How the fuck are people attracted to this tumblr hamplanet?
How the fuck are people attracted to this tumblr hamplanet?
Chinese princess archetype is pretty endearing imo, but I also just like a big ass.
mei is bae
Zarya is the tumblr hamplanet
You posted the wish-fulfillment 3.14
Because she's only chubby, not an obese fucker struggling under her own weight just to move
She's thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. You can have your anorexic bag of bones, op. Or maybe a ripped dude bro if you're into that kind of thing, I don't judge
it's like a dumbed down pyro
her and bastion should be deleted from the game
two most broken fucking classes
You realize hamplanet refers to fat people, yes? Zarya is big muscles, not big fatty.
Both are countered easily. Stop maining your waifu and switch heroes.
Dumb memers and chicken nugger THICC fags who can't keep their saliva in their mouths drooling over the keyboard UUUGHH UGHHHHHHH THICCCC MUH THICC
Still more tumblr than Mei
Other than the hair color, how? I wasn't aware tumblr invented butch lesbians.
she's buff not fat, blizz also handled her perfectly
>tumblr cries all women are "unrealistic" sex objects
>make strong pink haired woman but also make her a fascist
the fascists of tomorrow will call themselves anti-fascist
Because shes cute
She's a racist nationalist
Don't judge a book by it's cover
Why does everyone assume the coat meant for arctic temperatures is paper-thin?
they didn't invent 3.14s either?
>Roadhog is an abbo
>Have him huff petrol to heal
Fucking really Blizzard?
She doesn't play like Pyro, though.
sh-shut the fuck up overwatch is LITERALLY a TF2 clone but DUMBER stop proving me wrong SHUT UP SHUT UP
dont listen to him bro! fucking blizzshill meme cuck drone fags!
Because offical concept art shows her as fat with tig ol biddies
That concept art might as well be fanart, Mei is NEVER going to be shown without a huge coat that obscures her figure
Because fetishes
Is bastion still a problem at all?
Nowadays, i can barely find a game where bastion won't get destroyed easily
>Is bastion still a problem at all?
not even in the slightest
people have figured him out, and it turns out he's easy to beat
this is just a poor excuse to defend her character and I see it all the time
She doesn't like goddamn robots, so what, who gives a shit? the story to this game isn't controversial to the slightest, it doesn't affect anyone if she doesn't like omnics. they didn't have the balls to go through with any more subtle geopolitical/racial stuff so they just pulled out the token race card. literally all fiction for babies do that.
They create a dull plot device "race" that you can't really side with or hate because honestly who gives a shit about robots?
It doesn't make her "un"-tumblr if they cover up her character with a whole bunch of "look!! she could be considered immoral in our totally irrelevant and badly written world!!"
She's tumblr as hell for all I care, they literally created her after complaints about body type and representation in overwatch, and for some reason she ends up being the one pink haired girl in the game. I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough not to separate the author's intentions and their fictive work. This meaningless world they built has no relevant impact on why and how zarya was thought, designed, and created.
Blizzard fans are cancer.
"Remove something I don't like because I said so."
Grow up you fucking loser.
Mei probably isn't as fat as the fans claim her to be, but I don't really care. I'll fap to her gut.
found the low mmr fag
3 keks deposited to your account.
So, tumblr then
Because she looks like my high school crush that friendzoned me.
From now on everytime that I shot an icecle through the mouth of some poor shitter, I'm gonna think about you and your salty tears user
Mei is not fat, she's just wearing a big coat
she's thicc/curvy at most
this. why aren't all games racist? they'd sell really well and it would bring great publicity. So what if Zarya is a Russian nationalist, Russia isn't even a real country and even if it was, its not like it would be far more right wing than most of the west.
If you guys just realised what modern mainland Chinese women are like nowadays with their money grubbing, selfish, competitive nature, you would fucking run the moment you recognised her mainland China accent
we dont speak nigger here homo
Mei is the only character who has meaningful environmental influence on objectives. She is more strategic than 90% of the character selection, which given how easy Mei is to play, says a lot about the game.
>nigger speak was so bad it had to be word filtered