Continuing from because it was pretty comfy
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Tbh the tousaint armor is good looking except for the garbage trousers
I never got to use the dyes because the Ursine armor was perfect.
Thinking of doing New Game+ and using griffin.
comfy bump
trousers are the best part though
everything else is too platey, which is shit for a witcher
why did they ruin Feline armor with that hood
because only edgelords wear it
nothing personnell kid
Okay, I need to make some money because apparently I need like 15k for something in Blood and Wine.
Is it a timely thing, I mean, can it wait or do I have to pay those 15k in a specific moment?
I planned on dyeing griffin but I arrived at the conclusion that the original color scheme works best.
I guess green and grey are decent as well, the rest just looks kitschy.
Damien de la Tour
Bro or no?
Grandmaster Wolf with white dye is ohhh so goood.
retarded inept asshole
posting best girl
>not using
Ranking of witchers by skill
Tier 1
Tier 2
Lambert king of the wild hunt
Cat Witcher who killed the village
Unknown viper Witcher
Tier 3
Serrit and Auckes, shits got 1v2 by Geralt
Tier 4
Vesemir (would be tier 1 in his prime bu he's too old at this point)
>not rocking Iris + Aerondight
what's wrong with you?
How do you make money in this game guys?
I need shitloads for the grandmaster stuff
I'm sorry, but ciri is #1
Vesemir would've owned Ilmerith if he wasn't looking after Ciri. That's why Geralt had her split up before their fight.
Berengar should've been Tier 4, he chickened out on a lousy vampire hunt in W1.
would ciri be in that list or are we only counting real witchers that got their mutations?
They literally gave her Yen's ass and pants for one of her outfits. It had the same patterns and boots but was just recolored. Kind of lazy on cdpr's part.
Pickup everything you come across, sell it. Run around the map going from question mark to question mark and loot loot loot.
Runes in particular sell for a shit-ton.
Always sell all the stuff in your "other" category too, not only can it add up in money, but it takes up like half your inventory weight without you knowing.
>Anna Henrietta tearing off her dress
Muh dick
put on some glasses and the hood will go away
since witchers, by definition, have mutations, the answer is no, she shouldn't.
>4 seconds
>shit quality
gifs can't die soon enough
If you don't mind grinding you can keep clearing the Hanse bases over and over as long as you don't kill the leader(can't remember how long the take to respawn at the moment though), each run should net between 5-10k gold if you loot all the weapons and sell them.
Did they? I don't remember anything like that. But Yen is another top girl so that's ok by me.
Well she is a fucking cunt like yen so might as well have the same glorious ass.
I'm not that far in
The real bitch is finding shopkeeps with enough money. Poor bastards.
Liking Yen is a perfect sign of a man who has never in his life been in a relationship with a cunt. You think tsun-tsun is cool and cute in real life when it's actually a fucking torture
Dandelion must have been good looking guy 8~ years ago, since he banged her all the time.
Is that true? Holy shit I might actually craft it now.
IIRC you can get Aerondight quest as soon as you reach Beauclair.
Hoping for a good deal on Witcher 3 and all its DLC tommorow during the steam sale. Almost done with Witcher 2 and im looking forward to 3
>IIRC you can get Aerondight quest as soon as you reach Beauclair.
but you need to get a fuckton of requirements to get the sword.
So the manticore is basically the W1 outfit? BTW I plan to start W2, how should Geralt be played as if I were to go by the books? What's his personality? Morals?
This is probably one of the best Geralt moments in the Blood and Wine.
Ciri is an honorary Witcher but she isn't a real one she refers to herself as a witcheress and others do as well but it's just a title for her. Skill wise she's really good with a blade and is fast enough to defect a crossbow bolt though it nearly gave Geralt a heart attack. She could probably beat old Vesemir and Serrit and Auckes and Berengar cause she did bear bonhart in a 1v1 but she ain't taking anyone else in sword duel.
finished the game yesterday, i already want to replay the trilogy
It's worth the full prize
Well if you are building the grandmaster armor just sell everything you can to that guy, you basically just keep swapping money back and forth with him in some sort of weird symbiotic money relationship. I made that guy go from fucking rich to broke as shit to rich again so many times.
I would like to furiously fuck Annarietta, if you catch my drift ;)
I'm pretty sure you can do them all in one or two quests.
So I recently beat Witcher 2. Went Roche's path, had a lot of fun with the story, but the combat was pretty wonky. Is Witcher 3's combat as wonky as 2's?
>I dislike banter with my significant other
Fan girls who just swoon at everything you say are fucking boring
Give me a little challenge and adversity
Whiteknight but doesnt want to admit it
It's still wonky, but it's a lot less wonky, it's almost serviceable.
Didn't know Roach was a girl until recently.
Makes sense that Geralt would find a lady to ride though.
Good bois peronality
Witcher 3's combat is an improvement in every way. Still not what I'd call "great", but certainly better than witcher 2.
It's way better than Witcher 2 combat, but very similar to it.
Dark souls combat is better, but i still think Witcher 3's combat better than most people here say.
Remind me how the fuck Ciri would have trouble with that faggot vampire-kin thing she said she hunted
She can fucking teleport like a god damn mad man and dice shit up so easy.
Also how the fuck does she drink Black Blood and not die?
I ain't complaining because Yen's outfit is top tier and she has some nice legs and boots but yeah they did.
I always prefer a challenge. People are just different .
When I read that letter ingame for the first time, I instantly thought about /r9k/
Roach speaks with a californian dude accent though. It was very weird.
Toussaint is actually a very rich place in every way, a lot of the look you find sells for LOADS
dyes sell for a lot and are commonly found loot in containers everywhere
runes are the same, though more useful because runesmithing from HoS is ridiculously powerful
if an enemy drops a club of some sort, don't pick it up, but ALWAYS pick up swords, even the shit normal toussaint sword that the bandits use sells for quite a lot
also you will find more jewellery and precious stones than anywhere in the main game, because there are a lot more rich people in toussaint
also do the knight for hire missions, they are easy as fuck (except for the Hanse missions, those are just ridiculous but fun with the right build), always have good loot, and you get even more pay from the clerk in Beauclair for each one you do, there's about 15 in total
a lot of toussaint is actually quite well balanced about how much gold it gives you for the point in the game you are at (where everything costs a lot)
I was broke one second after buying crafting materials for grandmaster gear, then did some odd jobs here and there and suddenly I was 20K up
Who the fuck cares about dark souls.
Every choice is within his morality and morals. You're only changing the shades of his personality.
Yen is how a real relationship is, summerson.
>Not immediately having sex after months away because we have work to do and out daughter's in trouble.
>Not immediately having sex after weeks away because we're invited by friends for dinner.
>Not staying for desert in said dinner to go home and have weird fetish sex.
>Not spending every second telling each other "I love you" because we've been together long enough to know it's a fact.
>Not having to prove anything, just being there and doing what's best for our baby girl.
Every other romance is a romantic fling/high school romp. Yen is the real deal.
Ok, thank you guys. Will be picking up Witcher 3 tommorow when the Steam Summer Sale begins.
Friends are always the most important
Pretend to be a cynical hardass but be a moralfag at heart
Try to be politically neutral
Don't kill sentient monsters unless they really deserve it
Vampires can't be tracked with magic and some vampires can turn invincible, so yeah.
So, Yen's scene in Blood and Wine, is it good?
pls dont spoil
>runesmithing from HoS is ridiculously powerful
everyone says it's fucking shit and terribly overpriced
about to start a new playthrough to go through the DLC. I haven't played in a year.
strong or fast style?
fuck signs.
Don't forget doing insane things that offend everyone without even considering other options.
Maybe so but she doesn't have to talk to Geralt like he is fucking stupid and worthless. That's why I always pick Triss, it may just be a fling but I don't ever have to worry about her being an unrepentant cunt to me for no good reason.
you mean doing those things because time is ticking and your daughterfu might be in danger, right?
Fuck some bitches on the side but eventually commit to only Yen. Don't try to kill sentient monsters. Always accept some form of payment. Act like an asshole but still be a good man. There you go. Oh and don't be afraid to turn quests that don't involve monsters.
Every scene except Dandelion's is good and heartwarming
Its not that I think being in a relationship with a cunt is good. Its just that I think Geralt being in a relationship with a cunt is good.
He's an ass but he almost always does the right thing and protects his friends. He always tries to stay neutral and he almost never manages to stay neutral. He loves breaking curses, loves it. He doesn't kill sentient or unique monsters if he can help it, last resort only. Magic is fucking gay, swords all day with a side of potions.
I'm playing ng+ now and I've turned down payment several times so far. It isn't the Geralt thing to do but I am sitting on damn near 20k and I don't feel the need to fleece broke ass peasants for 100 crowns. Does that make me a bad witcher?
Are we all agreed that Dettleff absolutely had to die?
He was a near-invincible retard. Hundred of years old and still got rused like a teenager and tried to destroy a city over it. Also he killed a bunch of men because of said ruse.
Letting him live would be unacceptable, since you know he'd kill again eventually.
it's very easily abusable
for instance, grandmaster bear gives a % chance to instantly restore a quen shield if it breaks
you can get a runeword that instantly spawns a quen shield at the start of battle
you can also rune a sword to gain a buff depending on what signs are used; igni makes sword do additional flame attack, aard knocks back, etc
quen makes your next sword hit do ludicrous lifesteal
and if quen automatically pops from the bear gear, it still buffs my sword
unkillable, if anything could get through my shield, I could just use 1 strong attack to restore over 50% of my HP
even without that, the sword buff ability is amazing for mage builds, increases their melee damage drastically just by doing things they normally do in a fight and casting signs
>Don't hunt dragons
>Know a real bro when you see one ( he wears a chaperone and dresses in blue )
Then why are signs so prominent in the game? Does he use them in the books but sparingly?
A terrible one, yes. Imagine being a plumber and fixing people's sinks for free.
It's your fucking job, of course you take the payment.
>Can't fuck Anna Henrietta
I know why you can't lore wise but I so wanted to bang dat ass
They made Signs a significant part of Geralt's combat arsenal because of gameplay variety. In the books Signs are basically on par with cheap magic tricks and the only practical combat one he uses is Aard from my memory.
I don't blame him for trying to save what he thought was his kidnapped soul mate and as such killing people in pursuit of that task, I do blame him for throwing a bitchy tantrum and taking his anger out on innocents instead of who it should have been aimed at. So yeah he had to die.
He was a loose cannon and even Regis understood that by the end.
Because its a game and magic is fun in games.
In the books he only sparingly used them. His interest was alchemy and swords.
in one of the later books, Geralt comments that because it's been weeks since he took any sort of witcher potion, signs were almost impossible for him to do, he was limited to melee for most of the journey
bombs, knives and signs are mainly for the sake of gameplay variety, they feature very little in the books, there it's more about melee and potion use to make you better at melee
Anyone here actually play the game on death march from start to finish?
Honestly yeah if you are trying to rp book Geralt as the man will accept payment no matter what but book Geralt is also poor as dirt and a bum because he doesnt get much work.
>Imagine being a plumber and fixing people's sinks for free
That's what life is like for a plumber who has friends and/or family.
Interesting...more points to dump into melee stats then.
What if you were an insanely rich plumber who just enjoys doing his job?
I will say the game still gives you stuff if you turn down payment, like I got a ruby or some shit from a peasant as opposed to the 30 gold he wanted to give me.
You don't become rich by doing shit for free.
Because they needed a way to spice up combat.
Book signs are just shitty cantrips any wizard would laugh at. Igni is useful to light a torch or burn a rope, Axii can barely calm down a horse etc. The only signs he used in combat were Aard and rarely Quen and Heliotrope (completely different effect than in the game) and even then they had rather unimpressive effects compared to the games.
Signs are really weak and mostly used for utility or last resort trick
quen is your best friend
Signs are very pathetic but they got buffed to make the game play better. It's mentioned multiple times that signs are basically just cheap magic tricks. Ciri at 13 already learned how to cast a spell that was basically aard on steroids.
Im doing my first playthrough of the witcher 3 now, and im up to Novigrad.
I'm level 13 and am still just wearing the Warriors Leather Jacket, any armor i should be looking for?
Preferably medium armor
wolf school is great if you're going for a sign build.
i used a mis of sign and sword, got wolven armor, was breddy gud.