Why do people constantly drone on about this game taking no skill?

Why do people constantly drone on about this game taking no skill?

The skill ceiling on characters like widow maker, genji, macree etc... are all totally dependent on ones ability to aim well. Yes characters like reinhardt and mercy require almost no aiming, but that doesn't mean there isn't any skill involved in using abilities properly or positioning yourself, communicating to your team what you are doing or are capable of.

I know I can't aim for shit, I had trouble even getting to LEM in CSGO. So I know that I'll never actually be good at offensive or sniper characters in OW, even support characters like zenyatta. But this game is gonna to give people like me a shot to be the best at certain roles in a team composition if I have enough game knowledge and can work together in a team.

As far as "ults are free kills / let anyone be a god" this is totally no true at all. Every single ult except widowmakers walls has a very distinguishable audio que, which also gives off what direction it's coming from. Ult's also have counterplay, you can destroy riptire before it get to you, meis ult has a hefty delay giving you time to run, high noon makes macree walk at a snails pace and glow for an easy headshot or allow you to get behind cover, reinhards ult is a narrow cone allowing you to position yourself correctly in a teamfight, etc...

I don't understand where this sentiment comes from. Is it poorfags that wanted a F2P game? TF2 fanbois mad that something better has come a long? Or just autists that don't have any friends and are forced to solo que?

Skill in shooter?
All you do is shoot and aim
play a real fighting game

Skill in a fighting game?
All you do is move and combo
play a real city builder

With half of the heroes you dont even have to aim

Skill in a city builder?
All you do is build and manage.
play a real time strategy.

Name 4 heroes that don't gain an advantage by having better aim. I'm waiting nigger.


Skill in a rts?
All you have to do is build and maintain units
play a souls game

You dont need to be mechanically great to destroy teams at this game, you can be awful at aiming but if your able to get into a good position and get your ultimate off than GG.
I have always been bad at shooters, Overwatch is the first game where i can carry.

>you dont need to be mechanically great to destroy teams at this game
what if the opposing team are?
>get into a good position and get your ultimate off than GG
killed before pulling off your ulti because other team are mechanically great
you've never played it, what was the point in this post?

Skill in a souls game?
All you have to do is roll and parry
play a jrpg.

The better you are mechanically the more ults you'll get.

This game can snowball if one team is straightup better at aiming.

You can be mechanically good but stupid as fuck, its easy to get behind teams and wreck shit as reaper

It's easy to get behind shitty pub teams with no voice comms sure. But it only take one person to hear the reaper audio que for his teleport and then they just say something on voice comms and your done.

Ults have counter play, it's not fucking godmode or guaranteed kills you retard.

>Ults have counter play
mccree exists

I only constantly drone on about people actually taking it competitively

Skills in a RTS?
all you do is smash blobs together
play a real grand strategy game

I dont disagree with what your saying, but the nature of abilities and ultimate's give the less skilled players an actual chance to get shit done by outsmarting or predtiction, also tick rate, retarded hitboxs and rng dont help. Overwatch is a casual fest

>it's high noon

Get behind cover
kill the glowing red cowboy that is stationary (easy headshot).


you forget
>reinhardt shield
>winston shield
>zarya shield
>mei ice block
>reaper wraith form

the game is full of shit to make bad players feel like they're contributing, or not realize that they aren't contributing. ults, end-of-match cards, no scoreboard, etc. It has that little league Everybody Wins mentality.

You literally cant defend this

>Or just autists that don't have any friends and are forced to solo que?

This, same retards that complain about mobas on Sup Forums.

What rng? Other than the map choice for KOTH, I cant really thinkmof any rng in the game.


>I've never played this game the post

>Mercy's Pistol
>Reinhardt's Fire Strike
Ill give you the other two

Why would I? It's an unranked game

>It's a healslut mercy who never uses her pistol episode

so 3 heroes out of 21, nice "half the cast" there bud.

Hanzo's scatter arrow is rng

it's a projectile with travel arc.


>getting outsniped by hanzo as widow
>getting outsniped by hanzo WITH YOUR ULT UP

just kill yourself

same reason why league of legends gets shit on for having a low skill ceiling. compared to other games in their genres they lack complexity and elements that contribute to a competitive sense of emergent gameplay.

also, both games have a strict "meta" that punishes players for experimenting with tactics and pushing the envelope of what the competitive reality of the game looks like.

also, both are HEAVILY team-based, in the sense that skill at the individual level is secondary to larger, broader weaknesses on you team.

It's simple geometry

Yes I can. It makes the character easier to play. Go back to Arma for your realism bitch.


That's true, but Fire strike is a huge ass projectile with a 10 second cooldown, its way easier to hit something than with Lucio or D.va's babby bullets, and its not something you'd be firing off regularly.

Mercy's peanut gun does crappy damage and she should be beaming teammates most of the time, since her blue beam enables teammates to put out far more damage than she ever will, and if she's caught in a situation where she's alone and needs to defend herself, she's pretty much fucked anyway.

Skill in a jrpg?
All you have to do is level and level
play a real puzzle platformer

Success breeds jealousy friend

>They actually defended retarded hitboxes

>autists that don't have any friends and are forced to solo que?

You just described 95% of Sup Forums

>people who say gg when it wasn't gg

these are the actual toxic people in video games now

gg is completely fucking meaningless

When I say gg I really mean git gud. gg ez.

In the PTR notes they say they made the Widow sound audible map-wide. I played 3 games. 2 were ruined by quitters and the 3rd had us defending in a payload map.

holy shit

Considering it's not ranked I have no problem with that

>Why do people constantly drone on about this game taking no skill?

the game has a huge skill ceiling but people say it requires no skill because the skill is less-so about the fps mechanics and more-so about the lol/dota inspired hero mechanics at most levels of play, that's not to say fps skill won't get you anywhere but unless you're a 6 man party or at tourney level of play what trumps fps ability is ability to accurately pick heroes to counter the enemy team (and subsequently be proficient in all the heroes so you won't die to hard counters so long as you're better than they are)

for instance, nobody cares about "top fragger" hanzo or widowmaker when they're letting the enemy team win the game attacking on gibralta because they won't do anything to contest the payload barring picking off the weaker characters for instance - the enemy team won't even have to tech to kill the hanzo/widowmaker if they're hard countering the other 5 people on the team so well

>mccree exists

good mccree: get behind cover(hero or otherwise) before it becomes instakill
bad mccree: start shooting him, at worse he'll only use his ult on you and at best he'll pop it early before it's an instakill or you just outright kill him

there's arguably 2 ultimates that you can't avoid, widowmaker naturally, and a tracer ultimate slapped directly on your forehead from a good tracer player, the rest are so situational that they'd have to be trying hard to kill you and even harder to kill the enemy team

I can't remember who but someone summed it up well, in closed beta a good ultimate would turn the tides of the game, in open beta or at launch you need two good synchronous ultimates to to do anything meaningful (e.g., zarya and hanzo)

>genfil deflect to send the bullet back at him

>ults have counter play
There is literally not a single thing you can do against rez or walls

Zarya, reaper, roadhog, pharah, junkrat require no aiming either

>There is literally not a single thing you can do against rez

...kill them again?

Are you fucking retarded?

That doesn't counter the rezz you fucking retard

>Name 4 heroes that don't gain an advantage by having better aim.

not him but the following heroes have elements to them where they don't require decent aim to be played well so long as you're capable in other areas

bastion on defence, mei, torborn, d.va, reinhardt, winston, zarya, lucio, mercy, symmetra

of course you can always distinguish the players who can't aim with these heroes and some do require some degree of aim but for the most part if there's no high mobility characters it's so laughably low fps skill required it isn't even funny

but for the most part I'd prefer any of these heroes played by players that can't aim well but can at least play somewhat competently to a second genji/tracer/hanzo/widowmaker/whatever

Face it kid, this is a pissbabby shooter for toddlers. Fucking splatoon has a higher skill ceiling and requirement.

Also had more content

Skills in a puzzle platformer?
All you have to do is look up answer guides.
Play a real rhythm game.

Skills in a rytheme game?
All you have to do is feel the beat
Play a investigation game

Skill in a rhythm game?
All you have to do is be black
Play a bullet hell game

>There is literally not a single thing you can do against rez or walls

wew lad 2 out of 21 ults don't have direct counters

res is powerful but it's literally never an issue if you always kill the medic and is so very rarely more than 2-3 people, and walls isn't as much as an issue as people make it out to be when hanzo has it as a cooldown ability

>can't fucking aim
>can't fucking move the mouse on to people and click
>thinks he can say anything about skill

congrats on embarrassing yourself. maybe get your fucking multiple sclerosis checked out before posting more.

Skill in an investigation game?
All you have to is deduce
Skill in a bullet hell game?
All you have to do is dodge
Play a Lucas Arts point and click game

Skills in an investigation game?
All you have to do is object
Play a multi-user dungeon game

Lucas Arts point and click game? All you do is point and click.
Play a real waifu simulator game.

Skill in a videogame?
All you have to do is not be a mouthbreathing retard.
Try posting a good thread on Sup Forums.

This game needs no skill

git gud

No skill game is correct. All you do is hit targets with your abilities, spam jump and move side to side. Some characters don't even require all of that.

It's called making sure mercy is one of the 1st killed always.

Spam control game doesnt take as much skill as shooting heads. You can do it all with controller which tells enough. Sorry if you are obsessed with it but its very casual.

>Zarya beam doesn't require aim
>roadhog hook doesn't require aim
>pharah does any damage from splash damage

>killing someone again doesn't counter the fact that they're alive again

>move mouse cursor
>press rm1
>woah I'm so skilled guise
fps is a joke

>he doesn't know

>It's the "It's not ranked" argument

its a meme

>bastion on defence

Stopped reading right there, you are a fucking retard.

>tf2 has this problem too
>no one gives a shit
>suddenly it's in overwatch and everyone loses their fucking mind

maybe read his post one more time before posting genius.


Sauce, please? google gives nothing.


But that's wrong, not every teammate you boost puts out more damage than her, it's only 30% more. Her gun does 20 damage with no falloff and 5 shots per second, making it 100 dps in total. That's not crappy damage considering Genji for example does 84. I've even killed a Bastion sentry once since it took him too long to get to cover. If there is nobody to heal, I rather whip out the pistol now than boosing somebody who's not a Pharah, Junkrat or Soldier, I feel like it makes me a little harder to spot too since there is no bright blue beam visible from a mile away.
Also, play Mercy yourself, you won't believe how often your teammates abandon you and leave you alone. Then she can at least defend herself a little, even tho you're right, she's fucked most of the time, but not all the time.

Haha get it? Cause she's dead
this is the rwby girl right?

search for Kumiko or Lucio on rule34 paheal net