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Welcome to the casualfest that is Overwatch.
You got fucked for pretending to be a sneaky little pussy on the roof tops. Whats the problem?
>standing still as a sniper
You brought this on yourself.
pick zero
This game is fun but anyone who thinks its got a competitive future is in for another HotS
That's fucking sad.
A flaw in a game.
People want to play it competitively, but OP won;t allow it, due to this flaw.
The quest for a flawless game that people are allowed to play competitively continues.
Okay wow that is really bad. Thats like UMvC3-tier hitboxes.
I haven't seen anything this bad while actually playing.
It's bad enough in pubs. How do you think the """""pro's""""""" will feel about this?
watching those makes me sad and angry at the same time.
>can't have fun with the game because forced to heal all the time
>can't even have fun with healing because the only fun healer is useless in a group of uncoordinated shitters
I just want to play Zenyatta ;_;
you do realize that mvc3 hitboxes are that way so its not fucking impossible to keep juggling/comboing right?
Plus he's squishy as fuck
>not only do you get killed around corners thanks to 20 ticks
>all projectiles got huge hitboxes too
Goes to show it's a console shooter
Funny, the webm wasnt showing your mom walking around.
That can be dealt with with a decent team - or just a non-retarded Reinhardt
Why haven't they fixed this yet? I mean seriously, all they have to do is make the hitboxes appropriately sized
Not to mention tryhards will tell you to play Mercy or Lucio instead
I read that post on reddit too!
Seems like a balancing decision. Would you prefer it if their heads were bigger so that it made sense?
Your fucking point? Like that fucking justifies it lamo
Thanks for letting us know that you browse Ribbit.
Because then all the casual fucks wouldn't be able to hit anything anymore and quit the game
>hitting people behind corners
>its for balance
Nah, peeps would prefer you should at the fucking head area. Jesus christ you overwatch babies
I would prefer it if the environment hitboxes stopped the arrows so you couldn't get kills from around cover. And maybe make it so that it doesn't prioritize headshots so hard.
Or just switch to Torb
Where do you think these webms are from?
Because they did this on purpose. They made all hitboxes fuckhuge so shitters with bad aim can still get free kills and feel good about themselves.
Other players.
>peeps would prefer you should at the fucking head area.
Guess again. We're all reddit now.
Considering that Hanzo is trash, he needs it.
On my phone, shoot*
Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Back to the subject
So why can't hit boxes be like this now?
I get that for console fags, but what's the excuse for PC?
Especially considering that people have finally learned how to avoid his ult
Why are hit boxes so hard to do in games?
laziness. PC and console version are 100% the same. This of course means we will get nerfs for characters like torbjorn because console shitters are unable to aim for his turret
Because non-explosive characters would be useless?
>it's not a box
is that supposed to be hitbox priority?
>tfw Sup Forums steals from reddit
how the mighty have fallen
No, fuck no, change everything else, damage and abilities.
But sacrificing aiming in a fucking FPS is stupid as fuck.
CSGO moves at a faster rate than overwatch and people are capable of hitting these precise targets without missing. Get fucking good. If csgo players can hit an anemy moving at faster speeds with a smaller hitbox it isn't the characters problem it's the players
non-explosive projectile
because that might make the game have some form of skill needed to play
Ill hit your box you fuck
How'd you know it was reddit?
>inb4 someone else said it
The dumbest post I've ever read on this site and that is saying something.
i notice this shit right away especially with roadhog in beta
>see him aiming directly at you
>don't move
the collision boxes of projectiles are very large to make up for their travel time vs the 0 travel time of hitscan weapons.
projectile weapons are getting headshots around corners because blizzard forgot to add a line of sight check for projectiles to stop it from happening.
Naw, it's damage or something
i thought forced 50% was a meme, i was at 58%, i just want to have fun but unless i play something i can carry with i lose every time
it's called quick play
Overwatch child detected
>doesn't matter if there's a wall, move!
Not how it works, faggot
Are you defending the stupidly huge hitbox? because i'm pretty sure even if he was moving he still would have gotten headshotted
Considering you just posted an image from a game where people can't figure out if it's garbage netcode or shitty hitboxes that are deleting perfect headshots I think it's perfectly understandable why there are generous hitboxes in Overwatch. I just wish they weren't so big as to allow you to hit people around corners.
I dominated my first half dozen games with my buddy. The next bunch were a nightmare of rape.
It goes to show you, as long as you have fun visuals and quirky character designs, your game can be bad and successful.
weapons in csgo are hitscan
this game is a fucking joke, the fact i cant set mouse sensitivity to what i want it to be with the in game adjuster, it feels like a fucking console port. What ever happened to 3.5 sens or 3.4 blizz?
id prefer it they atleast made the hitboxes on Pc match the character models. I can understand it being casualized like that for consoles with shitty controllers, but on PC there is no excuse and desu its the only thing keeping me from buying the game.
If they ever fix the hit boxes il pick it up THAT day.
>It's acceptable to be able to be hit when completely behind cover by a projectile moving passed you
hey, it's simple! just walk in, self destruct, walk out
it's not bad, but this is an oversight that probably needs to be corrected.
projectile weapons shouldn't be doing that, and it's not a hard fix either
fps game on console lmbo
Still OP?
Not with these cosmetic skins can it be so accurate
how the fuck is this not bad? i cant bait out hanzo shots because he can just hit me around the fucking corner happens once a game at least when i play against him
The game is pretty bad, It got stale for me really quickly.
I'm considering just selling my account for 30$, all neo-bliz games suck ass
>this still works on xbone
Fucking what are xbones shitters that bad?
lel what a surprise
>>tfw Sup Forums steals from reddit
god damn these fucking noobs, look Sup Forums IS reddit. Do I have to tell you the story? jesus christ, Sup Forums was a spinoff from reddit to be originally a image hosting site, things changed and instead it turned into a imageboard for people to let loose and have fun so ya as we say here GTFO!
You mean like shit?
Counterstrike has garbage netcode and its form-fitting hitboxes aren't a positive. When the shooter hears a headshot noise, sees a bloodsplatter spraying out of the enemy's head and yet the game decides "NOPE doesn't count", you can fuck right off with that trash.
If you want a proper good example, you look at Call of Duty which has perfect client-server sync by means of client rollback and per-pixel hit detection for hitscans.
What do you expect? They can't turn around nearly as fast.
isn't that PS4? I thought Xbone has a Y button instead of Triangle
its really not hard to make skins that are roughly the same shape as the base character models. If they ruined their own game by making skins that are way different of shape than the character models its their own fault and they will never get my money.
>RT and LT
It would be l2 or r1 and l1 on ps4 I play on ps4 with my shitty friends
>boxes have to be box shaped
i mean the game, not the headshot thing. like i said, projectiles need a fucking los check for headshots because this one dumb thing happens without it.
its still a good game.
i'm the guy who uploaded the webm and yeah it was ps4.
so the bone binding for ult is Triangle? how do they use their ult
because it would heavily nerf Hanzo.
That's not a box, that's a round
box is not a shape dumbass
the thing that needs fixed is a lack of los check, not the size of projectile hitboxes
Pick both