>go to a restaurant
>there's a fly in my soup
>waiter says "it's better than nothing"
Go to a restaurant
>paying for your meal before it's made
>scammed 4 million dollars from mega manchildren
why do we hate inafune again?
>it's another food/shit analogy
>take car in to get fixed
>come in 3 years later, mechanic has a bike for me
>"It's better than nothing"
>Try before buy
>People question piracy when food is treated the same way.
Ok, what happened? what did this madman do now?
Because he handed off some good franchises off to no name western devs.
>buying four million dollar soup
I always thought that people used "try" to refer to free demos and/or playing the game at a friend's house or store kiosk. You know, the legal way.
well, its better than nothing
fresh OC
Comcept held the worst launch stream ever, where they called backers salty, said that the game was "better than nothing" and the guy running it was constantly bitching about neat being able to eat his food.
He release a near flawless game and Sup Forums still bitched and moaned anyway because a couple "bugs".
>go to a restaurant
>waiter says they're out of beef and then takes a dump on my plate
>"it's better than nothing"
I mean to be fair that's how every single drive through and most fast food places work in general.
I actually think Inafune is pretty alright for coming out and admitting to that.
Poor guy. He only had to undastandu
Don't let him use the extra kickstarter funds to buy a katana
>Mighty No.9 Problems Addressed
Ya blew it. If you had waited for a LOL thread, you would have gotten all the (you)'s
And if I see you try it I will call you out
>Creator Mega Man
Inafune is a fucking hero
He literally BTFO every single mega manbaby that gave their money to this piece of shit project
Why wouldn't he? This way he appears humble to idiots and gets to keep all the money.
>Sandwich artist shits in sub
>yeah I shit in it I understand why you might be upset
>Creator Mega man
Technicaly that's right though, he created Mega Man together with Kitmura.
He's done a lot for the franchise, it's just that he's overrated.
>mega manchildren