>Game's sequel has almost none of the original staff working on it, and it shows
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>Game's sequel has almost none of the original staff working on it, and it shows
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Dark Souls 2
Diablo 3
Max Payne 3
Haha It's the
>Dark souls 2 is bad meme even tho is literally Demon's Souls 2
Okamiden. It was so bad they didn't even know what happened in the first game
Max Effect 2
Dead Rising 2 is a guess
343i Halo
Obligatory Dark Souls 2 post.
I didn't say that the game is bad.
Your step sister
Max Payne 3
strangely enough Rockstar did everything right but the cutscene/gameplay ratio
Saints Row The Third
Mercenaries 2
So these frog pictures just keep getting worse and worse huh? Truly a representation of the people that post them
Came here to say this.
I have hundreds of hours in every other gears of war installment, I bought an Xbone just for the ultimate edition and I consider it a justified purchase just for that.
However, this is quite literally the worst game I have ever played.
>Modern Warfare 3 nowhere in the thread
There's a large amount of people who dropped the series because they're burnt out on it.
Demon´s souls 2 would never be that slow, if anything BB is Demon´s souls 2, DS2 fans are retarded
I got the game for free with Games with Gold way back when and even I felt ripped off.
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
Harry potter and the goblet of fire. Each game after prizoner of azkaban had no heart
drakengard 2
twisted metal 3
Front Mission Evolved
Shit Souls 2 XD
Half Life 3 will if it ever gets made.
Fallout 3
Halo 4
Dead Space 3
Dragon Age: CISquisition.
This game looks like complete shit, Nintendo is fuckin' done.
The Darkness 2. Fairly stark contrast between the first and this one.
And of course it ended on a cliffhanger for a third game that will most assuredly never come
Guild Wars 2
he strangely looked like captain commando
How the fuck is bloodborne DeS2? It'd never be that fast.
Metroid Prime
Fallout 3. Even 4 is better by virtue of it actually trying it's own thing. God i fucking hate 3.