Final Fantasy XV or Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age which one has more hype
Final Fantasy XV or Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age which one has more hype
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Honestly, I'm probably more excited for Zodiac Age. Which is just really sad when you think about it.
Glad I'm not the only one that thinks so
Same. Especially after E3.
If nothing else, we know what we're getting with XII. You can't buy it and say "this isn't the fame I was expecting!"
Neither. Kingdom Hearts 3 please
I've been waiting for an FFXII remaster for so long and was so pumped when they announced it. People seem to either love the gameplay/gambit system or hate it, and I love it personally. Also love the way you can choose who you want to play as your MC. And the maps were just the right size, not linear at all but not big enough that you can't be bothered exploring.
The Zodiac version is also a tonne of fun, choosing a specific class for each team member.
And Freya..
We'll hear more on KH3 in the winter thoght
>a new game vs a remake
I'm more excited for Zodiac Age at this point.
XII:ZA for me, if only because of the remastered soundtrack
I wonder if they actually used an orchestra to record this.
Was development time on XII cut short or something? I remember beating the final boss and being very surprised that the game was over.
Zodiac Age because I already know its good.
FFXV looks sadder every new bit of information is released. I think it needs at least 3 remasters before its decent. So I guess I will buy the XV version for ps8.
I am too, but that's mostly because FFXII is one of my favorite games. I was excited for FFXV and I'm still going to get it, but Square Enix pretty much cucked themselves in my eyes by announcing The Zodiac Age.
Apparently they recorded the entirety of the new OST live, mentioned during the E3 stream. Only two of the original OST tracks were recorded live... probably the opening and ending themes, I'm guessing.
This is cool and all, but it doesn't really beat this...
They did say that the OST would be remastered and that you could switch between the classic OST or the remastered
at least I know XII has good music, but I dont really like either
I really hope that Zodiac age is a thorough HD remaster, not shit like FFX or Type-0.
The FFX remaster is brilliant. Wtf are you talking about.
It was so brilliant they sold it to use twice at full price
In pc after face mods...maybe. The default faces on the remaster are shit and the ost was butchered. The ost was one of the highest points of the game.
Frankly while its functional its one really shitty remaster.
They released the remaster on two separate consoles and also PC. Oh no, please don't give us more options for which platform to play it on! What's your point?
So far it just looks like FFXII IZJS with a few extra effects, higher resolution textures the new map overlay, and cutscene models in gameplay
Remastered version with have Gria?
>Haven't enjoyed a mainline FF in over a decade.
I'm placing my bets of WoFF.
It looks fun.
I already 100% ed IZJS and also cleared the trial while on weak mode.
But FFXV will be a fresh experience, I'm looking forward to that.
Considering your opinion is shared by maybe 5% of the people who actually played the remaster, I'd say you have one shitty opinion. But you're entitled to it, so just own that shitty opinion with pride bro.
XII, definitely
Square should just stop talking about XV at this point. Everytime they try to show something it ends up damaging my hype for it.
>Game franchise revered for its music
At this rate im even considering of getting this shit used
Im pretty sure the complains of the faces are not only shared by the majority but also is always brought up when they discuss the merits of the remaster against just emulating the same game.
Same with the OST. The remixes are shit.
Literally everyone but you share that opinion. Also get fucked
I bought it on steam so I could use the fucking face and original ost mod
let's meet up at Sup Forums and I'll deconstruct this garbage
All these poorfags.
i want both. more hyped for xv. i already know XII
Deconstruct yourself.
Neither. The FF7 remake
Wait, what? Isn't Yoko composing the soundtrad? She was literally the only reason I was going to get it
I will buy anything my waifu composes for
>Literally everyone but you share that opinion
Ok champ
Also you can choose between the original OST and the remastered track on the PS4/PC versions anyway dumbass.
Deconstruct the badass melodies? Go ahead user, we're all ears.
I love the orchestration, but good GOD I hate the sampling and MIDI-tier instruments.
>is always brought up when they discuss
Who is 'they'? You mean Sup Forums?
Stop user, my sides.
more like butchering of everything that made it great
>asking Sup Forums is they prefer nostalgia or something new
Bad baby faces when the lead cast had close ups.
Remastered music is largely shit. A few tracks felt justice like A Content of Aeons (stronger percussion) but just look at how they trainwrecked Challenge (largely removed the synthesizer sounds and turned the bass up way too loud). Couldn't select which the old masters.
I honestly don't even mind the new soundtrack, but I do prefer the original. Challenge is purely buttfucked for sure, and Blitz off.
Holy fucking fuck! They announced XII remaster?! Screw everything else.
Where the heck have you been
new game or inferior version of old game.
Isn't the choice obvious?
Seriously? The FFX remaster is a farce, an insult to the game and the franchise as a whole.
It's the chinese FFX.
I can't stop listening to this, someone help
What was wrong with Type-0 HD? It finally made the game playable by moving it away from a shitty handheld.
Listen to good Square music instead.
>I never played this game
>All my friends say it's great
I goofed didn't I?
I think he still is, was only talking about the E3 trailer during Sony's conf.
If making SOME of the graphics prettyer and still playing like a handheld is playable to you then you got some pretty shit taste of your own good sir.
Nah, man it's a'ight.
no, this game best point is its soundtrack.
Apparently living under a rock. This is great news, XII was a great game and a damn beautiful one too, I've been waiting for HD to appreciate the textures in this game alone.
Day time Sup Forums hates FF 12
Night time Sup Forums loves FF 12
mumble mumble summer kids mumble
The baby faces alone stop me from buying this remaster. I can find X at any retro game store. I don't feel like playing and 80+ hour game with the main character looking like a cabbage patch doll.
Indeed. International Zodiac Job System too, which is of interest to me since I only ever vanilla zodiac.
I have been waiting SO fucking long for an FFXII remaster, and to be honest, I was kind of losing faith in us ever getting one (I think it's like a year or two later than I expected it to get announced), but holy shit am I glad that Square pulled through and announced it.
Best thing is, they're working on the remaster themselves and not outsourcing it to some chinks.
It's legit going to be great. Cannot wait.
If you get a hard on for Sci-Fi based on old myths and robots, it's the game for you.
Stupid question, what's the int. Zodiac system? I just had Vanilla XII for PS2
It's very playable, if anything it's largely superior in terms of gameplay to FFXV
It's not like you could just run the game in an emulator or anything
Well, XV certainly has more hype on all social media platforms. But I guess the Big 4 from Square that are all upcoming, XV, XIIHD, VIIR, and KH3, my order would go
>mfw no Vita version of the HD remaster
Why live
>In a nutshell, the game plays pretty much the same, with one big
difference - instead of one license board which is shared by everyone, there
are 12 License Boards, each pertaining to one zodiac sign (each license board
represents one of 12 jobs), there is a new game plus feature, Trial mode etc.
I really don't remember, but it's got JOB in the title so I just turn my brain of and commence to desiring.
In vanilla, all characters have the same license board with all abilities on it, but start in different places.
In IZJS, you choose a class, and each class has a unique license board. Only certain boards have certain abilities available.
IZJS also removes all the random treasure bullshit.
It's main problem is that it played like a handheld game on a console. With handhelds, it feels more natural to have a lot of stopgaps between missions and whatnot, even if you're not playing on the go. At home, at a TV, controller in hand, stopping every 10 minutes to get a grade and score and look at some stats gets really tedious feeling really fast. Honestly I played it for about 2 hours, traded it in for 40 bucks, and I'll grab it again when it's 5, because it WILL be 5.
Got way more playtime out of the XV demo.
Well that's exactly how I like to play my games (and I only play on console and PC).
I played it for 250 hours, best game of the year.
None. They are both shit games.
Hey anons, a lot of you guys seen to like xii and I've been thinking of getting around to it next,and have been told the IZJS version is best.
But does the IZJS version have an English patch that replaces the jap voices or some option like that?
If not I'll play it subbed,I was just wondering.
If you're going to complain about portability, complain about actual portable elements. Having menus you chose to spend a lot of time in is not some PSP issue, and constant stopping every 10 minutes isn't even accurate.
IZJS is with English audio.
Dammit I knew that sounded weird when I typed it. I was thinking 'hmmm, weird that they reused the name Freya after FFIX'.
>10 years ago everyone was bitching about FF XII
>Now they're looking forward to it
Goes to show how bad Final Fantasy has gotten, even sense then. Well, that and the kids who played it back then grew up.
Not as bad as what they did to Yuna's face. But I still 100% it.
I wonder how hard it was to extract his facial textures and just resize them and repaint it. They didn't have to mess with his bones.
15, though 12 is currently arguably my favourite I played it back in the day and have a half finished emulated save of zodiac edition on my pc.
XV because it's something new, even if the combat looks like shit.
Considering it's impossible to talk about XV on Sup Forums, I'm guessing XII.
>more like butchering of everything that made it great
Like what?
XV since it's something new. But no way it's going to be a better game than FFXII.
>Double Dragon NEON is on Steam
Fuck, where have I been?
>They didn't have to mess with his bones.
you sure?
what the fuck happened to the sky
waay more excited for Zodia Age.
Not only Zodiac content, but even more stuff will be added to the HD port.
So are they remastering everything, or what?
Or just better textures for a lot of things, and better models for main characters?
same thing that happened to the lighting
it's gone