How's that game going, user?
How's that game going, user?
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Dumping pics from the home alone game I started today
Last one
thx fab
Is that fox mcCloud?
Is there any way to make custom WADs standalone?
how can I make a N64 game and actually put it on a cart?
Learn MIPS programming then buy an Everdrive or an EEPROM writer to dump the code onto a chip and solder it onto an existing cartridge.
wow, i wasnt expecting a real answer.. thanks user.
np fab I want more low poly vidya
I'm a big fan of it, it'd be even cool to do PS1 games aswell. I do have to know C well before I learn MIPS?
Made a face, will work on the hair and body tomorrow
MIPS is an assembly language so while learning C could help you understand certain abstract concepts, assembly works on a much lower level than C. However, depending how far you want to take this you can use C to make PS1, and N64 games, if you just want to make something simple. If you want to have full access to the hardware and make something akin to what the best games were like then you'll need to get into the nitty gritty with assembly language.
Luckily MIPS was designed to be used by humans as opposed to other assembly languages like x86 which read like nonsense because they're designed to be written procedurally when you compile C code. Another great thing is that both the N64 and PSX cpus use the MIPS architecture so learning it will let you make games for both systems.
Where would you recommend on learning MIPS? Like I'm super serious and wanting to try this out. Please tell me more user.
Are there any legit and checked tutorials how to make 3D models?
being a writer is suffering
bretty good. have a quick shot of my shitty stolen kenney assets.
I can't write a story for shit.
If you're a complete noob about assembly language then I suggest you understand about how a CPU reads assembly language.
Here's an example of how a Gameboy works which should be simple enough to get you started
Then familiarize yourself with MIP assembly and its instruction set
Then setup a work environment
Finally get your hands on an assembler there are a few options out there
Wow I didn't even know that we have such an mazing board, thans
This is actually pretty good, post wires.
I have drive to work on it for a week, then stop completely
A month later the drive returns, but I want to work on something different
This has happened many times
nice general
Jesus dude, I can't thank you enough. I'm more of just an artist but I also wanted to learn programming N64 games in general. Is there anything else I need to know while I'm learning all of this? I don't wanna skip anything that I need to know.
>mfw we're able to infiltrate outer Kevin
any specific issue you're running into to or are things just hitting a rough patch.
Here's the online manual for the N64 since you're so serious. Contains everything about the hardware, and how it works.
God speed user.
Overwatch and FF14 killed my drive to keep working on it.
Reminder to use Unreal for 3D and Godot (monogamous you prefer C#) for 2D
Since I've recently gotten time to do it I'm working on a short little RPG, sort of in the vein of old school ones, just as a babby's first really.
I'm still in design phase so I haven't really started building it yet but is RPG Maker VX okay or are there other engines that can do its job better with little programming knowledge? I'm willing to learn C but I want to hook at least a little something under my belt before I want to start needing that.
I wish Kenney made more 3d shit. They're great for prototyping.
I'm learning to make models in Blender
Thank you, user! I actually put every thing you said on a notepad and I'll start learning tomorrow since I'm a NEET and I have all the time in the world to learn. You're a nice person.
Scissor blade for a lil Kill la Kill game I'm making.
Expected release date: 2025
aw yeah
>pocket league
oh god user, if you don't finish this and make it the new sanicball I will be one disappointed nobody on a board full of other nobodies
I don't make games, I just make random assets for fun.
Here's my latest, an AKM.
You got a blog?
Dont really know where to start learning how to make gaymes.'
It seems you need to already be in college working at a computer science degree.
Start by learning basic programming. Language doesn't really matter but something like C# is easier to start with than C or C++.
You hardly need a computer science degree
All you need is Game Maker (Or if you're actually serious about it, Unreal (or Unity if you prefer who cares)), or if you're really old style a teach-yourself-a-computer-language book.
How far in do I have to learn programming before starting to experiment with making games? There is never getting around programming but idk, learning programming seems so discouraging at the start of it.
working on boring dialogue/cutscene systems right now, but this is what my tactical RPG looks like in general
there are enough resources on the internet for an autodidact to learn programming (C++, C#, even Java is enough for a game) or art (3D modeling in 3DS Max, Maya, Blender, or 2D art in Photoshop, Aseprite, or Gimp). the biggest hurdle you'll encounter is motivation to continue on and improve yourself. no university is necessary.
Game Maker and Unreal use visual stand ins for code blocks. Just use those as a start.
Toby Fox made Undertale with the basic shit Game Maker gives you, and he's a music guy, so it's really not impenetrable.
Afraid not sorry.
It's just a super casual thing for fun really so never thought of making a blog for it.
I'll try and post updates here occasionally if anyone's interested though.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm also watching Darrin Lile's tutorials, they are super comfy to watch.
I want to make something quite low-poly, like toaster-worthy. But I figured out, I need to learn how to make actual models first and then learn how to scale them down for a toaster to handle.
Very nice!
Got any more you wouldn't mind posting?
Honestly you could just dive into an engine or a framework but without a basic understanding you'd probably be overwhelmed and give up because of it.
There isn't a set point where you're ready, it depends on the person. For example I started with a introduction to programming in C at a uni. Then I changed my degree and had to do introduction to programming in Java the next fall. As our final for that course we had to make a Hammurabi game
You should try and see how programming feels. It might seem daunting but once you get started you might like it and find it easy. Or you might not. Fairly quickly you'll see if programming is your thing or not.
If programming isn't your thing and you still want to make games you should start training in some other disciple related to making games, most likely 2d or 3d art.
Go to the /agdg/ and read just the sticky, it will give you a head start on learning resources and software recommendations.
Just decide that you will spend your entire summer on this and nothing else. It's easier if you're bored of all vidya.
Don't forget, if you decide to actually do this, you're not the audience anymore, you're the director and it feels completely different.
i've made tic-tac-toe game once to learn unity if it counts
i got a job as unity developer later so it payed off
Should i start learning C# entirely based on Unity and gaming in general or should i start with more "universal" stuff?
Reminds me of FFT I mean this as a compliment, I'd play it.
>Don't forget, if you decide to actually do this, you're not the audience anymore, you're the director and it feels completely different.
This. Once you get into gamedev you start looking at games differently and atleast for me the parts I enjoy about games have changed drastically.
Start more universal and then get into unity tutorials.
Game design isn't just code and pictures. You could have a pretty and perfectly functioning game but it still might be boring, frustrating, or just plain shitty because it's designed poorly.
That said the code and pictures need to work or else the design is lost behind the game not working.
Working on a boss battle for an on-rails shooter.
After that I'll make some kind of shield for the player to activate.
>orson welles
lads, got a question
How does publishing on the Steam Greenlight thingy work? You simply post it, wait for it to get approved and cash out the money? No additional documents whatsoever needed to be personally signed and so on?
I'd spend at least a few weeks to get the basics of C# in general, not just C# that's used in Unity.
Unity gives you some custom-made tools in its documentation that you won't find in the language itself and this can get a little confusing.
Get yourself a C# tutorial and do all the exercises.
I didn't want to download VisualStudio at first, so I just bootlegged csc.exe compiler from the .NET framework, I literally copypasted the application and the dll it needed on a folder on my desktop, I felt like an Ork Mekboy that day
is Godot Engine any good?>
had some game idea but cant draw for shit.
It's a work in progress. I haven't even started production, all I've been doing this last month is trying to put the levels, story, and overall design in place.
It's easier to imagine something cool but hot damn is it a pain in the ass to bring it on a sheet of paper.
>i got a job as unity developer later so it payed off
How the fuck? Surely you had more to offer than "i made tic tac toe"? It can't be that easy.
You'd be surprised
There's plenty of literally who small time companies out there that just want somebody who knows something.
That said these companies usually develop phone apps or licensed shit.
>had a dream about making some GOTY open world RPG
>end up making shitty phone game
life is cruel
couple other simple apps like this one, nothing much.
but i've also had years of other experience in graphics design and programming
A lot of people naturally think that most lobs are ultra-elitist shitholes where even the way you breathe is judged, but in reality it's quite the opposite and they'd gladly welcome you
It's coming along slowly
jesus this has better visuals than Revolution 60
That's the main inspiration. Hopefully I'll be able to share a demo on Sup Forums and /agdg/ within a couple months. It really depends on the 3D modeler who is helping me
looks a lot like Risk of Rain
Thanks user. I actually posted the wrong webm, this one has a nicer looking walk animation.
A year from now my game will be great, I promise
Been wanting to do a remake of sorts of Knights in the Nightmare. Basically, redo the gameplay to make it a more traditional SRPG. I love the game to death, but the gameplay seems complicated just for the sake of it, so I want to make things simpler. I had a page of stuff written up on changes I wanted to make, but I lost it.
Also, was making chess, just to practice the SRPG-like elements, but the logic confused the hell out of me and I gave up.
Friendly reminder that c# is property of Microsoft and that you'll need visual Studio, the .net runtime and windows to run your code properly
I made a new dialog window.
that's what I said last yearI'm still saying it nowwelcome to development hell user
> to Android/iOS/MacOS/Windows(8 Metro)/Linux/OUYA/PlayStation 4 & all using C# with OpenGL/DirectX11
>iOS Android WinPhone Tizen Windows Mac Linux SteamOS WebGL PS4 PSVita Xbone X360 WiiU 3DS
Oh, I saw your work in another thread. Good job, man, keep it up!
>Mono game
That's why I said properly
Doing animations. It's slow and I hate it. Going 2D was a mistake.
>no university is necessary
This is the exact mentality we need in this century of ever-increasing circlejerking of the "you N E E D university to succeed else enjoy your mcdonalds job".
Everything, quite literally billion times more information any human professor can ever teach you, is freely available in a few clicks. You can acquire enough information to take over an entire country if you put enough effort into it and I'm not even over-exaggerating. The only problem here is putting the effort itself, and having the balls to go balls-deep into such a risky adventure of learning and applying the stuff all by yourself.
Sure, university is easy. You go for a few years, you learn basic stuff like everyone else and you get a guaranteed diploma. Nice! But do you honestly expect exceptional results when you just went through the exact same way of information acquisition that the average person went through? Do you think that knowing what pretty much everyone else knows, and learning it in the exact same streamlined way they did, will somehow make you better and more successful than everyone else?
Going through university is the safe but mediocre result.
>"People fail not because they set their goals too high and miss them—it’s because they set them too low and hit them" - Jordan Belfort from “The Wolf of Wall Street”
But that's gorgous user ! Keep going !
That looks really good. Good job buckaroo.
geez man no one asked, we're just making videogames here.
I want to say the pole ax isn't getting enough movement but realistically I'm not sure if it would.
either way, looks good so far.
Mighty No. 9 was so lackluster that it's inspiring me and the programmer to make a game that takes the basic ideas from it and implement them in an actually enjoyable fashion.
I used to have a way more exaggerated motion for the polearms, but it ended up looking kinda off. The musket walking animation I made with an actual reference, and I ended up just using the same arm movements for polearms and scrapping the old one. It might not be precisely accurate since 20th c. firearms are a bit heavier and balanced differently than medieval polearms, but it's good enough for me and I don't really have any spears or halberds lying around.
Thanks senpaitachi.