ok first of all why do people keep doing this shit.. making faux old graphics to appeal to the older fans... we have technology now and 3D rendering is available to everyone
I'm just hoping the battle mode comes out with it (even though they'll probably do gender swap instead). Really wanna play this with my friends
Because 3d rendering ages like milk compared to pixels.
So we don't end up with shit that looks like Mighty Number 9
I know you're baiting though
Plague Knight was fucking garbage so this better be worth playing.
Shovel Knight was still a good game though.
Some people just like the older style, the same way some people still like black and white for it's higher contrast, and sometimes more-thought-out use of lighting.
>Plague Knight
You get the fuck out. His mobility from charge jumps was awesome
>having to fucking go into menu's every three seconds to switch shit up
Nope. You get the fuck out.
>to switch shit up
So you can't play with one settup? Damn, you suck.
>bad graphics
How's that working out for Mega Man? Or Shovel Knight? Or Undertale? Or countless shitty indie games?
>Comparing Undertale's graphics to Shovel Knight's
I actually like Undertale but Shovel Knight's graphics are several steps above Undertale's. Undertale's graphics were the result one guy needing a way to get his story across, Toby isn't an artist. Shovel Knight's had careful consideration, used actual NES limitations to make them authentic, and made sure every pixel supported the aesthetic they were going for.
However, pixel art or sprites just aren't your cup of tea, and I respect that, I hope you enjoy the games you find aesthetically appealing, and that they keep getting made.
>used actual NES limitations to make them authentic
I like Shovel Knight but you don't know what you are talking about, the game merely is a homage to that era, it has animations and color schemes that would never run in an actual NES hardware.
>used actual NES limitations to make them authentic
No it didn't. Stop posting.
Even fucking Yacht Club went over exactly how they kept breaking the limitations because it would be stupid not to.
graphics dont care kys
I just ran with one bomb type I liked and the Float bomb unless specific situations were obviously better with another setup, and then had another setup I switched to for bosses. You didn't really need to switch at all most of the time.
So what he's saying is that they stayed within some of the limitations of the NES where it wouldn't hinder the visuals (in addition to music only adding two addition sound channels for the soundtrack), giving a style that seems reminiscent of the NES era even though it's not completely accurate. That better?
I had a part that said they broke some of them, should have kept it.
But yeah, it would not animate this well on NES, and some colors are off the NES Palette. They specifically went for what the NES is REMEMBERED to look like, instead of being complete sticklers. If something would make the final product look better while keeping the aesthetic, they went for it.
They still didn't just go "anything goes", like Undertale though, which, even ignoring the time it purposefully breaks the look, it still doesn't even look like for a second it would fit on any retro console.
Shovel Knight was cool and all but why don't they, you know, move on to something else?
"How's it wor-" are you fucking blind or some shit? Because Shovel Knight and Undertale sold like the fucking elixirs of life.
I imagine they're just getting done with stretch goals, they'll move on once they finish everything they promised.
All fads do that.
Now both games are deader than a doornail.
how do i play plague knight story?
do i need to beat the game first because i don't see it.
And you think that's because of the graphics? Where do you envision these games would be if they'd been made in Unity?
They're good people who are delivering on the stretch goals they told backers they would do
Right now Yacht club has 8 people working on Shovel Knight updates, and the other 7 are working on who knows what
The unlock it the proper way you need to beat the game or have a save file from beating the game
You can also use a cheat code to unlock it
You want to them to be fucking liars and scammers?
These campaigns are the stetch goals, delivering them is the least of what they can do.
Although it is taking a little too much.
Undertale, maybe, but It'd probably look like Might Number 9 or worse considering the guy behind it is not that great at art anyway.
Shovel Knight's whole point is that it FEELS like a NES game, the aesthetic is part of that.
I mean these campaigns are going above and beyond what I was expecting them to do for the game, having their own little stories for each one along with slightly changed levels to account for different knight abilities
Normally you have to beat the game, since it is assume everyone played Shovel Knight by now.
Still they are nice enough and give you a Cheat Code to unlock Plague Knight right away.
It will probably be the same with Specter Knight.
On my first playthrough I beat all the bosses without using any items. Git good scrub.
I agree with you except shovel knight has parralax backgrounds which the SNES could not do IIRC.
battletoads could but i'm not sure if there are any other games that could
To be honest that doesn't look as exhilarating as Plague's playstyle, but that's a hard act to follow.
Did a quick google search and found this.
Really hoping they can get some good level design that takes advantage of wall running and attack charging at the same time. Would make for some good shit
I guess I remembered INCORRECTLY
Why is this kind of no-effort bait acceptable to post? Nobody is going to rage over such purposeful obnoxiousness.
Shovel knight has a grand total of ONE color the NES couldn't manage. If you mean the number of colors on screen at a time, yeah I suppose that's true.
>completely forgot about Shovel Knight
>see they're still releasing knights
One day, Yacht Club Games will become jewish and shitty
>Shovel knight has a grand total of ONE color the NES couldn't manage.
Cite your source
The music is VRC6 accurate, even if virt's sound player of choice (NotSoFatso) isn't
An interview with Yacht Club mentioned how they cheated on one color used in Polar Knight's sprite, as well as a couple backgrounds. I'll see if I can find it, but you can google it in the meantime.
Mega man is legitimately the best looking series on the news. It's sprites are nice and clean and it's color palette it vibrant with a bunch of different colors compared to the 3 in most other news games.
Mega man absolutely holds up today
No trouble, I'll take your word for it
I stand corrected.
>He didn't play the Wii u version with the on the fly item swapping
Wow that must've been suffering
Oh shit this came just in fucking time, can we expect it b the end of summer?
It's been added to the PC version
>King Knight isn't next
I'm disappointed.
They say soon, but won't give a date so I'd bet the end of summer or early fall
MegaMan+Ninja Gaiden is a god tier mechanics system. It always has been, ever since MMX series did it.
I'm thankful for its return.
He was never going to be the next, he is a runner up in the poll, he will be after Specter.
The credits for Plague Knight's story teased Specter Knight being pissed someone stole his Phase Locket.
>King Knight mobility preview
Why has no one linked this?
It has? It's been a while since I've played, that's good news. Although I already double dipped and bought it on Wii-U for Co-op.
>there are people that didn't play the GOAT 3DS version with touchscreen item switching and 3D parallax
wow, oh wow
>That cape blowing in the wind
I already know who King Knight's campaign waifu is gonna be
His mirror
I'm much more interested in Spectre Knight, desu.
At least until they show us something cooler about King Knight.
Heh, his hud is filled with frilly desgins, nice touch.
Time for this OP to go to bed. Happy this thread didn't die out immediately, since Shovel Knight's probably my favorite game in the last few years to come out
Are you really complaining about that? A metric fuckton of high quality DLC for absolutely zero price? It's a fucking miracle that they actually decided to follow through on them considering the game's incredibly troubled development.
Also, people should post Shovel Knight art, I have little.
>there are people that bought absolute garbage systems
spectre knight's sprite looks too big and he looks more like a shadow ninja than a ghost reaper dude in terms of animations and gameplay
that being said, i'm okay with him being a ninja rather than a ghost and looking forward to it
this, lmao
why would anyone buy shovel knight on anything but the xbox one
Which platform should I get Shovel Knight for? PC, Wii U or 3DS? Are all versions getting the new dlc?
I'm not complaining. I'm saying it's fucking awesome how dedicated Yacht Club is and that it's understandable they're taking as long as they are for the updates
>There are people who confine themselves to a single platform and praise platform loyalty as opposed to diversifying their options for games and experiences
Wew lad.
>'Will' instead of 'Life'
3DS and Vita versions are the only versions that will not be getting the battle mode update. All versions are getting all other updates
Yeah I was kind of expecting Spectre Knights movement to be more graceful and flow-y like in his boss fight.
>Are all versions getting the new dlc?
Yes, they all have it.
fug i forgot my face.
All versions are getting the new DLC.
PC and Wii U are probably great too, but my personal favorite is the 3DS.
You get really nice looking 3d parallax, portability, and touch screen controls that don't require you to hold the bulky gamepad
Maybe that darkness bar can be expended to go into spooky mode or something?
this looks like a slow sonic the hedgehog
nintendo versions have amiibo things
playstation versions have a fight with kratos
xbone have a bonus stage with battletoads
>why would anyone buy shovel knight on anything but the xbox one
You joke, but the Battletoads cameo is probably the best exclusive. Well, best free exclusive.
I would rike that
>specter knight is like three times the width of shovel and plague knight's sprites
>best exclusive
that would be the touchscreen controls and dank asf 3d parallax of the 3ds mi familia
>>Now both games are deader than a doornail.
>getting new content
>there are people who waste their money on shitty products
I'll trade the headache for the great, thorough cameo of classic characters and some of their best known stages.
Or I would, if I owned an Xbone.
That fukken scythe makes up like half of his presence.
only normies of weak will get headaches from dank as fuck 3d
a five minute boss fight is nothing compared to having ease of access menu controls for the entire game
plague knight in particular is really notably better with the ability to change bomb type on the fly
Can we just forget about this fucking shit indie game?
i think i played the europe version that made the music play twice as fast and it was way better than the US version
>plague knight in particular is really notably better with the ability to change bomb type on the fly
It never bothered me. I'm used to juggling in the pause menu thanks to Megaman.
>there are people who waste money on video games and computer parts
just because it didn't bother you doesn't mean it wouldn't have improved your gameplay fammo
That alone I can't argue that. But I can argue the Battletoads cameo would be worth more to me personally.
>>having to fucking go into menu's every three seconds to switch shit up
This is why you get the game for the Wii U.
Plague Knight was amazing.
Is Yachtclub Games going to bring Spectre Knight mode to all platforms?
we can agree to disagree famalam
while it looks like a fun cameo, I wouldn't trade away the ability to switch through bomb types on the fly, and the 3D looks great, it's one of the only games I bother to turn the 3D on for ironically
yes ffs
>Can we forget about this amazing game?
On the 3DS and the Wii U you could change bomb combinations with the second screen without pausing. It does absolute wonders. It's helps a lot when playing as regular Shovel Knight too.
>yfw the PS Vita physical version comes out as the definitive port with all the previous exclusive content and a new mode
The Vita is neat and all. But the PC, 3DS, and Wii U versions should still be superior due to the expanded controls.