>voice actors you hate
he's decent but he's fucking everywhere, i'm sick of him
Voice actors you hate
I love Troy Baker! I have no idea how someone could dislike him.
>he's decent
Laura Bailey.
She has two voice
Loud as fuck annoying as hell 14 and under girl.
Mature relatively seductive middle aged women.
Guess which one she voices 90% of the time.
Can you show me a video where she's "Loud as fuck annoying as hell 14 and under girl"? Legit question. I don't know much of her work
He was only decent when he was mainly doing anime and weeb games. He's a fucking fag who deserves to die now.
Both make me diamonds, so it's cool.
I have no qualms with Troy Baker. My problem is with voicing directors and casting departments who decide that they need him for a titular character in any game. It's like when everyone was casting Nolan North to do the Nathan Drake voice. Once Nolan North stopped doing that shit and started doing other characters things got a lot better.
Troy Baker can do a lot more than people hire him to do.
This is one example. Her voicework is perfectly fine though.
every JRPG she was ever in since she started.
And she mostly does JRPGs.
Fuck you Troy. Think you're too fucking big for weeb shit now. THERE'S WHERE YOU GOT YOUR START FAGGOT. IF IT WASN'T FOR WEEB SHIT YOU WOULD BE NOTHING!
I'm still mad about him being Ocelot in PP.
Who's voice are you tired of hearing more. Yuri or Troy?
It's still great, though.
Troy. Yuri not even trying to change his voice is lazy but in some way I find it endearing. Fuck Troy. He does all his crazy accents and wacky voices and I still know it's him. Nolan North is the best of the "big 3", for lack of a better word.
yuri is okay when he isnt trying too hard (see his french accent in Hellsing), i probably just have a bias though since i don't hear him as often
You can pretty much always tell it's Troy, but the one time I was caught off guard was for The Last of Us. That was actually a decent performance. That and Kanji are his two best roles. Everything else is hot fucking garbage.
Yuri didn't slam Guy Cihi, Yuri wins
It kinda sucks for any aspiring voice actors. The industry using the same 8 or so people really doesn't give them much of a chance besides being background characters.
Can we all just appreciate how amazing Phil Lamarr is? This man has range on the same level as Mel Blanc and Billy West.
His actual voice acting ability is pretty solid honestly. Tends to be a victim of bad writting or voice direction.
>Voices snow
>Delivery of his lines is pretty good
>Character is a cringey as fuck knight in shining armor wannabe
What I'm saying is that character would not have been any less hated if it was another VO. The complaints are not about his acting but how awful the character was.
His performance is actually pretty good as Ocelot as well and the faults with the character were due to many other things outside his control. He's still just an actor and is just there to read his lines and collect his check.
I get tired of hearing Steve Blum as generic thug #24 in a lot of games
Because he eats his manwich and does limbo and not a cuck.
I remember when i first realized he did vamp in mgs2/4 was so weird seeing vamp and them seeing hermes on futurama.
Him and Robert Atkin downes are the best of the best. For vidya anyways.
>Have a framed metal gear solid 5 poster signed by him
So I have to ask, is anyone in this thread trying to get in the industry or at least understand the logistics of casting and unions?
I still get excited when i hear his voice, wish he got cast for larger roles in games more often than generic grunts.
i dunno, i like him, he IS everywhere (thats a little annoying) but he's good
he does come off a little cocky thought...
I can understand that. But he really does have a cool, manly voice. Fuck some of those roles he's given though, like sub zero.
I liked Steve Blum when he did Anub'Arak in WC 3 Frozen Throne then they fucked him off and he sounds like ass now.
Ashley Burch pls.
I think we can all appreciate Crispin Freeman. For a reference to his work, "I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE"
Legit question: why are the same voice actors chosen so often?
It seems like something that'd be cool to do
He did a good good as Garcia F Hotspur in Shadows of the Damned.
To add why the hell does Simon Templemen not get voicework?, he has a voice than can melt butter as the voice of Kain and Loghain.
Cronyism. Why else would Troy Baker and Laura Bailey have so many roles as co-stars?
He's a colossal faggot
Availibility, flexibility (in schedule and range) and casting director playing favorites.
b-but he's so good looking!
Have you been in hibernation for a few years now? The only JRPGs Bailey's consistently in nowadays are Persona games, and even then, she's at the whims of her AAA games to see if she can even fit the Persona games in her schedule. Most JRPGs can't afford her.
I'm not gonna lie, playing a game and hearing yourself voicing a character sounds like it would be kinda awesome.
Having actual range is rare.
It's funny you mention that, because Laura Bailey and Liam O'Brien mentioned how weird it is to hear yourself in games at an E3 interview.
Sell it, and use the money to mail him some dog shit.
Not always. Sometimes it's just the whim of the casting director and their nostalgia.
A lot of amateurs or aspiring actors don't live in Los Angeles and even though we have the benefit of Skype recordings, studios prefer having a face to deal with. Adding to that, some actors may not agree upon the rates being offered for such a role in the games so it's hardly a guarantee.
>two voices
>not three
You're forgetting her best voice though.
Don't give a fuck if she has like only 3 voices, I love her. She makes me hard. I wanna hear her talk dirty in her sexy voice. Goddamn
english dubbers for anime after a certain period of time. You can just kind of tell they get sick of doing it.
I don't want that fag's signature
Travis Willingham's ploughing that, bro. You don't wanna fight a giant for that puss. You'll lose.
So, how does one voice a game character?
Edgy Samurai Troy Baker is best Troy Baker
VAs aren't terribly expensive, and you can hire the "best" ones as much as you want, so long as they're available.
They have long resumes, which means they can work, and they list big name games, which means they must be top tier. So casting directors take that and run, and you end up hiring the same few people every time.
Imagine you were a software company that needed the best programmers in the world, but instead of programmers being tied to one company, and their work taking years and years to complete, they were always on contract, and their work took only a few hours to finish. They'd basically always be available.
If pay is kept fairly even across the board for everyone, and the top programmers only make a bit more than any other, why wouldn't you pick the programmer with the biggest resume and the most experience?
That's because Lowenthal has almost zero vocal range, so he has to get by on his acting alone.
>Everything else is hot fucking garbage
In what way?
Is that the same guy who did the English dub for Hiei in Yu Yu Hakusho?
They go to a sound studio where they watch the cutscene play on screen and provide voicework as the cutscene rolls in front of them.
>tfw dubs in your language always suck ass
>tfw the only good voice actor died of cancer 4 years ago
Matt Mercer is worse.
Record a few lines, then spend the next week grunting into a microphone
>Liam O'Brien
He has literally two voices (No seriously, he only does like two voices in everything) but for some reason I love him. Has no range but Liam always gets a pass from me
What his range? From Hermes to John Stewart?
I meant doing it in the first place
Saints Row 4 had the ultimate self-fellating role as Nolan North played himself as one of the selectable voices.
Are you sure you aren't talking about Wendee Lee?
>You will never be Travis Willingham.
>You will never be blindfolded while Laura stradles you
>You will never feel her ride you while she does whatever sultry voice you like.
>You will never get lost in a fantasy world where Rise, Catherine, Lust, or Jaina Proudmoore are riding your dick.
Why even live?
Industry plant detected
Thanks for shedding some light, bro
The same way you become an actor. Some actors end up becoming just voice actors because they find live action too stressful or because something happened in their life that ruined their body like Mark Hamill.
I'd put it up to like 4 voices, really.
They're just really, really good voices.
Yeah. He's also Android 17 in DBZ too.
At least you know english.
Her being bad then sure as fuck made me avoid playing anything she has been in.
First impressions are the most important.
Nolan has good range, they just always ask him to do his own voice. He was great in the last of us
One of the best VAs, hands down.
Samurai Jack
Jazz (Animated)
Crispin Freeman is hands down one of the best. In vidya and anime. His Kyon is god tier.
Oh shit, THAT was the other character I was trying to think of. Thank you.
Also, I think Laura Bailey was Keiko.
mfw the only good english dub of anything japanese was joseph joestar screaming things in english
Mercer seems like a genuine bro though.
His Illidan voice is so different than his normal voice, though. When he doesn't do it, I can't recognize him.
Well, I learned something new today.
Travis is a bae though.
I'll go gay for that beefcake :3
I like John St John. He is a walking parody of a man.
I could listen to Downes' voice for hours on end. His voicework as Miller in MGSV is godly.
shes not 14 but sure sounds like it
Wendee Lee. She can do good acting, but almost never in a niche Japanese game, which is almost all she's doing nowadays.
Baker slammed Cihi for not understanding how the industry works and for demanding things he wasn't entitled to. The man was just stating the facts; Cihi got played. Him not liking it doesn't change that he should've read his contracts better before signing anything.
Baker is barred from being in weeb games unless the game company wants to pony up the cash to make their game a union production or unless Baker wants to give up his reputation and health benefits.
Not a lot of voice actors I would fuck. Once you meet them at a con, some of them are pretty business oriented much to the point of being sticklers.
The voice makes me fap but shit, I can't deal.
He seems like a total fucking faggot.
They dubbed Stardust Crusaders? Is it awful?
not sure if they dubbed it but the Japanese version of joseph joestar is what im referring to, its fucking gold
No, I'm pretty sure he meant when Joseph speaks english instead of japanese.
He means the undubbed version.
And if the dsubs are anything to go by, it would be terrible.
>abdul is now advol
>vanilla ice is now cool ice
Funny that Liam O' Brien literally uses the same exact voice for both Kain and Caius.
I think this was a major oversight by Square
Thanks for sharing your opinion Sup Forums
I laughed so much reading this, I can only imagine someone sending this to him and reading his reaction to it, I think I'd die of laughter.
what is this ominous light that threatens to engulf us?
Is she like that? I had a friend that met Laura Bailey and she said she seemed pretty chill. Maybe I'm looking at it with rose tinted glasses from the outside but I can't imagine the woman that sang the ass dance being all business, 100% of the time.
Then that's not an English dub user. You're just beating off your gay porn with punch ghosts.