I know it's heresy but I don't really like to play that many old games. There's an obvious lack of quality on a technical level due to the primitive technology. Yeah sure, there's no doubt that NES and Genesis are very influential but in my opinion, their games don't hold up. The people that tend to praise the games from the 80s-90s are usually either pretending to be infatuated with them to give off the look that they're true gamers or just take influence into account when it comes to game design. I personally like to take an objective approach to game criticism and not take into account influence and other subjective variables
I know it's heresy but I don't really like to play that many old games...
I agree except for rare exceptions (advance wars comes to mind).
Controls notwithstanding, 2D games have aged just fine and are far superior to modern games. I agree that 3D games have aged like shit, though, and you are well within reason to avoid them.
Agreed, NES and Genesis are dated shit, arcades are where it's at.
There are some old games that are still good and worth playing, and new games that aren't as good, but for the most part I agree. I went on a kick trying to play a bunch of old games lately, and found a lot of them to not be very fun. Old turn-based games that require grinding are terrible. The first Mega Man game on NES is glitchy and requires a lot of trial and error to figure out the stage order to make the game not unfairly challenging.
There are still old good games though. A Link to the Past, Mega Man X, most of the Mario games, Kirby games
Mario 64 is better than most games you shill $60 a month on. Js tbqhf
But many of the games that were made back then utilized the most out of their limited technology while modern games try to go beyond it then it's really necessary.
By that I mean while many old games mainly used the bare essentials many modern games like The Order: !886 or Assassin Creed to to push their tech to the limit, which in turn hinders what tech or money they could've spent focusing on gameplay.
I'd much rather play something cool that came out recently than say "EVERYTHING OUT TODAY SUCKS OLD GAMES ARE THE BEST".
The mainstream FPS genre has stagnated for sure, but overall the design and quality of games have been risen to new standards every year.
Or, you know, people just play them because they're still fun.
>but overall the design and quality of games have been risen to new standards every year.
To name a few:
The best beat 'em up ever made came out in 2006.
The greatest character action game ever made came out in 2005.
The greatest action RPG ever made came out in 2005.
I don't know what year the best cRPG ever made came out in but it sure as shit wasn't anytime in the past 6 years at least.
RTS is a dead genre.
Things have not been improving in this industry.
>i disagree, but instead of telling you why i'll quote you and post a reaction image
There was tons of good back then. The problem was the abundance of shovelware which is still a problem today, we're just less hampered by it since for one we're all older and we know better and the internet is at the point to where we can just research anything we need. As far as the 8 and 16 bit era are concerned you can really never go that wrong with Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, SNK, Konami, Namco, Treasure, Square, some games published by Enix, Atlus, Hudson, Natsume, Sunsoft. Sure not EVERYTHING they've made is stellar, but they've all made at least one thing worth playing back then.
Every worthwhile developer team is dead. Everyone just settled for less.
>The best beat 'em up ever made came out in 2006.
Streets of Rage has been around since the 90's my man.
And yet it's not as good as God Hand
Adum, please.
>people actually agreeing
Sup Forums is full of fucking normalfags and casuals, what happened?
i agree nostalgia fags should be eradicated
I hope everybody in this thread is joking, Jesus
>tfw the best singleplayer fps that will ever exist was 16 years ago
>tfw the best multiplayer fps that will ever exist was 17 years ago
I just want to have the time of my life shooting people in a virtual environment, why must the industry be so shit?
Most of my favorite genres stopped being made like 10 years ago. The pinnacle for those genres were made 10~ years before then.
You're not wrong, user, I don't think anyone sensible questions that. 16-bit era games were extremely simple for the most part, both due to hardware limitations and the way things/expectations worked at the time.
I mean, whatever floats your boat, but there are many MANY old games that still hold up Imo, and have shit you just don't see in modern games anymore.
I suppose it's easier to go back and play old shit bc I grew up with it, but I believe you're simply missing out if you don't play shit of yesteryear. Like a /lit/ who doesn't read anything before 2000 just because it's dated. You're entitled to do that ofc, but it's just idk...retarded.
>The mainstream FPS genre has stagnated for sure, but overall the design and quality of games have been risen to new standards every year.
OP may be right, but you are terribly mistaken.
Do you guys realize OP is just copypasting a YMS quote about old movies?
Most NES games arent worth your time but if you think there arent 4th-5th gen games that arent still great you should leave
Is this the thread where the underage try to reassure each other that they aren't shit eating casuals?
1996-2006 is the golden age. 2007 was when it became clear games were turning to shit.
>I don't know what year the best cRPG ever made came out in but it sure as shit wasn't anytime in the past 6 years at least.
But Underrail came out last year
My first console was the Genesis and I agree with OP, sorry.
Even though I enjoy old games a great deal I don't think this perspective is wrong by any means. You most likely grew up in a generation where you got used to game design from that decade. In a few more years you'll eventually see a new generation of people claim that games from the 00s & 10s sucked ass due to their technological limitations while the hip new 20s gaming generation is marginally better. It simply has to do with what time period you grew up in.
This is for the most part true.
Though there have been great games released during the past 9 or so years, they've been few and far between.
I don't care what you like or dislike.
I want to fuck Adam
I want to fuck Adam
Tell me OP, how many old games have you played?
I mean, really played? If not finished, at least spent a good amount of time on? Not 10 minutes in an emulator.
kill yourself child
I am so done with little kids
stop getting memes from youtube you don't understand then just spouting them everywhere
kill yourself child
I am so done with little kids
stop getting memes from youtube you don't understand then just spouting them everywhere
I am an older guy who like playing video games and I agree. It's very hard to get into older games imo. Watching them get better and better as I grow up with them really makes it hard. The only thing I don't like is the lack of inspiration in this generation and at the end of last generation. Bethesda's skyrim really made me take notice on the direction of gaming and where it's heading. Most games last my son about a month. That's it. That's all most games are made for these days. The only thing that's lasted more then a month is the division due to his friends still playing it.