How high does my IQ need to be in order to play and have fun with Grand Strategy games?
How high does my IQ need to be in order to play and have fun with Grand Strategy games?
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Pretty low if you're going to be playing that casualised shit.
For HoI 4 and EU4? Only marginally higher than Sup Forums average
How low? 105 (average east asian IQ)?
you have to read, something this nigga aint doing
at least 20 but no more than 130.
Why haven't you guys tried playing a Grand Strategy yet?
Hoi 2/DH Victoria 1 would force casuals to commit suicide
Yours is too low since you're asking such a retarded question.
Why do you think your IQ even matters? It's a fucking bullshit metric that people throw around to make themselves look smarter.
What do you play? Aurora?
Vic 1 maybe. HoI2 was simple as piss.
your IQ need to be VERY HIGH!!!
grand startegy is the game for the SMART PEOPLE!!!!! VERY INTELECTUAL!!!!!
The idea that 'GSG' exists as a genre is false but clever marketing by Paradox.
The games are actually hyper simplistic, but have had such notoriously shit UIs its been a struggle for new players to play them, which is why they are considered 'hard'. The depth of most of them is wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle, a puddle that is muddied by its shitty UI.
If you pick up HoI4 or Stellaris you could get into it straight away because its the first games by Paradox with a workable UI.
HoI2 was the easiest HoI game before HoI4. Vicky 1 was not hard either, it had a shitty UI but there was nothing remotely challenging about the game itself.
Lets be honest here; TW is harder.
>Strategy + Tactics + Micro + Macro
At best GSG has strategy and macro.
sub 100 fag detected
I don't know about later TWs but the micro up to MTW2 is laughable. You could climb a small hill with a small group of horsemen and continually rush the enemy with the uphill bonus
Because stupid people like to feel smart and an arbitrary test helps them achieve it
EU4, CK2, HOI4, and Stellaris are all very easy to get into. The older titles in the first three franchises are more archaic at times but by no means impossible to understand.
Victoria 2 though, shit I'm still learning things about it years later.
TW doesn't have 1/10 the political options CK2 has. They're just different genres
Attila is easily harder in the strategy/macro part
TWW is absolutely unforgiving in the tactics/micro part
But yeah MTW2 is meh, but it is also old.
Everyone's opinion of Dominions?
Would it be a good game for a handful of GSG newbs to all buy to play together?
If your IQ is high I'm honestly happy for you, but if you haven't done anything worthwhile with it then no one cares.
Doesnt need them, its deep enough in all its parts in comparison to CK2 which is as deep as a puddle in all its. All in all TW is simply harder than any GSG game.
>political options
90% of its arbitrary shit that actually means nothing in gameplay
How bullshit is the whole IQ thing?
I tried one of those raven's matrixes tests (40 or 50 questions) and it gave me a result of 126. After reading the descriptions of each tier, I had a hard time believing in the result.
>implying HO4 Iis complex
This game is the most casual paradox title to date. It was made for retards like you.
It's not uncommon for higher IQ people to doubt themselves more and be more skeptical
when I win a war in TW can I imprison my enemy's wife and daughters in my fuck dungeon and kill them when I'm bored of them? No? Then fuck off with that babby shit
Raven's matrices tests are one of the best tests you can take for an approximate of your IQ.
And IQ isn't bullshit. It correlates strongly with educational attainment, job performance, and health. It also correlates with income.
It definitely measures an aspect of your cognitive capacity that affects your ability to succeed in most aspects of life. Congrats on having a pretty good IQ (mine is around 118 but I round up to 120 to make myself feel better).
Nice. I'll give one of those a try. I remember checking CK2 and HoI3 a while ago, and I had no idea what the fuck I was supposed to do so I just gave up.
And HoI3 had different levels of zoom where shit was happening followed by supply lines. It was overwhelming at first glance.
Take the mensa test. Anything else is just bullshit. IQ is still pretty garbage, but the mensa test is the only one that actually measures it.
you're pretty dumb amigo. HOI4 and Stellaris are juts very simple games,s the UI doesn't matter. Victoria 2 has a pretty decent UI but can be pretty deep, especially with mods
I don't understand why people say Victoria 2 is hard to play or understand I mean I played 50 hours of it so far and to me it's just EU4 with annoying political pop-up spam and factories. 99% of the game is waiting around doing nothing until your infamy is low enough to declare war again just like EU4.
>And IQ isn't bullshit. It correlates strongly with educational attainment, job performance, and health.
>It also correlates with income.
100% bullshit
Man I should pirate all the DLC and play EU IV again. One game against AI lasted me weeks.
I really like dominions but I wouldn't really compare it to GSG. The amount of nations and variation is really large with the same nation playing differently between ages, but there's a large focus on research/mages/gods instead of politics and countries and intrigue
Maybe if you're a massive casual
Total war games are all stupidly easy though, across the entire series the only way to have a remotely challenging campaign is to give the AI unfair advantages, because they're far to stupid to beat you in a fair fight even at the strategy level
Additionally, strategy mechanics though pretty abstract across both series are 10x deeper across paradox grand strategy, and unlike total war the AI actually knows how to play the strategy game.
Comparing total war strategy to paradox GS is a joke, in GS it's the whole game whereas in TW its more like a minigame to pad out time between battles. On top of that you have the retarded TW movement system which means 70% of battles take place as seiges against garrison units.
Both games are real time with pause so micro means absolutely nothing unless you're playing multiplayer, in which case it can be just as important (especially in games like HOI3 or even Vicky 2 you have much more to keep tabs on for warfare alone, let alone all the other shit you have to manage at the same time)
Yea, intelligence researchers exclusively rely on the MENSA test and not RPM, WAIS, Stanford–Binet -- pffft AHAHAHA
Raven's is one of if not the best option you'll find online. Ignore the dumbasses saying otherwise.
Aurora is demonstrably the most complex game out there in terms of sheer possibilities. There may be harder twitch/reaction games but you couldn't name a single more complex game. The only thing that springs to mind is War in the East
i think to appreciate the game you need study/ have studied history
More like how low does it need to be to enjoy them
>the AI still focuses on the player more than what benefits itself
Into the trash it goes
Isn't it best to go to a professional psychologist to administer one?
Very different opinions. Thanks for the information, I guess I'll read up on it a bit more later.
Been enjoying this alot for the last few days.
pic related, its my first civ game
At least 80.
They are braindead idle sims.
goes without saying
You don't need a high IQ. Just slight autism and a tendency to hate fun and prefer to just memorize pointless shit.
It depends. If you master pic related and fully know the intricacies of all its mechanics, then you deserve a nobel prize. Literally nobody fully understands Victoria 2. People wrote multiple page analyses explaining their understanding of the game's economic system and the cause of it fucking itself over in the late game, but no consensus was ever reached.
got a link to the test?
Legend says not even the developers themselves know how the game fully works either.
>meme online tests
Literally worthless. Take the real in-person version or GTFO. Only a trained psychologist can give you a valid evaluation.
Here you go. I got it from Quora.
>inb4 flash
I know.
I had a harder time getting into Paradox grand strategy games than I had learning Aurora.
Actually, IQ is pretty important, but not for most video games.
High IQ is useful for strategy games and any other game that requires planning, also puzzle games, but other than that, you won't be using it much in vidya.
IQ is simply how well you recognize patterns. Someone with a 140+ IQ is going to be God Tier at strategy games or things like Xenoblade if they actually take the time to learn how it works, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll have the patience.
IQ does not, however, indicate how fast you think, so a retard (that word doesn't really work since it means "slow" or "delayed" in Italian, but retards aren't slow; they just don't recognize patterns that would be apparent to the average human being) with a fast brain would be much better at, say, Call of Duty than a 150+ IQ Genius that simply doesn't think quickly.
Stanford Binet IS one of the tests MENSA administers so yeah. Any one deemed acceptable by mensa falls under the subset "MENSA tests". If you claim otherwise you are clearly buttblasted because you didnt do well enough to qualify for MENSA.
You're mistaking Victoria 2 for HOI3, dumb faggot. That shit is easy as pie, you nigger.
That is THE test my man
Nah, those cost money user. If IQ is actually worth something I guess that's nice. I won't be paying for it any time soon.
I think you're confusing being easy to learn and easy to master. It's not that hard to learn enough of Victoria 2 to play well and "win". Actually "understanding" it, however, is near impossible.
I find that impossible to believe. Any post-2012 PDX title was targeted at a mas audience, there is nothing complex about them
How come only East Asians and Whites dominate the e-sports industry though?
>IQ does not, however, indicate how fast you think
generally (not always but generally) someone with the brain power to solve a more complex problem will be able to more quickly solve a less complex problem than someone who can't solve the more complex problem
>what are fighting games
I take it you never got around to sphering
most people don't even realize the things they can do with the diplomatic menu until they've watched someone do it on youtube. For instance you can create an UberGermany by 1848 out of all the Australian and German territories by forming Germany, stealing austria's germanic spheres, then conquering them.
would i like EU4 if i thought CK2 involved too much fast forward waiting around for shit to happen?
>Australian and German territories
what's weird is that I managed to get both in there rather than just sticking to one of them
CK2 is about roleplaying, if you want to have fun don't pause to get things done
There's no need to try and play optimally, the game is very forgiving, which is why it might feel like you're not doing much if you keep pausing
does HoI IV shit itself when fighting the Pacific War
it seems fighting in asia has been less of a nightmare but i heard naval invasions are kind of fucked right now
whats it like?
It took me around an afternoon of watching YouTube to figure Aurora out. Most of the difficulty comes from the interface.
>pretending that making a germanyblob is in any way, shape or form advanced or difficult
Babbys first nation.
Like I said, totally irrelevant to gameplay. So thanks for proving my point.
The game is fucked. Everything's fucked about it. Just play Darkest Hour or HoI3 if you want your WW2 kick.
Yep, Prussia is perfect for learning the ropes
Not everyone can conquer China as Mongolia/Bhutan
I'm aware of this. I said what I did, though, because I'm the exception. I have a high IQ, but I think rather sluggishly. If I want to get an accurate IQ score, I have to take a test two or three times since it just takes a while to click with me. Otherwise I run out of time.
Then again, I do have ADHD, so maybe that's why.
I don't think you understand what gameplay means
HoI3 is fucked with japan though because Murka is super confused and supply flow in asia is garbage because your shit will go through 3 infra provinces even if you improve infrastructure nearby to like 7
>mfw i did all of that the first time I played the game
I think you're just dumb, my son.
It's completely broken. When I was at war with the USA, they sent maybe 25% of their fleet to the pacific while everything else sat in the Atlantic doing fuck all for the entire war.
This was a lot less fun than I thought it would be, I just stopped after taking out the major factions.
same for me brother. i've been a recluse for 6 years. since i have so much spare time i think about pointless shit a lot more than most people. so my IQ seems higher on tests than it probably really is.
well china is a shithole, what do you expect? Makes perfect sense.
HOI4 is pretty fuckin easy to play
fuck telling people to play HOI3, it's fun to set up one or two invasion every once in a while but only because the insane effort you have to put in to do the simplest shit makes it feel more rewarding when you actually get shit done. Across a whole campaign though most of the mechanics are a massive chore.
>reorganizing your OOB and lines after an invasion
mind numbingly boring
Also, for whatever reason the first 4 speeds are all way to slow for non-combat gameplay, but the 5th speed is too fast to be useful outside of short bursts. Its a wonder they even let you pause considering how slow speed 4 already is.
so in america there's a pearl harbor gambit in the natl focuses
was there at least a pearl harbor scenario that presented itself or what
i thought there was shit in this game that made countries act 'historically'
it's still completely broken, I'll give them 6 months to actually finish it
Dwarf Fortress is far more complex
>6 months
Are you trying to say something or ask a question?
I'm 128 and I enjoy them a lot.
no it isn't and it doesn't help that the game grinds to a halt when your fortress grows to a couple hundred
I said finish it i.e. make the AI not 100% retarded, not "finish the features", that would be 2-3 years
All I got was a war justification on Hawaii with a time limit of about 6 months.
I attempted to replicate it and send naval bombers to fuck them up, but there was no fleet there or soldiers. Literally just one division took the islands.
>was there at least a pearl harbor scenario that presented itself or what
>Dwarf Fortress is far more complex
nice bait
90 IQ pleb detected
Shit like that i was thinking was gonnna be HoI IV's saving grace but even thats not happening huh
Not very, it just gets boring while you wait to see the fruit of your actions