>C is crouch
C is crouch
>a game does a thing
>C is Cum Inside
what game?
>you didn't read the subject
>inb4 Barneyfag
>R is reload
>mfw this works for me because I have pinky on a, ring on w, middle on d, index on c, and thumb on spacebar.
>S is Suck
>can't remap controls
>can't remap controls
>arrows keys for movement
>mouse for looking
>C for crouch
>shift for run
>can't remap controls
>frequently have to press Z or X
>move with WASD
Sure, let me just relocate half the bones in my hand.
>you can remap controls
>change some keybinds
>tooltips still say to press the original key
I can't tell you how many times I've turned on my windshield wipers trying to put my car in drive because I was used to a column shifter for so many years
AA2 if you rebind the keys
>M is for dank Meme
>C to toggle crouch
>hold CTRL to crouch
>Mouse is disabled in menus
i hope you find salvation in heaven
What the fuck game does this though?
>Practically every game has CTRL as default for crouch
>I have to go rebind it to C
>I is for Inventory
>Can't rebind mouse functions or Shift, Ctrl and Alt
Why do games do this?
That's not MLP tho
>spacebar isn't jump
>spacebar is interact
>not E or F
>spacebar has 4 different functions
console ports, hoooooooooo
>action button isn't e
found the guy who's never played an MMO before
>X is action
>B is reload
>X doesn't do both
>Using the buttons on the side of the mouse to crouch instead of ctrl
>F is Pay Respects
>R doesn't reload. R gives you the option to piss on people
Would PPG be okay to post? Its the same shit made by the same faggot
>You stumble and fall
>You stumble and fall
>You stumble and fall
>You stumble and fall
I hate it, but I'm not going to get triggered by it now
>y is chat
i never understood this, i always need to map it to return
Because T is team chat in games where that's applicable, and Y is right next door.
had to hire a van to move house and the windshield wipers and indicators were reversed. The most angry i'd been in a long time
Why would I want to?
a variety of flash games
>One planet left
>ctrl is grenade
>press M for map