I still can't get Kojima's attention. Life sucks.
I still can't get Kojima's attention. Life sucks
why do people do this shit? as it stands death stranding isnt even a game, its a teaser for nothing
Because Kojima is my daddy
It's going to be great when it turns out that's a placeholder name, and that tattoo becomes even worse.
Hey, I also have a P.T. Tattoo on my sternum.
This would only make them better
kojima is the kanye west of videogames
Then why is there no MGS VI
>Sony and Kojima part ways
>The game is never released
>This guy still has this tattoo
Lmao this is exactly what I thought. I don't think Death Stranding will be the actual name just like Silent Hills wouldn't have been called P.T.
>people will unironically get tattoos of fucking marketing on their bodies
tattoos are so fucking stupid
And he'll probably still be obese too.
Nice Pig's leg OP. What breed is it?
Don't laugh at Kojima's tats
This goes beyond the game's title. It's the phenomenon itself, just like P.T. Games like these are work of art.
Death Stranding is a fucking terrible title as well. Death Stranded or even just Stranded would have been better.
>tattoos are so fucking stupid
No people who do you greentext are stupid. Only virgins have a thing against tattoos in general.
Did you really just get a tattoo for a game that we know virtually nothing about just to try and get like a fucking retweet by Kojima or something?
there was never going to be a silent hills. no joke it was all a ruse, there's a video explaining it all
All of the local tattoo parlors ask how long you have considered getting the tattoo you want. If it less than six months, they refuse to give you a tattoo.
Cause he's an fat and ugly fuck who literally has less blood flow going to his brain because it's being used to keep his over-sized organs going.
Reminds me, Kanye actually is making a game
>unironically defends putting fucking marketing into your skin
i hope you die of cancer and get put on a fucking billboard like the walking advertisement you are.
I bet anything that this is an american.
They have no common sense.
I didn't defend that though you dense retard.
It must really suck to be famous enough for people to recognize your face on the street.
Imagine going out to pick up some bread or something and you keep getting stopped by mgs fanboys
when you say making, is he involved in anyway other than financing it and giving some ridiculous ideas that will be scrapped?
Yeah sounds like they hate money
The best part is death stranding is an action verb to describe what whales do when they purposefully beach themselves and die.
Fitting for a fat fuck to have it.
I'm not sure what's worse l, that oversized calve or that fucking tattoo
Stop not liking what someone else likes that someone else may not like.
cant wait for kojima to change the official title.
It's pretty funny that you can tell a persons weight just by looking at a single part of their body.
What? Lol
You can't actually believe this.
It's for the best. Better to reject $100, than to get a $1,000 frivolous lawsuit and lawyer fees.
They also refuse to do neck, hand, and face tattoos.
if you want Kojima's attention you have 2 options
1) mess with something he cares about
2) show him some burgers
its worked before it will work now. he has a strange obsession with burgers
God I love this thread and was hoping for that salt
Anyway I'm totally fine with it
I lost 35lb in 7 weeks and I'm planning on killing myself in the following years. Till then I'm just doing stupid shit because I'm bored
That's just like your opinion man
I doubt his ideas are getting shot down, he is probably doing music, art direction, and story
I have to get a burger tattoo, right ?
>game LITERALLY was JUST announced
>already getting a tattoo
I don't usually get triggered, but this is just fucking retarded.
Despite Kojima's love for America, he really doesn't like fatties and your calf alone weighs as much as toddler.
>getting a tattoo
They obviously charge more for tattoos. Same where I live. Tattoos in most shops are quite expensive, but the artists truly care about what they put on your body.
Kojima is an obnoxious hack black American who's albums have been almost always half baked since 2004?
I'd like to see a Kojima clothes range tbqh.
if i may make a suggestion
let time take its course. doing it yourself is the pussy way out. enduring it is the way to go. theres enough that goes on daily that will kill you that waiting for nature (or a dumbass) to kill you is far easier to deal with for everyone around you than doing it yourself
no but its a start. take a picture of a burger with kojima's name in the bun
What is "signing a waiver"
This is my seventh tattoo, he knew what he was doing.
What's wrong with tattoos?
Literally worse than vaping
99.9 percent of the time they look retarded and tacky. Especially when they cover over half your body.
but MBDTF is his best work
"they're permanent OP is so gonna regret it in the future because life is something we gotta take 100% seriously"
what the fuck is wrong with vaping?
i watched that movie
it was bothering me that age is RNG from the moment you're born
Does Kojima have the worst fanbase ever?
Very few tattoos stand the test of time.
With the exception of cultural tattoos, most will look embarrassing in 5 or 10 years.
Tribal tattoos were hot shit once, there's no one on earth who would get one now.
They generally don't look as cool as you think they do, especially when you end up looking like a cheap hooker going into a job interview.
It's pretty funny that he didn't mention the person's weight, simply that the single part of their body was oversized.
Nothing. Sup Forumsirgins are just upset they're not outgoing enough to do something wild and crazy in their youth.
they make virgins nervous
If it's fat, they prob are too
Just be responsible. None of my tattoos are on apparent body parts, they're not "marketing", they're hidden 95% of the time.
>He's not fat! He's just got a big leg!
Oh we've already cleared that
your body isn't a canvas.
>I'm a virgin neet who got cockblocked by a cool guy who happened to have tattoos.
what is this the 50s? grandmothers get tattoos now. it's pretty passe.
Says who?
Some strung up virgin?
Post your sick barbed wire band tattoo
>you have to be outgoing to want to get a shitty tattoo
>you're not outgoing if you don't do something like getting a shitty tattoo
>getting a tattoo is "wild" and "crazy"
>wild and crazy is automatically a good thing
he retweets cosplays as well- he's retweeted mine twice
That ankle is thick. T H I C C
Why are you making up imaginary scenarios just because a few people criticized tattoos?
Cosplaying a burger with a Death Stranding tattoo will sure get his attention
Nothing if done subtlety, and well.
Unfortunately majority of tattoos aren't either.
That's bullshit and you know it. More like if you look under six months old, they'll refuse to give you a tattoo.
My tramp skank sister had tramp stamps at 13 because she went to the coast to get them done. Tattooist don't give a shit. You can even by tat guns yourself now and DIY trace it if you want to be ultra redneck
>your body is what I say it is
Drown yourself.
I don't doubt it.
t. "18 year old senior" in high school
Don't you have a drunk driving and texting to die to?
Because neets don't know how the real world works.
>implying most of Sup Forums isn't still in their youth
I love when Sup Forums talks about things that aren't the hobby they are supposed to be discussing.
Purely because most of the board is disconnected as fuck
I've done stick n poke DIY tattoos with a friend a year ago, it's fun even though it's U N A E S T H E T I C C.
But as long as it's fun, I don't care. We like doing shits like that. There's no problem with it, everything we do has its story and that's cool
I can't belive tattoofags are more insecure than the neets they criticize. holy shit this is hilarious.
Try harder, faggot.
Kids these days know nothing about tattoos. Scissors? A straight black line? Back in my day (the late 90's), tribal tattoos were the big thing.
Accusing people of not knowing how the real world works and defending a guy who got a video game tattoo on his fat ham hock of a leg.
Yeah you know all about the real world.
They must be suffering from the most intense buyer's remorse possible. Imagine spending a hundred dollars on something, only to realize that it not only looks like complete dogshit, but is also permanent.
If Biohazard 7 turns out to be almost as good as what I was expecting from P.T. Silent Hills, I might also get a tattoo of it next to the Sempiternal one.
Not him but this entire site is like 50% underage
Nothing, they're good for identifying ex-cons and retards
I'll end up in Meme Jail
cool nitpicking nerd
This. It's like dyed hair with tumblrtards. Nice warning signal.
get over yourself
oh god that pic