No offense but why is this game censored? Do Americans plan to shelter children from knowing titties exist forever? You are going to have a new generation of kids growing up not knowing what a titty is for what reason ? And anyway if your kid goes to public school chances are they are going to know what a titty is.. I mean we live in a world where Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj show off their titties all the time on television.. what is it about titties that make the white Christian mom mad... they should remove their own titties if they hate them so much
No offense but why is this game censored? Do Americans plan to shelter children from knowing titties exist forever...
You have never loved anyone, and you never will.
>everyone else i being a slut, why are they being different!!!!!!
Calm down, Jimmy, no one is going to censor your Playboy books.
It's the good ol' 4kids scam.
A bunch of nonessential changes are made just so the people making the changes get paid more. The higher ups don't really know or care why so many changes are made, so they just sign the check.
>They spent more time censoring the game instead of proofreading it
Trying to get a T rating, so it can sell to a wider audience, considering it's such a niche game.
Objection. Plenty of T rated games can be lewd, like Senran Kagura. This is Nintendo appeasing the SJW crowd because they know they'll run their reputation through the dirt and that'll making getting the casual/family market back harder.
thank you for not being offensive
>Censoring a bridal dress to get a T rating.
>implying any of what their censored is preventing them from getting a T rating
You're retarded
American women must be virgins forever. They may never marry.
Nintendo's scared of getting bad press. Tomodachi Life blew up in their faces so they're going full ham on the 'family friendly' look
unfortunately they've gone retard mode with their decisions
I would agree with this, but Atlus was doing the localization under NoA's instruction I'm sure.
I don't understand.
>No offense but why is this game censored?
Nintendo Treehouse.
Hell, both Senran Kagura games released on Nintendo Systems came over like 99.9% altered (the 0.1% is superficial)
You put a letter in an envelope.
An envelope envelops the letter.
>Calm down, Jimmy, no one is going to censor your Playboy books.
Except they've already started doing that
Porn doesn't have to be nude to be considered porn.
There's that rumor that they get paid more for changes. Which make sense considering how much pathetically trivial stuff has been censored like that girl who had her arm color changed to white to give the impression she was wearing something.
see thread
>making any sort of changes = more work for localizers or dev team
>more work = more paycheck
Oh, okay.
That's not censorship. That's Playboy realizing they can't compete with the internet porn market and changing their target market.
>a shift in direction to accommodate changing demographics and markets in the realm of inexpensive and easily accessible internet porn is now "censorship"
This is the guy who's job was to proofread
No offense, but why does it matter?
It's a great game and if you can't get over a few costume changes you need to have your priorities checked.
people think content getting removed to licensing issues is censorship.
the Ikkitoucen girls not being in Estial Versus
The Golden Age armors not being in Dragon's Dogma PC port
While that's possible, they also censored swimsuits out of the new Fatal Frame, which was rated M, so there's gotta be more to it.
Contrast that with the pokemon games, which have no problems showing girls in bikinis. Pokemon, while published by Nintendo, is localized by The Pokemon Company, not Treehouse.
So here we have two different games, both published by Nintendo. The one that Treehouse is in charge of, has bikinis removed, despite being a game that's aimed at an older audience. The one that Treehouse isn't involved with, have bikinis intact, despite being an E-rated game aimed at children.
>not giving him an envelope opener for him to commit sudoku with
Because I want to experience the game as the developers intended, not some sjw cucks
>a few costume changes
I don't think the developers intended for people to play the game for the tits. You're treating this like its supposed to be some type of hentai game.
None of the game mechanics were changed.
The difficulty wasn't baby-fied.
The plot wasn't changed.
Personalities weren't changed.
"Because i want to experience the game as the developers intended"? Who the fuck are you even try to fool with that nonsense? You're ignorant as fuck.
I don't think they intended for this to succeed. I think they wanted it to fail so they could say "SEE! We told you games like this don't sell!" and go back to localizing Mario games only. RPGs are too much work for NoA. It's easier to just translate "Serectu modu" than pour over millions of kanji.
I never mentioned tits though? Does nudity trigger you?
>I don't think the developers intended for people to play the game for the tits.
This fucking guy.
Australia had a problem with the game and ruined it for everyone.
I get the point of the picture, but why the fuck do people feel the need to bloat the fucking resolution this much? Even on a damn 1080p monitor, you can only see like 5% of the picture when expanded. It makes it a huge pain in the ass to read the damn thing.
Because Nintendo of America promised they would stick to the original and they went back on their word.
>The plot wasn't changed.
Found the liar.
Except a subplot was changed to accomodate the censoring.
And your comparison to hentai is pathetic. It is obvious you seek to poison to conversation by shaming. You are being a backwards puritan by insinuating that (1) getting off is evil and (2) all apparent expression of sex exists solely for getting off. Do you really think people masturbated to A Clockwork Orange? Do you get a woodie every time you see someone with exposed shoulders or a short skirt?
Incidentally the dungeon changed was about shame of expressing sexuality, which seems relevant to you and your issues.
God damn, and I thought nips were bad about
>muh purity
Do you mean unaltered?
IIRC, I think the 0.1% you're referring to are the girls' ages?
>Entire game revolving around waifu idolshit
>"The developers didn't intend for people to play the game for the tits"
Like it or not, the developers made a design choice and put skimpy outfits in there for a reason, man.
It's like choosing to watch the edited for TV version of a movie over the uncut version. After all, the plots the same, they just cut out the swearing and nudity.
The European versions actually remove dressing room dialogue.
>Do you mean unaltered?
>IIRC, I think the 0.1% you're referring to are the girls' ages?
>Plenty of T rated games can be lewd, like Senran Kagura
Senran Kagura is rated M not T senpai
Can't they just patch the game?
The first one was rated T
>update size: 1KB
>patch notes:
>- licked and sealed away a typo
what is the context of that photo anyway? did he own up to it on twitter?
>cross to bear
user there's hundreds of great games, wonderful games that all of us have yet to play. I'm not missing out.
That's fine, if anything about Nintendo's year of censorship has reminded me it's not to buy region locked consoles and practice my moon.
Fuck off Nintendrone NoA is garbage and I'm pirating this shit because of them
Wait, Pokemon Gen 7 swimsuits aren't getting censored? Cool. I never played the past Gens after 2 so I dunno how those were treated when it came to swimsuits.
Y'know people say Japan has shit taste, but they were smart enough to let this game bomb, while the American weebs are eating it up despite it being censored to hell and back
It's a shame because the girl is cute
Literally the reason I am done with Nintendo after 3DS and Wii U are done. Fuck region locking and fuck NOA with their dumbass censorship armageddon. I'm sticking with Sony and PC for now on.
IIRC Swinsuits have never been censored in Pokemon.
Well shit. Going to get Gen 7(Moon) and maybe 6(X) and past titles to catch up.
Who cares? There'll be a text swap patch for the JP version within the month.
>Showing skin is bad
>Showing me those birthing hips through a tight skirt is totally prudish
Fapping to both. Brides are my fetish.
What the fuck? She looks she was tarred and feathered.
Why do I get the feeling that this dude hasn't played a SMT game before and only started playing FE with Awakenings.
The consensus from Japanese players seemed to be that this was like babby's first SMT. It simplified and casualized it way too much. That might explain way reviewers are eating it up.
Damn that swimmer. Would fap, but she has the same name as a girl I once had feelings for, but found out dislikes me.
>No offense but why is this game censored?
SJWs have vietnam flashbacks whenever pretty girls are around.
John Hardin is a PR manager at Atlus.
Aside from Male Swimmers having Shorts instead of a Speedo in Gen 4, and the Female Swimmer in Gen 2 winking.
Weeb games are cool now (so long as they've been properly sterilized, of course).
Japan isn't really all that different from everyone else.
I want Allura to step on my dick and tell me I'm unworthy of being a Paladin.
Hijabs are now in Nintendo games
Fucking great
what the fuck is nintendo treehouse and what evidence is there of them censoring games
>actually thinks those translations are accurate
It's easier to promote a game when it's less raunchy. It really is as simple as that. A website is much more willing to plaster their homepage with blocks of a game when it has less anime tiddies. Same goes for TV spots.
>Japan didn't like Doom
Time for another nuke.
>and what evidence is there of them censoring games
. They are the fucks forcing Atlus to censor the shit out of SMTxFE
Treehouse is Nintendo's in-house localization team
NoA had a short leash on Atlus and made the jarring alterations we see now. Atlus rarely ever fucks up their own localizations like this.
You know you can just google it right?
You tell me what the accurate translation is, then.
Only one guy said that, though.
>PR manager
I stand by what I said.
Also a PR person defending their game on twitter usually leads to some sort meltdown with regrettable things being said.
>Says the guy working for atlus USA
NoA has proven they cant be trusted time and time again so why cant Nintendo hire people who can be trusted?
These are joke/fake translations
Does anyone know if project zero jp has a patch for English subtitles yet?
DmC was a good game, half the "fan" ratings were 1/10's by angry Sup Forumsirgins with an agenda. Most didn't play the game, likely, and I doubt those who did paid for it. They weren't the audience.
Gooks aren't people. Nuke em anyway.
ITT: ameriburgers can't into the fact they're being prepped into islamic buttfucking and subversion.
>I stole my brother's 3DS and replaced it with a 2DS
>serves you right, Korean
So calling someone a Korean is their equivalent of calling someone a nigger?
>DmC was a good game
Japs confirm Bayonetta is a whore.
It literally would have gotten a T no matter what. The rating boards aren't to blame, the publishers and localization teams are.
>believing those translations
jesus nigga
Can you tell me how you get "Minecraft Kirby" from 本ってんの? the word for kirby isnt mentioned in that post or its reply. and the word for america doesnt appear in that reply to the metroid thread, and the word for mom doesn't appear in that bayonetta thread
So my laugh was a lie. Well, fuck this gay earth.
The story was censored at a few key points as well.