>MGS4 was shit
>Peace Walker was shit
>Lords of Shadow was shit
>MGSV was shit
>Death Stranding will be ____
MGS4 was shit
>make cinematic experiences
>surprised when they're terrible games
Explain to me why people praise this literal hack
the memes, jack.
his games are quotable for all the wrong reasons
Wasn't Lords of Shadow some spanish fucks the fuck does Kojima have to do with that?
he got style and grace
Kojima should dedicate to make movies not video games
Penguin Adventure is literally the best game ever made.
he's got a funny face
He produced it and was the reason it wasn't canned.
He was also the reason why IGAvanias were axed in favour of Lords of Shadow
He actually uses the word meme correctly though.
if you know video games so well, then make one better than any of his games right now
He directed it.
I could take a giant fat shit right now and it would be a better game than MGS4
MGS5 was great aside from the cut shit and story
he does but the latter half of my comment is why I said it. his nonsense drivel comes off as deep writing
Peace Walker was great.
MGSV was great, but not a finished game due to factors outside of Kojima's control.
Your poop is shit
Your crap is shit
Your feces is shit
Your excrement is shit
Your next bowel movement will produce ___
The gameplay was terrible, the level design was non-existent and it was a horrible fucking slog to get through.
I'm convinced that anyone who praises MGSV's gameplay has never played a good stealth game before
>due to factors outside of Kojima's control.
He was LITERALLY given YEARS to make the game and an UNLIMITED budget. He wasted the whole development period and Konami decided to cut their substantial losses and push the game out in its current state.
Konami did NOTHING wrong. Kojima is a LITERAL hack.
Level design might have been pretty bland and samey but I did like the gameplay. I've played Thief 1 and 2 for almost 100 hours each, beat Splinter Cell 1 and 3, and played Hitman 2 and Blood Money quite a bit too.
Put about 70 hours into MGSV.
Stealth games revolve around proper level design. If you'd actually played those games for that period of time you'd know that.
The actual mechanics were nothing special. They were just standard third person sneakan controls without any of the fun gadgets or weapons in the previous games. Fucking Blacklist is a better game in that regard, and you won't find anyone pretending that's a good game.
I have never enjoyed a Poojima game
I thought it was an interesting experiment to make an open world stealth game. It didn't turn out as well as some people were expecting or hoping but I still enjoyed the time I put in it. MGS has never really been up to par with the sneaking compared to other games anyway but I'm glad we got this open world stealth stuff out of the way so hopefully nobody does it again. But what that means is that there just probably won't be any more stealth games at all.
Dishonored 2 should be good (for people who enjoyed the first one at least) but a lot of people hate Dishonored too.
Shit, obviously.
>I still enjoyed the time I put in it
so you have terrible fucking taste
Nearly every game he's made has been good at worst so death will likely be pretty great. You can disagree if you want but you'd be wrong.
I'm just glad I stopped coming to Sup Forums while playing it so I didn't have to be exposed to all the negativity while playing. I'll probably do the same for Dishonored 2 since it'll probably be shit on too.
His last three games have been literal poo
You CANNOT debate this
We don't know yet if Death Stranding will be a game.
>MGSV was shit
It's almost as if you faggots have completely forgotten about the gameplay.
They were good at worst. V was one of the best games of 2015. I don't care if it didn't live up to the fanfiction you and a bunch of other dorks came up with after watching the trailers.
I haven't, that was also shit.
He's not a literal hack though.
A hack is coding a shit.
Kojima is a human being.
Neck yourself
>b-b-but you just hated the story
I skip the cutscenes in every MGS game I play
I'll fkn fight you m8
So you're a retard on top of having middling opinions.
Everything he made before MGS4 and his crippling depression was pretty good. It's been downhill since then.
Ah but you forget that MGS 4 was, and still is, a PlayStation exclusive - which automatically makes it flawless by neo Sup Forums standards
Kojima would get laughed out of movies, in video games he's treated like a genius
Sometimes incredibly talented people are capable of hitting the spot but need a few open minded people around them to hold them back when their good idea goes sour and they are unable to see it.
Kojima can pull off some amazing shit, but only when people filter out his bad decisions.
As Kojima becomes freer with his game design, the more his games will suck unless he realizes the flaws on his own.
Yeah, his games couldn't hit the pure artistic peak of such films as: Capeshit, capeshit 2, capeshit 3 the recapening, Capeshit 4 they team up to shit on capes this time.
MGSV was perfectly fine from a game design perspective but you could tell that he literally didn't give a fuck about the story and also didn't take criticism on it. Death Stranding is the last straw for me on whether I consider him a hack or not.
They unironically can't. He'd be laughed out of the industry, just the the wachowskis
>MGSV was perfectly fine from a game design perspective
>MGSV was perfectly fine from a game design perspective
If you think Ubisoft tier design cliches is "perfectly fine" then sure
None of the games after 4 needed to exist story wise. They were just excuses for gameplay because people wanted more metal gear.
Wrong. Sperm because he's a buttboy.
Aww goshdarnit!
>but you could tell that he literally didn't give a fuck about the story
Kojima has NEVER given a fuck about the overarching timeline, this has been readily apparent since day 1. His stories are about a central theme and the plot exists to express that idea, it's not about autisticly adhering to a fictional timeline. The only time he did that we got MGS4 which is unquestionably the worst story and game in the series
>None of the games after 4 needed to exist story wise. They were just excuses for gameplay because people wanted more metal gear.
Guess it's a good thing that video GAMES are about GAMEplay eh?
His writing is still better than most japanese games. He's just past the peak that was MGS2.
Too bad the gameplay fucking sucks
That was my point. The gameplay in V was great and the story was mediocre but it doesn't matter. The story is over.
I'm sorry MGSV requires you to actually make your own fun through its expansive systems and highly replayable, open-ended missions instead of railroading you to the next setpiece like every other game in the series
Railroading is essential to stealth games.
MGS1's first disc is definitely stronger than disc 2, MGS2 takes a steep nosedive in gameplay quality once it railroads you after the bomb disposal, MGS4 is the most heavily railroaded game in the series and is undoubtedly the worst. Why is this? Because games that railroad the player generally aren't fun. The player wants to feel like they are making an impact on the action on-screen. MGS2 has that whole meta-twist that I guess you can use to justify it but I liked the gameplay better when it let me explore the tanker and big shell.
MGS3 and V are widely regarded to be the best (outside of contrarian memers on a cambodian origami image board) because they actually let you PLAY THE FUCKING GAME and make your own fun without shepherding you to the next setpiece
>they actually let you PLAY THE FUCKING GAME and make your own fun without shepherding you to the next setpiece
that's what 3 does though. It's a linear fucking game.
He's a very, very good visual director. And NO ONE can make a trailer like he can. No one.
As a writer he's pretty good, but is way too given to weird retcons and narrative messes. I think he could be a decent writer if he has a co-writer whose only job is to prevent him from being his own worse enemy.
>the peak that was MGS2
>As a writer he's pretty good, but is way too given to weird retcons and narrative messes.
People who say this don't understand Kojima as a creator. He literally does not care about providing a consistent timeline because that is not his priority.
Big Boss never told Snake that he was his dad in Metal Gear 2, yet it was made so in MGS1 because Kojima wanted to tell a story about how genetics influence fate and destiny. I'd say it worked out for the better.
God Policenauts sucks! It's like a really bad Visual Novel. And I don't know, seriously, VN are like the easiest thing in the world to design. So when you design a bad one, that is remarkable.
The entire story of Policenaughts is not only a pixel hunt, but you basically have to try everything, and then try everything multiple times. So if you don't know this, like if you want to know about some photograph, you ask about the photograph, and she tells you something, and then you have to ask the same topic again. So that photograph entry can occur 3 or 4 times. And then you have to start from the beginning and try them all again because the third time might have opened something new up. And you have to exhaust every single option. ALL OF THEM. Before the game will let you move on. That is HORRIBLE.
It's not like an oldschool adventure game. Because in an adventure game you don't have to look at and inspect everything on the screen multiple times. You're just sitting there, desperately wanting to move on with the plot, and then you're stuck trying to inspect every little thing over and over again, and asking people the same questions over and over again. And when it finally gets exciting, it gets exciting for 20 seconds then you're right back at it.
Is the plot interesting? Not really. You know what the story is? It s 5% Blade Runner, 95% Lethal Weapon. It is literally Lethal Weapon. It's straight up Riggs and Murtaugh. It's not even subtle. He rips off whole scenes. It's amazing.
He literally does though. MGS4 and V were made because he wanted to create a consistent timeline.
>MGS4 and V were made because he wanted to create a consistent timeline.
MGS4 was a passive aggressive appeasement of the idiots who didn't get MGS2, and if you think the Venom Snake twist was done just to explain how Big Boss was alive in Metal Gear 2 you're retarded.
Okay buddy, I'll take your word for it, even though it goes against every single thing he did in the games
With sequels, the narrative becomes incredibly convoluted, so it's really hard to just figure out who is on what side and what's really going on. Even when ignoring the inconsistent timeline issues, it creates these stupid needless retcons and plot twists.
Like for example, characters keep coming back from the dead. Liquid, Voligin came back and it really made the stories much worse. It's so much stronger that they died and stayed dead in MGS1 and 3. There's really dumb plot twists for no reason. The plot twist of V really added nothing, and if anything detracted from the story.
Please, enlighten me as to how I'm wrong, buddy, because I'm sure I can refute you.
How about the way he tried to conclude every single fucking plot thread in MGS4?
2 and 4 were games he didn't want to make. At least not at that point. He wanted to do something on the Wii instead. They wanted a final story that tried to tie up all the lose ends, and he did.
>The plot twist of V really added nothing, and if anything detracted from the story.
When you accept MGSV is a meta-narrative and the Venom Snake twist is a narrative extension of Kojima making a game that is dedicated to the player having complete agency and freedom it makes sense.
>2 and 4 were games he didn't want to make
And how do you know this?
>They wanted a final story that tried to tie up all the lose ends, and he did.
So he cares about creating a consistent narrative then. Thanks for agreeing with me
It makes sense, but it adds nothing of value and detracts from the story.
>narrative extension of Kojima making a game that is dedicated to the player having complete agency and freedom it makes sense
this is the dumbest fuckingshit I've ever heard
This sounds like a lot of headcanon to me
>i-it was meant to be bad
It's exactly what he was going for, though
if someone told you back in 2001 that MGS2 was about examining the railroaded nature of video games and deconstructing the relationship between player and avatar you'd probably say I was retarded. Only in 2016 you have SuperBunnyHop and Matthewmatosis to explain MGS2 to you.
It will be a masterpiece better than quantum shit the only you xfags will get
>It's exactly what he was going for, though
prove it
regardless, that doesn't change the fact that it's fucking terrible
Its the honest to god truth
Not a single MGS game post-MGS2 has hit the same high notes, not a single one
The closest was MGS4
To be fair people said the same thing about Mgs2 and they were wrong then too.
Kojima got bored with the series and games, and didn't want to do sequels. Out of his annoyance he made some meta commentaries. It's interesting but at the same time, just superfluoous . I'd prefer a standard fun narrative.
His games have most cutscenes that gameplay
Great, now when are you going to make reply to my post
>lords of shadow
Do you realize Kojima had literally 0 to do with that game? It was just marketing, he visited the studio once.
Good gameplay can't compensate for shit contents.
Nice opinions
>prove it
MGSV's entire fucking design philosophy is giving as much freedom to the player as possible. The player is given carte blanche to design their own mission plan using any means they see fit, are given tons of equipment to play with, hell, Kojima drastically cut the amount of cutscenes so the player wouldn't feel obstructed in how they play the game.
Venom Snake serves as an avatar to the player. You are beaten over the head with this. Playing as yourself rather than an established character keeps the player's agency as a priority, and through gameplay, you claim the legend of Big Boss for yourself.
Sure, it's kinda messed up within the overall timeline of the series, but as I said before, Kojima never gave a shit about that anyway. He cares more about central theme and the nature of video games as a medium than documenting a fictional timeline.
>None of the games after 2 needed to exist story wise
that's better
sounds like you're making this all up to me. Do you have any evidence that this is actually what he wanted, like I asked?
MGS2 ended MGS as a concept
MGS4 ended it as a narrative
All MGS games after 2 are literally footnotes
All four of those were good though. You want a shit Kojima game talk about Boktai.
I get what you're saying, but 2 ends on a very open ended note. It didn't need to be tied up but it could have been.
4 tied nearly everything up to an almost brutal degree.
Wasn't that guy, not really interested in debating you.
Honestly, did you get into the series around the time MGS4 came out? Don't lie.
If you played MGS2 back in 2001 I'm sure you would have been one of those types who bitched and moaned about Raiden.
None of those games are shit.
They're only shit if you hype them up to be the greatest games of all time.
>Do you have any evidence that this is actually what he wanted, like I asked?
maybe the fucking ending to the game where Big Boss explains this shit to you, you dumb shit
>it's meta therefore it's good
MGS4 is in the top 3 MGS games along with 1 and 2