Why do devs release borken games? Is it really that hard to test your shit before releasing it to the public...

Why do devs release borken games? Is it really that hard to test your shit before releasing it to the public? Content Related: youtu.be/IuysY1BekOE

They release them because most gamers are retarded mongoloids who will buy it anyways

We live in the day and age of downloads, user. A dev can skip a portion of bug testing and release their shit early, because they can always just release a patch later.

Welcome to the future. That Hitman game? That's where vidya is heading. Games being sold at full price, and you're giving a single level with the "promise" of more being made.

Fuck, Splatoon pulled that shit.

what's with stupid cat video

Are you retarded?

>Why do devs release borken games?

Games have budgets, and if you go over that budget (which is to say, spend too long making it) then you have to release it early.

Additionally, game releases require a certain timing. If you release a game at the wrong time, it'll flop hard either because of waning public interest, stronger competition, economic forces (i.e. people just got laid off and can't afford games right now), or what have you.

So there's a lot of factors that go into when a game is released that I didn't mention (such as needing to meet certain Q&A requirements for consoles, or having a certain contractual deadline with a publisher, or having contractual deadlines with distributors, or having contractors / talent that have a narrow window of availability, and so on and so on), but some of the biggest are budget and timing.

But surely releasing a game too early will kill all interest in the game. Sure, you could patch stuff later but what's the point if everyone hates your game right now?

You lose sales, you lose reputation and if you're on Steam you will lose money with all the refunds.

as someone who played the beta and pre-ordered, i just finished the DL today, was busy.
Whats wrong?

Show some fucking self control and wait for the game to be finished before buying it.
Show. Some. Fucking. Self. Control.

I've had issues joining lobbies but once I'm in I haven't had any issues. Game is good.

There were a few glitches that have since been patched. It also takes forever to get into lobbies. There's also no matchmaking, so you can be level 30 and constantly get matched up with 3 people under level 5.

So same shit as beta?
Didnt bother me that much, just had to click "join game" a few more times.

hows balance?

Killers constantly bitch about juke houses, even though there's usually only 1 in most maps. 2 at the most.

It's better than being stuck in Early Access for fucking ages and never leaving the alpha phase. You cunts are never pleased.

that should be moot after they unlock more killer abilities.
just shitters being shit.

anyone wanna play?

Things have clearly improved since the beta, but some minor issues are still present. Of course people like TB immediately sperg out and say to never buy it since it isn't 100% bug-free.
In a week or two nobody will remember this game ever having bugs.

The trapper has a way to counteract this and I haven't been able to play the hillbilly yet, but the wraith is absolutely destroyed by people juking and you basically have no recourse.

>that should be moot after they unlock more killer abilities.

Nah. Unless you're the trapper and already have a trap or two next to the windows, you can juke all day unless you slip up and make a mistake. Also, killers are always host, so if they're from Ukraine or some 3rd-world country, the survivors skip around and teleport backwards while the killer sweeps them up like garbage.

Any advice while i jump right in? Havent played since beta, havent played against new killers.
I like to survive

Hillbilly is the easiest to deal with since all he can do is chainsaw sprint. People say that the Wraith is weak, but you can walk right up to people if they aren't listening closely. you can't hit them until you uncloak, but you get within chasing distance for free. No heartbeat to give you away until you uncloak.

>you lose reputation
Do you really think gamers aren't the most retarded, forgetful, forgiving consumer group in the world? Go on Steam and look at how high Payday 2 is on the top seller list and check the reviews while you're at it. KF2 was in the top ten all weekend.

Be careful with wraith, as they CAN still see you. Just not very well.

I played the beta and bought a code from a third party at a discount but still haven't played. Apparently a lot of the glitches are still in the game, cheaters and hackers are still running amok and not cheating makes the grind for bloodpoints ridiculously long and tedious. At least, that's what /vg/ says.

Why did you post a typo? Is it really that hard to spell check?

Well, in the case of contracts, you'll loose more for breaching those contracts.

There's going to be more sales than refunds, just by the nature of people and the loopholes for refunds (most casual consumers don't even know they can refund), and poor consumer sentiment takes time to have any meaningful impact; it's only going to slow future sales.

And if the game does die quickly it won't happen in a day, but even if it happened in a week, it doesn't matter, it's a buy once game so if they sell all they can then shut it down, they probably still profited (if the budget is small enough, which it probably is).

Additionally, even if people hate their company, it's their first game (I think, or may as well be) so they can just reform with a different name if that were really an issue, and when they go to get funding from investors they can still point to their other game and show sales data and so on.
The fact that they've successfully shipped a game and on steam is a big deal, 99.999995% of games (and movies, and tv, and books, and plays, and human endeavors) are cancelled well before then.

I actually haven't run into a single cheater or hacker yet, but a lot of people will disconnect if they're about to lose. If the killer disconnects, everyone loses.

>If the killer disconnects, everyone loses.

That's pretty retarded. I heard if victims disconnect while Hooked that the killer doesn't get the Sacrifice points

You'd think that kind of shit they would have fixed in beta, especially given it's a digital game; it's not like there's a gold version that needs to go out to disc manufacturers.

Well, even during the beta I hadn't run into anyone cheating (actually I think I ran into one person who cheated to unlock four perks but w/e)

>If the killer disconnects, everyone loses.
I thought they made it so only the Killer loses. Again, you can tell I haven't played since launch.

>survivor with 3 hours, rank 4 and max rarity perks in every slot
>They're the first one I run into
>Cleave their back open, they try and run around the corner building
>Reach out and yank them back right as they jump through a window
>They disconnect as soon as I start bringing them to the nearest hook
This game has the worst hackers. Not like it's a real issue, just like holy shit they're terrible players and lousy sports.

This is my main issue with the game.

As a killer, half the survivors will disconnect if I put them on a hook.

Here's something from the survivor's side.

I was in the basement, looting the chests when I heard the killer down someone above me. Since he's almost definitely going to use the basement hooks, I hide in a closet.

Sure enough the killer hooks the survivor and leaves. The survivor IMMEDIATELY disconnects. If they waited 3 more seconds, I would of climbed out of the closet and helped them down.

PC gaming is a joke is why.

>they're terrible players and lousy sport
I mean, I can imagine most hackers are.

It's too fucking difficult as a survivor to get out of traps, get yourself up, off hooks, etc. The killer moves twice as fast as anyone and can see that shit, there's not enough time to do anything unless you're lucky, even if the killer is halfway across the map, unless someone helps you, and they rarely ever do. So once you're hooked ,why not just leave? You're dead and done with the match anyway.

Plus faggots always place traps in front of hooked players so even if you do get off, you're now stuck with 0 chance of escape.

So does anyone else randomly crash or am I the only one?

Well yeah, but that's the point. Once the killer has you then you're fucked but the killer shouldn't have you in the first place.

Why can't you just accept you've lost?

So why are there QTE options to struggle and escape, if they rarely ever fucking work and you're just supposed to accept your fate once grabbed?

Either remove the ability to *maybe* escape once grabbed, or make it a skillshot and not a random dice roll.

Probably but in other games they hack and it usually makes them win, with shit like aimbot or wall hacks. In this they just die with high level gear, nothing else.

I've gotten out many of grabs. All it takes is to not be near any hook.

>Survivors can open up the gate in about 15 fucking seconds
>Survivors can't be grabbed out of the gate
>Little to no punishment for camping, for not being a team player, or for playing like shit
>Survivors can use Self-Heal with no consequences, the healing meter doesn't even reset with each attempt unlike Saboteur--and unlike sabotaging hooks, where there's four unbreakable ones in the basement, survivors can just self-heal forever and the killer can't win
>Survivors usually get a rank up point for just escaping, killers usually don't even if they kill all four survivors
>If you don't catch a Meg in 20 seconds, they will sprint and get away from you
>If you don't catch a Claudette in 20 seconds, they will heal any damage you manage to put on them
>Survivor perks are the most OP shit in the world, meanwhile each killer only gets like one good perk
>Survivors can window hop back and forth forever, evading the killer the entire match, and if the killer gives up and chases another survivor, they'll also just run to another spot where they're uncatchable
>The Wraith needs a buff so badly that he's a joke in the game's community
>All of this and I'm not even covering the fact that so many fucking survivors will just ragequit the moment things go bad, fucking over the killer and their team in terms of points and the match itself
>In terms of unfair shit to the survivors, the map is useless and the flashlight is mostly useless except against Wraith

Anything else I missed?

Depends on the map.
>That one building on the scrapyard map which has so many windows even the trapper can't do anything about it


If you have a Dwight or anyone with a tool box, you should be dismantling hooks to make it difficult for the killer. Not only that, using a flashlight to stun the killer is relatively risk free too. You can also get perks that make escaping easier.

You're just shit at the game and pretending the game is bad instead of you. Get good and stop ragequitting. Thank god there's no voice chat in this game, I can imagine underaged whiners like you bitching the whole time I drag them to the hook.

The one with 3 windows right next to each other? That's that filthiest one.

Because people still buy them.

You sound like a petty, selfish and unfun player. Everything that you've said is wrong. Traps and hooks are supposed to be difficult. They're motivation to not get caught in the first place, and if you could heal yourself while down, no-one would ever not escape. The killer only moves marginally faster than the Survivors, which is evident when a competent player runs anywhere near a pallet. The killer's field of vision is extremely limited and he can only see things that make a lot of noise. The survivors often have just enough time to do what they need to work together to win. Anyone can disable a trap and get a survivor down as long as the hooked person is competent and just fucking sits there instead of whining about pouting about the lack of constant action and "but why can't I just get MYSELF down it's not fair." Plus, this serves as a distraction at times against a killer who is waiting for a rescue attempt because it gives you a ton of time to struggle against The Entity instead of just giving up so your "teammates" can actually get shit done. If you're satisfied with yourself during the match, just struggle a few times and let the Entity take you. Don't be a petty bitch and disconnect because it's "not fair" that you didn't win just for playing. If this is your attitude, maybe you should just stick to single player.

>If you have a Dwight or anyone with a tool box, you should be dismantling hooks to make it difficult for the killer.

I have Saboteur 3 on Jake and can wreck hooks pretty fast, but my teammates are usually ass, so if I don't get some generators early, i'll still have to fix 4 of them after the other 3 people are hooked or dead.

>>Survivors can't be grabbed out of the gate
I feel like the run should be long enough to allow two hits.
But damn if grabbing someone off the lever isn't the most satisfying way to kill them.

Can't survive a single game from level one to get any of that shit in the first place. So maybe I'm bad because I'm not abusing the shit you're mentioning and just trying to play normally, but I seriously can't survive a single fucking match in order to rank up and get anything.

Honestly, just rush generators and nothing else. You won't get lots of points ot rank up, but you will get bloodpoints to level up, which is all that matters.

But I don't feel like playing a game I have to lose every match in, in order to progress.

I need more experience learning the map, but I can't do that without playing, and it's disheartening playing a game you know you'll only ever lose in, until you get enough items and a lucky team of other experienced players to *maybe* survive a match.

I leave after I get hooked and sacrificed, is there a round system? Should I just stay and spectate until the match is over then another round begins? Or is that it and you have to join another lobby?

Now that people are leveling up and getting shit, survivors are starting to become and more unbalanced
>People are already getting gud at the QTEs and not being retarded so the killer never gets any indicator of where the survivors are
>People getting the skills that buffs everybody and lets them do everything much faster even without equipment
>If the killer isn't the trapper, survivors can just jump windows for all eternity in a building and the killer can't stop you
>If the killer is the trapper, you're still probably good because half the building setpieces have at least 4-5 windows
>People realizing the killer has to choose between camping a hook, or let the hooked survivor instantly vanish
>Survivors with perks being able to get multiple generators online faster then the killer can even stop them within 30 seconds of the match starting

Also, the survivor perk wombo combo that's come up.
>Perk that lets you straight up outrun the killer for over a minute before taking any juking into consideration
>Perk that lets you self heal without a medkit
>Perk that makes the above perk better then using a medkit on yourself, and also makes medkits you use practically instantly heal yourself or others
>Perk that lets you break hooks without a toolbox, infinitely (Toolbox was nerfed heavily)
>All at the same time

>But I don't feel like playing a game I have to lose every match in, in order to progress

If you're getting generators, you won't be losing, you just won't get a metric shitload of points to go higher in rank.

I'm under the impression you lose if you don't open the gates and escape. So I really don't give a shit about how many point and generators I activate, if I die before the gate opens. I lose and that's a loss, not a win.

Literally don't give a fuck if survivors as a group "win" and one escapes, if I died, I lost. That's how it feels.

oh for fucks sake





You're shit, and a moron. This game is broken as fuck and it's way too easy toescape with at least 3 people.

That's why whenever you see that the killer has hit someone, that's your cue to go get a free generator because the killer is chasing some other asshole. The more generators you fix, the closer you are to escaping.

but the new hitman game is good

Broken as fuck for who?

Seems like levels 1-3 it's almost impossible for survivors to win, but after that it becomes almost impossible for killers to win.

I know that but every time I run to a generator and attempt to fix it while the killer is clearly busy hitting someone and dragging them to a hook, he comes back to me within seconds and kills me.

Not to mention half the games I play are laggy as fuck.

>killer chasing me
>run through space with a pull down
>pull it down right as he gets to it
>killer teleports in front of it, next to me, kills me because lag

THANKS, so much fun

>he comes back to me within seconds and kills me.

We must be playing a different game, because every killer i've dealt with will camp the hooked person so teammates can't let them off.

Nah, you suck, learn how to hide.

>le streamer maymay game

there's the reason, just like The Culling before it (now down to 500 viewers on Twitch) and Blade and Soul (now down to 200 viewers on Twitch) before that

can I get some 1g's up in the chat?

>join game
>all the other survivors throw up good offerings, an uncommon and a couple of rares
>oh man yeah finally gonna level up
>map loads in
>camera pans around my character at the start
>stays there for at least a minute before i can actually move
>walk over to a generator
>start clipping into it
>heartbeat goes from 0 to 100 out of nowhere
>jump through a window
>clip right back through
>killer waltzes around the other side, grabs me even though the jump apparently didn't register
>don't even bother struggling, probably wouldn't have registered anyway
people with 3rd world internet shouldn't be allowed to host matches

Did you just learn English yesterday? Context buddy.
Did you stop reading at >broken as fuck, just to reply to me?
You need this shit spelled out for you?

> way too easy toescape with at least 3 people.

Why camp the hook when you can just place a bear trap and fuck off? That's every game I've played.

I'm trying, but I don't wanna spend the tiny dying and losing over and over to learn.

Kids these days.

Took me like 8-10 games to fully understand how to best hide. You should try games with this rating instead.

It was an awful idea to have every killer host. It should be based on whoever has the best internet.
Also why don't they just have lobbies that pick 5 random people then shuffle who gets to be killer? The lobbies would have so much more longevity that way.

Way too easy as compared to what?

I read what you said, but you didn't explain anything. You just said that 3 survivors makes it easy to escape. In what circumstances? At what levels?

Sure it's easy for 3 experienced, high leveled survivors to escape. Again, why the fuck should I care if my team won, if I died?

It also easy for one low level killer to win against 4 low level survivors with nothing.

Thats why I opened the conversation to that.

Wouldn't the best fix to make it easier for survivors at low levels, and harder at higher ones, instead of what seems to be difficult at low levels but bum fuck simple at higher ones?

The core game is solid. The problem is stuff like ranks that do literally nothing mechanically yet encourage people to disconnect the second they sniff a loss which just fucks EVERYTHING up for everyone else.

Killers can also see survivors levels and ranks pregame but not vice versa. So if the killer sees a high level he can close the lobby and try again or just gun for the high level at the very start.

Ever since I hit level 25 as a survivor I cant play the fucking game. Either the lobby closes the second I enter or the killer guns for me the whole match fucking me over. I had one game where the killer chased me for the WHOLE game. He let the others fix the generators and open the gate and he didn't care. I ran right past all three of the other survivors fixing one generator. He ran right pasted them and didn't even try to stop them. So of course I got no fucking points at all since I couldn't do anything.

Its things like this that are dragging the game down right now. If they fix it then it will be a great game since like I said, the core game is perfect. All they need is more content which they already have plans for since its the Payday 2 devs and it will be GOTY.

Wow yeah what a great game. It takes multiple attempts at simple hide gameplay before anyone knows what the fuck they're doing. AMAZING.

I want to play it, but I want a fair chance at winning at least once. I don't think it's good game play design to force people to lose over and over before they even understand how to win.

>its the Payday 2 devs
How the fuck did I miss this? Immediately refunded my purchase.

>Survivors usually get a rank up point for just escaping,

BULLSHIT. It takes 10000 points to rank up. Turning one 3 gens solo and opening the gate and escaping is only 9250 points. You have to do way more than just escape to rank.

How did you man? They announced right in the beta they have 25 killers planned and 2 years up updates secured.

>Either the lobby closes the second I enter
Been going through this as a rank 9. They don't gun for me, but if there's more than one high rank in the lobby, killers bitchquit.

They mostly dont care about rank since rank means jack shit. Its levels they care about.

One of the problems is the matchmaking is based on rank not levels so a level 25 with 4 perks at least one likely being an ultra rare can easily join a level 1 killers lobby. As you can likely fucking guess thats totally fucking bullshit since the perks make and break the game. So the killers have two options, they can either remake the lobby or gun you down as best they can hoping to kill you so they have any chance at all of winning.

I've been told that there is no matchmaking and it's all random, but I notice that 95% of the time, I get matched up with people under level 5, and with the other 5%, the other 3 people are all rank 14 or higher.

Saying that to Sup Forums isn't going to do anything, Sup Forums (for the most part) knows not to buy games day one.