How are you enjoying the best Atlus game of the year, Sup Forums?
You ARE enjoy it right?
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
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I enjoyed it back in 2007, and I'm enjoying it again now
Some of the new mid-bosses are pretty damn annoying though
I thought so too but I can't complain on hard mode
Beat it a few days ago, am going to start new game + soon to max out everyone.
It'd been so long since I played the original I honestly don't know what's changed, but it was fun all the way though this time even though I remember the PS2 version being a little tedious.
They changed the whole battle system and yeah it transformed the game. Made it the masterpiece it was supposed to be.
>Atlus game
Vanillaware, user. Vanillaware.
Don't be like those people who call Pokémon Nintendo instead of GameFreak.
>Atlus game
I can't fucking wait. Can i pick whatever character i want from the start?
>Atlus Game
Well technically it's published by Atlus so it's not a lie.
But of course it's Vanillaware who dev this.
Not published in my shithole country
Going to wait until it drops to 20 or 30 bucks so I can import it
Did they fix the fact that your PC took up 3/4th of the screen and 90% of the time you played the game using the minimap?
Man I can't wait to play that. I hope we get some new info on it at TGS.
>tfw haven't pre-ordered
I-it shouldn't be a problem if I'm getting the PS3 version right?
>Implying this game will even sell
My point exactly, with the Pokémon comparison.
I just don't like when credit isn't given to the best devs of all time.
wait, vanillaware is making a mech game?
>Persona 5 comes out in September
>This game barely made a January release
It's a bit early to call it, innit?
Yes. The game is finally running at the resolution it was supposed to run in from the start, so you have much more view space
Normal is too easy
Hard is too hard
Artstyle is nice but animations in cutscenes are ass
Story is lame
Extremely repetitive
I enjoyed Muramasa and its DLCs more but I enjoy this one more than dragons crown
They sure are
Love it. Taking it slow though. Just a little ways into Cornelius's book.
Bought this on impulse after playing Velvet in the demo.
Velvet is best girl.
>Story is lame
It's actually pretty decent, not something jaw dropping, but it is quite a great sum of Norse Myths, George Kamitani and his friends really did their homework.
>Story is lame
>Extremely repetitive
Have to disagree strongly here. The gameplay is cuhrayzee tier and will never feel repetitive if you actually want to try. The story is good too, nothing amazing but.
What carries over to NG+?
Fun Fact: Vanillaware was born out of former Atlus employees; now they are just back home.
I have to agree based on playstyle alone.
Levels, Items and Skills.
Story Items and Text get back to zero again.
Have we gotten any news on this at all? I always wanted to play a Vanillaware mecha game.
>and Text get back to zero again
That's annoying, I wanted to have all my kitchen recipes carry over.
wait until TGS
Nothing yet. We're gonna get a new TGS trailer this year though surely
I bought #FE instead. If they want me to buy Odin Sphere then port it to PC the dumb fucks.
>Atlus game
No, nothing since TGS 2015.
It hasn't been a year since that, so it really isn't out of Vanillaware's customs, remember that Dragon's Crown went full two years without a single piece of news once, then Vanillaware was facing problems on who would publish the game at the time.
Fuck off
Fucking goblins and their annoying screams when they get hit.
>Atlus game
That's like calling Deus Ex a Square-Enix game.
>Idle in the attic
>Socrates starts rubbing up against Alice
too cute
>4 chain
>clearly only 2 chains
but you're posting on 4chain right now
>taking ign seriously
even when they're right they're still garbage.
Is there any reason to play NG+ and Hell mode aside from personal satisfaction or does it unlock stuff?
Well yeah, at least for Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, The Eidos brand became Square-Enix Montreal.
Also Vanillaware was born out of Atlus, so it adds up.
Why it's so huge though, that's huge cat.
Plays more like a Tales game than quite a few of the most recent console Tales games.
Namco pls.
>Elder God Tier
dark knight
>Great Tier
rabbit faggot
>Good Tier
chain slut
>Meh Tier
main bitch
>Shit Tier
crossbow cunt
I'm starting up the third book, been playing on normal and haven't died a single time yet. There were some kinda tough mid-bosses and trials, but nothing actually killed me yet. Should I be playing on hard or does the game get progressively harder on later characters?
Alice is only like 6 years old and some breeds like Maine Coons are gigantic. Socrates seems to just be a regular black cat tho.
Thanks guys, guess I just gotta be patient. Have they mentioned what genre of game it'll be? From the design of the robots at most it feels like we'll be getting something big, stompy, and slow like Big O or Robot Alchemical Drive rather than CUHRAYZY mecha zipping around like ZoE or Armored Core.
You should play on hard.
normal is basically easy mode
I'll buy it next month because it's my birthday then so I'll have cash to drop. Enjoying Dragon's Crown and Muramasa Rebirth in the meantime though.
i'm guessing it will be something like this
Ending spoilers.
Does anyone else have problems with "Adam and Eve" sorts of situations where there's only two humans left and they have to rebuild humanity? There'd be so much fucking inbreeding there's bound to be issues.
thanks anons
now im kinda bummed that i didnt start it on hard
well, at least i can switch it up, gonna try that before starting the third book
>tfw hating Muramasa Rebirth
>tfw loving Dragon's Crown
buying odin sphere is gonna be a complete gamble for me
Can you imagine Oswald fucking his daughters and Gwyndolin fucking her sons? and fucking your bothers and sisters? that shit is hot but creepy at the same time.
I'm enjoying her game so much
I don't have a Sony console but I'm playing on PCSX2. So far it's fucking great.
>Shit Tier
>crossbow cunt
Time to learn how to play the game.
Mercedes is literally untouchable if you play it right, I didn't die on a single Boss or Mid-Boss with her, not even Trials.
>fucking your bothers and sisters? that shit is hot but creepy at the same time
I got you covered
She's not like unplayable or anything, she's just absolutely no fun to play as and can't combo for shit.
Well, even if you aren't into Adam and Eve, most theories on how humanity came to be involves inbreeding, so there's no escape, we are born from common ancestors.
Also it's pretty much the Norse Creationism.
Gwendolyn is "Lif", Oswald is "Leifdrasir"; the Norse Adam & Eve; the remake is called Leifthrasir for this reason.
Fucking save for later
>can't combo for shit.
there's 2 more parts equally as long but I don't have them saved
ask around on Sup Forums
was this not on the ps2?
I was mainly butthurt that Mercedes and Ingway don't get a happy ending. Fuck that man, those two were my favorite pairing.
>best Atlus game of the year
But that's not Persona 5 or SMTxFE
>sit on the chair with socrates
>press up
>pet him
>sit on the chair with no cat, no book
>press up
>alice bounces up and down happily
Yes, it's the remake of a PS2 game from 2007.
pc port when?
>best Atlus game of the year
That's not much of an accomplishment considering the 'competition' it has.
pc cucks are so cute
>#FE came out last year
>P5 comes out next year
It's sad, but really, it makes their relationship more memorable.
and even if they both came out this year, they're both dogshit anyways and Odin Sphere would still be better
>A cucked game released next year that will be full of meme and no original audio
>A censored piece of shit
Will do user, you truly are a bro.
The last one is so cute
It begins
I got the platinum like a week ago. I'm letting to sit for a while before I play classic mode.
Mercedes best girl. I completely raped boss rush with her, although that may have been partly because she was level 91.
Press up while standing, sitting in the chair alone, and sitting in the chair with Socrates.
And all of those retards would pirate it anyway.
you can't say that about persona 5 because it ain't out yet, don't be a doofus. but it would have to be fucking godlike to beat Odin Sphere.
How does it run on the Vita?
So I just started and was wondering do I have to worry about stats or whatnot?
Looking at the thread, seems like I can max out everything right thru NG+?
>sequel to Persona 4
>any fucking chance at being any fucking good
fuck that shit series
It needs more Pooka girls
Mostly solid but subject to slowdowns when there's a lot of crap going on, 90% of the time it's going to be you causing it but the dorf ship does it sometimes too.
>le dual audio maymay xDDD
The English dub is at least as good if not better than jp. Fuck off weeb cuck
Congrats, you own a console that now has 3 good exclusive games on it.
>The English dub is at least as good if not better than jp
Do we have a full cast list? I pray every night that there's no Ashley Burch.
Well enough, it might feel something akin to frame drops on Trial Bosses and the Dwarven Airship, those pack in a shitload of enemies.
Otheriwise it runs fine.
Just worry about being some levels above the enemies and bosses, yes you can max out in NG+, it's unecessary though, getting levels after reaching Level 70 becomes a chore.
Oh the irony is painful here.
It's not a meme. Outsourced dubs are never in hell better than the multimillion dollar nip dub of P5, you're a cuck for taking cut content in the ass 6 months laters and finally, you're on Sup Forums so if weebs bother you, you're gonna need to fuck off first buddy.
It's really sad that Vanillaware seems to be the most subjected to console war fuckery. They're too good for this world.
these threads are pretty good compared to some other PS exclusives
>no pc version yet
Well, there you have your answer. Game looks cool though, will definitely try it if it gets on steam.