>this is your party
This is your party
Other urls found in this thread:
If you like traps you're a faggot.
Have all of the portraits been shown off yet?
I want to know what all of the Cestus class look like because fists are the best weapon and anyone who doesn't think so is a filthy filthy casual.
>being a faggot is bad
top kek mate keep being an oppressive little shit/10
>no Dragoon
>no Hound
>two midgets
shit party
>no traphound
into the fucking trash
Yeah no shit.
>Class Stacking
>Stacking a non-damage class
If you hate homosexuals, you're a dong.
There is literally zero class stacking in that picture.
>No Necromancer
It's shit.
Except none of the hounds are trap material.
My nigger.
im not so sure about that user
>any young looking male is a trap
Here. This has all of the basic portraits (no alt clothing colors yet, which are the 1a/2a buttons) and lets you customize the head colors.
Also a punching fan, but I'm just disappointed that at least one of the female portraits wasn't more like the Ranma monk in III or even a delinquent. Purple-haired monk seems a little dumb.
At least both guys look good, though.
*Purple-haired Cestus
if i was sent to fight in iraq and my squad was only little girls between age 8-16, then i would consider myself fucked
thank god for video games
>needing a party
>At least both guys look good, though.
This is the case for most the classes in V. I usually play all female parties, but I might have to make exceptions for V, seeing as the male portraits are great, while the female portraits are just awkward.
im surprised how well the male variants for the classes look in V
who else running old man dragoon in their party?
>this is your party
>no half-naked dancing loli
> No titty elf
> No flat elf
Shit party, would lead to death
>missing the point
>Grandpa Dragoon and Granny Hound
He looks like a boy to me, I don't know how you could think it's a girl.
Me, I'm going to edit his eye color and make it grey so I can pretend he's blind.
Wow I'm really fucking autistic.
>no dark elf
you done fucked up.
when does EO5 release?
man i like Himukais current artstyle a lot more than his previous one
im glad hes moving away from the weird boil faces that everyone had
Post Rickys
october for japan i think
maybe a year later for america and NEVER EVER for yuropoors
No this is my party. Well for the most part, I haven't decided 100% yet.
Looks nice, Granny hound is better though.
No tanks no play. I know tanks are optional, but why wouldn't you have one?! They are top tier in all the games.
Fencer is best girl in V