Sure would be neat to get some TA.
RTS Thread
I don't know what it is but something about that game is so visually pleasing
>mfw those farms and some fields in Anno games
So I've seen this posted for years, but never went back to play it. People get triggered like it's sub-optimal, but can I get some analysis on it?
esports killed the RTS genre
prove me wrong
>The farms do not fit perfectly around the building that you usually build your farms around
>they are off by just a little
Wait, is that all?
I think the only people who freak out about it being "sub-optimal" are esports weenies
Probably because now games are like this
I want to play a fantasy RTS like warcraft.
What do you guys recommend?
It's just one of those annoying things, like these tiles
It could be very neat but it's off by just that much that it's bothersome
Literally the only vidyas I still play are SC1, WC3, Dawn of War (with mods, ofc), Red Alert 2, AoEII, and various Total Wars.
I wish more RTS games went for more units instead of better graphics
I like have ten million shitty soldiers to charge against the enemy
theres a cossacks sequel in the works
Who /rome 2 DEI/ here
Oh fuck I forgot about that
Is there any word on a release date?
>AOE2 just randomly crashes everytime a game goes on for longer than 1.5 hours
I don't understand.
Any good RTSs that came out in the past 5 years besides Starcraft?
Idk, I don't play much rts, but maybe age of mythology?
No, obviously not
Especially since it's been like a decade since fantasy/medieval/ancient RTS came out and those are the only good ones
Armies of Exido is pretty fucking good
Anyone played this? Outpost 2. I always found it so pleasing to play, comfy. The graphics were not amazing but the colony felt somehow alive. COMFY.
fuck okw
Oh fuck Output 2 was my jam as a kid.
I'd play on those big maps with no enemies or disasters and just build.
Looks fun, thanks famicon
You're almost right. Starcraft is the cancer that killed RTS, slowly but surely from the day of its release.
>farms take 3x3
>Mills take 2x2
The fucking story was GOAT. Love that game.
Okay guys, I am fucking retarded, sorry for my bad English but is it possible removing the population cap for AoE 2 HD for Steam?
Up to 500 I think? I wouldn't recommend over 300 though. In big games the engine shits itself.
I don't want any limit, I want big battles like American Conquest, very suggested
Tilefucker pls
You won't want it when you can no longer select any units.
If it worked better I'd go unlimited too. I feel you.
At 500 it is almost unlimited though. It's hard to have that many units unless you are playing on easy and cruising.
Do you have any of the expansions? Might need forgotten for 500.
Go read "A Scotsman in Egypt" for something good.
Grey Goo was pretty good, ex westwood devs made it, Frank did the soundtrack.
it's very C&C but without the cheesy storyline, adopted the moba controls of QWER for abilities and actually innovated the genre letting you build literally everything at the simple push of QWER if you take the time to learn the simple system.
>mfw never get to experience the golden age of RTS and actually get good and not be shit on by people that have been playing a single game for at least a decade
>mfw will never play AoM and Pharaoh again for the first time
Yes, you are rigth, thanks for the info
The only thing that getting gud requires is catching a replay with an optimized queue and practicing.
Has anybody tried the Halo Wars 2 beta?
I enjoyed it but i'm not an RTS guy so I don't know if it's actually good or not
>mfw reading the introduction and concept
I don't get it. This is how I do it and it looks fine.
Fishing Ships > Farms
How are those new RTS games? Grey Goo and that other one.
And how tempted should I be to grab C&C Generals with that Shockwave mod? (Or a different mod?)
Star Wars Empire at Wars is a good game
Reminder that Supreme Commander 2 is good but Sup Forums shits on it like they would on any new RE game.
Game? This is a cute little animation
I'm willing to consider it as its own game as not as a sequel, and while it does have its good points the whole thing is shallow and often silly. Particularly all the Experimentals.
Also, the single-player campaign is downright insulting. SupCom 1's campaign was bare-bones but you could at least take it seriously on its own terms.
We both know it's not.
I can't play it without Thrawn's Revenge.
The upgrade system and units are shit, and the factions don't seem very unique. It also has poor startup because of this.
TA is supreme on that front, and maybe FA.
Offworld Trading Company.
Shhhhhh HAH
It's decent, but I have enough complaints about it that I tend not to play.
I especially hate that on some maps you can get experimentals up and running before a decent amount of normal units even reaches your base
Who /starwarsgalacticbattlegorunds/ here?
Anything worth getting in the sale tomorrow? Was thinking about getting Age of Mythology and SupCom.
>new coh 2 patch
>OKW mains uninstalling the game
feels fucking GOOD
>bought Civ5 + DLC a month ago
>have played 0.0 hours of it
>spam apple orchards
>infinite foods
>usf okw brits >usf okw brits >usf okw brits >usf okw brits >usf okw brits >usf okw brits >usf okw brits
tfw soviets and wehr never get any cool stuff
tfw soviet vehicles getting fucked even harder now
how? no more shrek blobs means all allies, including soviets, actually have a vehicle phase now
your m3/t70/t34 wont get instantly blown up from a volk sneezing on it
even fucking better volks LOSE their faust after vet 3 from a bug, theyre completely defenseless
Age of Mythology has a nice campaign, but I'd recommend pirating it as the remakes are pretty soulless(and the new expansion was completely broken on release, so they clearly don't give a shit.) It's multiplayer is okay but not great. I'd advise just pirating it(probably the original, rather than the HD) and playing the campaign.
You buy supcom for its expansion, and you buy its expansion to play Forged Alliance Forever. Great multiplayer, mediocre singleplayer.
Depends on how comfortable you are with either game style as well.
>volksfaggots now have fausts and much more powerful anti-inf
>raketens now have proper AT gun range, still with invisibility/retreat/garrison
Installed it again this week and that shit just happened, how do I fix it? Google doesn't know shit
Im on W7 ultimate
you can just kite fausts, just like you did before when it was soviet v ostheer
their stg44 upgrade is not at all that impressive, soviets especially have the tools to deal with it
maxims or shocks or even just dp guards will be enough to completely stop volks, they no longer can just walk up to your mg and flame nade it anymore either
raketens are still not that much of an issue, considering how weak they are to infantry fire, you can just gun it down with a buffed t34/76 now if you get a good rng shot
Is AoM worth getting? is it better than AoE 2?
It's different. Most would say that it isn't better.
It's smoother, but unit orders and building placement are a lot more floaty without the clear grid.
The campaign is great, and the myth stuff is integrated fairly well. The visuals and the audio is also great.
As I posted before, I'd recommend just pirating the original and just playing the singleplayer though.
>2nd Soviet mission
I really need to reply this gem.
I think I'm just a shitter desu. I can handle ostheer just fine, but bads playing okw always walk all over me somehow, or it's this retarded struggle that goes on for an hour. everything about them triggers me so hard. all their units seem to have so many bells and whistles. everything they have is some kind of special snowflake with 10 abilities
It uses an entirely different engine so you can't really compare the two, as I love them both
Which one should I play, Sup Forums?
Only the space battles
Rise of nations, my personal favorite RTS of all time
Rise of Nations or Warhammer 40K: Dark Crusade
i wont admit that okw is fair, i fucking HATE playing against okw, it makes me want to cut myself
there was always a serious issue prepatch that spamming volks and stalling for kts was an actual legitmate strat to do because what do you need vehicles for when you have shrek blobs?
playing against OKW is just a ticking time bomb, just waiting for their panthers, kts, stukas and obers to all swarm the field, but maybe now allies can turn this around with clowncar penals, double USF mortars and vickers bren openings and just completely shit on them early game
I like RTS's, but I've never enjoyed them competitively for the same reason as fighting games. All people do is look up guides and watch videos on the most efficient combos and do them over and over and over again which is just lame from the standpoint of someone who wants to play around and try new things. I never understood why starcraft called itself "battle chess" when it's very much a solved game.
the most fun I've had with rts is being garbage at them and playing with my m8s who are also all garbage
I feel you. I love the genre but I'm fucking terrible at it.
I just want friends who play rts who are garbage at them. All my friends who play/played were big into the MLG thing going on and it's a fucking joke how hard I get stomped.
Good fucking taste. These and AoM are my list toppers.
I don't know in what order.
I really need to find my old Star Wars ISOs.
Fuck that slow ass mission. I just raided Northumbria and built the wonder because it would take forever to actually fight all the the Celts and Britons with their dozens of castle/fortresses.
try some Wargame or men of war.
>playing with friends on men of war
>four of us vs. 2 insane AI
>we set up defensive zones and do everything we can to hold the AI back
>for every move we make the computer is like 10 steps ahead
Fuck if it isn't fun though. I love co-op "comp stomps".
My nigga
Galactic Battlegrounds was my first RTS.
Despite all the wild imbalances (Jedi/Sith Masters are WMDs) I still look upon it fondly.
I'm of two mind regarding the Clone Campaigns. On the one hand, it's more diverse, has more heroes, better graphics, and adds cool new factions. On the other hand, the Republic seems way OP and Air Cruisers make Cannons feel obsolete.
Except every startup has counters.
Air cruisers are my only real complaint about the Clone Campaigns.
Anyone wanna play AoE2 HD?
I could host a game
Nostalgia feels great
I-Is Dawn of War 3 d-dead before release?
Think you missed the entire point where I explained that I'd prefer not to learn counters and startups when I play.
I came to post this.
I just want to kill people because of this shit.
>inb4 making a road
Thats ok tier, but still.
>Play RTS
>Refuse to build army until I have max tech
Fucking rushers making me leave my comfort zone.
it's like an OCD thing. Don't want to do anything until I have the best possible shit available.
yeah just look at the state of coh 2