GBA sound hardware, good consistent graphics, and a surprisingly memorable and fleshed out story for a Megaman game.
MN9 is just a souless husk of the Mega Man legacy, and proof enough that Inafune wasn't the magic touch that made the beloved Blue Bomber rock out.
I remember that, that was a nice detail. You can tell the team behind these game really cared to make them good games.
The miniboss theme used for the stage's boss is also a remix of the first boss theme.
Zero is my favorite MM series.
This whole album is great.