This bitch is legitimately broken, by far the strongest tank and basically unkillable by a decent player.
Fuckin hell.
This bitch is legitimately broken, by far the strongest tank and basically unkillable by a decent player.
Fuckin hell.
Other urls found in this thread:
Junkrat exists
That's not: Mei, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Bastion, Winston, or Pharah.
>don't shoot her shields
>don't let her run away
Wow OP she's weak as fuck what a shocker
she's great at what she is, a secondary tank that acts as a support, lowest health of any of the tanks, shit damage output if you ignore shields, no armour.
FUCK Junkrat and his brain dead Ult.
>Dont shoot her
Yeah great strat.
She's the only hero who gets exponentially worse as the other teams gets better. So she's good against shitters.
As opposed to shooting her shields and powering her up? Please use some common sense the next time you play a game. Thank you
just shoot it nigga
>Bastion players
>lowest health of any of the tanks
And yet she's by far the tankiest tank in the game.
>Junkrat spamming corners with his LMB
>Thanks for the 100 charge
Read the entire sentence. Holy shit, dude.
Lana rain
just don't shoot her when her shield is up. Boom easy kill.
I've yet to see an actually good Zarya player.
Theres no way for Junkrat to fight a good Zarya
>ITT: Character I don't like and I'm too stupid to counter against
Literally one of the most retarded characters to shitpost about. Pretty much the same as complaining about tobjorn.
She's an easy kill as Reaper.
I wouldn't know because somehow I've only played against maybe two teams that even picked her and I've been playing since beta.
Only if her shield is on cooldown. I've taken down so many reapers with her because they come in, I pop shield and close range she'll take down a reaper faster than he can take down her shield + health.
>none of the faggots in this thread have played against double Zarya at high mmr
>think they have an opinion on balance in their shitter bracket
>salty fag who still hasn't learned not to shoot her shield
are you fucking retarded?
>jump zarya
>zarya turns around and shields
>float around like a retard for a few seconds, waiting for the shield to go
>finish her off
There's no reason why a good Reaper can't beat a good Zarya, excluding teammates being retarded.
>She puts her shield up
>Teammates keep shooting her
One of the best players in the game is actually a Zarya main and she's like 17
>another overshill thread
>Don't shoot her
>she does like 50 damage to you total
>fucking pulverize her
>shoot her
>do 0 damage because shield
>she turns giant, red and powerful, pulverizing you and probably at least 1 extra teammate with you
take your pick fag
Zarya is pretty hard to play well.
Shes for sure S tier though. Not enough good Zarya players for the community to take notice yet.
And then she farms charge off her bombs. You literally can't stop her from charging, you can only slow her down.
>Don't forget honesty!
What did she mean by this?
She made 3 other gooks quit playing because she was cleared of hacking accusations by Blizzard.
At least it's better than when the beta was happening. It isn't a fucking exaggeration to say that there were 20+ threads up back then.
>mfw I played the shit out of her in the beta when no one would touch her
>mfw cumming every game
Felt good, now you fucks know her potential and its not fun anymore. Happens to every multiplayer game I play. I find a really efficient flowchart for killing/winning (be it using a weapon a certain way in a certain place, a certain hero/character, do X in Y gametype, grouping up with 2 friends and doing something, etc) and milk that shit for a week or two, bathing in manchild tears, then someone puts up a youtube video and it everyone and their Aunt Deb uses it.
Every fucking time.
If those people are on console, then complaining about Torbjorn is pretty valid.
>It's a Tracer won't get off your dick match.
I have a new appreciation for how fucking irritating she is.
She is perfect.
It's been like a month sense release and people still don't know that hitting her barriers power her up.
She still isn't being played that much
I consider her more as a support character than a tank honestly, way more of a support than Symmetra.
>basically unkillable by a decent players Good players are usually unkillable regardless of hero. Why do you dumbfucks always think it's hero specific when you can't counter someone?
If you're playing on console, you shouldn't even bother with overwatch
>Winston is third lowest played
What the fuck. Winston is great.
You don't get energy for bombing yourself with m2
>Not enough good Zarya players
Thats because she looks like a dyke and we all know that Overwatch caters to waifufags
>will always regen at least 50% of her health
>200 hp shield that blocks instakills, can put it on allies as well
>retarded dmg if she gets energy, which a good player will get (see pro players)
Armor is overrated, only has the amount to make it noteworthy.
>Lucio is the most popular
I'm calling bullshit
What's the counter beneath her reticle?
>d va is the only character with a good amount of armor
>has a fuckhuge critbox so it doesn't matter
Sasuga Blizzard
Well, if Blizzard doesn't feel like balancing the game on all the platforms they chose to release it on, that's on them, not the players for buying it.
Lucio is a great all-rounder and compliments any team well.
He's damn near necessary on Koth maps.
No. It's on you for buying it for console. You bought the product. You could've refunded it.
>71% win rate
I thought you faggots said it was forced 50/50
"Forced 50 isn't real"
lel, who even thinks this
yea that's exactly what you're supposed to do faggot. Are you capable of thinking of strategies outside of hold W+m1?
>Play Torb
>Tracer bullies me the whole match
How much charge she has. The higher it is the higher her DPS is with a max of 100.
>He has trouble with Zarya
Don't shoot her when the shields up idiot
shitters play him like Reinhardt or try to solo team kill.
Get to higher MMR, Lucio is played on both sides a good amount, more than any single DPS is.
Charge %
If you're good enough with a good team you can get very high winrates. Some people have 90% (those play in 6 stacks 100% of the time)
Ha, this reminds me of Riot's advice on how to deal with Jax in League of Legends.
>If you encounter Jax, don't fight him.
>Also, try to run away
It's funny because they both sound like bad defeatist advice on the surface, but in reality that's actually a legitimate strategy to deal with both of them because they thrive on you choosing to fight them on their terms.
He's good but its harder to make an impact with him than other tanks since his kill potential is rather low and counting on randoms is hopeless
Zarya has her energy gun which shoots a continuous beam or grenades. She has two shields, one for herself and one for her teammates. Both shields expire after 2 seconds and take 200 damage. When her shields get damaged, Zarya gains energy. That's the counter under the reticle. The boosted energy means more damage.
She is a monster because she can simultaneously output damage while protecting herself and teammates, negating enemy damage.
That's fucking extreme, all I'm talking about is a console specific nerf to his turrets.
You gay, son?
I've played 51 hours and am Challenger rank. Am I fucked?
She dies in three reaper shots.
One off the bat, second to break her shield, third to finish her off.
There is no rank in quick play you fucking dunce.
And the whole tier ranking is being replaced by 1-100 mmr once ranked does come out.
tfw u do this
>sub 60fps on 720p.
What toaster is this?
Then how the fuck do I know my MMR?
>first month of a game
>spams the aoe blast against people who don't know how to shut down zarya
Top kek
Zarya is legit OP right now. A friend and I often run double Zar on King of the Hill and it is blatantly too good. We alternate using ults so there's almost always one of us with it up, and that is frequently a team wipe, and we E shield each other so when enemies try to wait out the first shield they're greeted with a second as they charge in. Her damage is insane at high charge too, everyone can die to her. She's legit OP but I have NO idea how you would fix her without making her worthless.
You don't, there is no visible MMR for pubs.
You will see your (separate) MMR in Competitive only.
>Get pulled by Zarya's ult and see her entire team revving up their Q keys.
You don't. Quick play is literally just meant to get you into a match with people at a reasonable skill level as fast as possible. It's not a competitive mode.
For quickplay you don't, its hidden so you "don't take the game so seriously."
Which I mean, I do agree since there's going to be actual ranked play. It's just annoying they didn't have it from launch.
Why would I want to make a 1080p webm lad
2 big for Sup Forums's size limit, shit would look pixelated
Oh. Thanks user. So the Challenger thing is meaningless?
I don't even know what "Challenger" thing you're referring to. If you mean the spiky shit around your hero icon, that's purely for playtime. Nothing else.
FUCK dont tell the masses, they are starting to realize, i see her on almost every game now
>crop out the tits
>color hair black
Hope you have fun facing double healer teams when you struggle to even get 1 player to play a healer on your team.
Sometime next week. Very likely Tuesday next week since Blizz likes that day for patches.
If you open your character sheet it's to the left of games played and hours. Just says "Challenger" with a symbol.
Go to your career profile. It's right next to the wins and hours played. It'll be replaced with the 1-100 rank anyways
Yes its useless. Everyone is challenger because no ranked yet and it will be replaced soon
Oh, I see. Challenger was the beta incarnation of the ranked mode. It went from Challenger at the bottom to Master at the top. Its inactive now since Competitive isn't up yeat.
What? Are you saying that a woman literally cannot be muscular? I mean, no, it's not common or anything, but it's possible.
>get destroyed by a character in overwatch
>type "[character] is op" into google
>see results, feel justified
>post your shit opinion on Sup Forums
The shitter cycle
Sometimes I only use M1
It's on PTR and it actually shouldn't ship yet imo, it's got some pretty glaring unfun issues
Games are played in matches. It assembles the teams, and then gives you a map/mode.
KOTH is currently Bo5 (which means you will play some maps twice)
Assault is time based. Attackers get their time taken, then defenders, then attackers, then defenders. Whoever does it fastest wins
Payload is fucked. No time taken into consideration, just getting to points gives you a point. A team could defend for 20 minutes, lose, play attack and win in 5 minutes, but both teams get 3-4 points, so they both win. Then it goes into shitty as fuck sudden death, where the game flips a fucking coin to decide who is attacking and defending on the same map you just played. attackers have 3 minutes + overtime to get to the FIRST POINT. Defenders lose like 80% of sudden deaths, it's shitty as fuck.