Itt: the most polarizing game in a series

itt: the most polarizing game in a series




I loved every minute of it

Fuck you

You can't seriously claim to love the ending

ME3's problems reach far beyond the ending.

I loved every minute save for the last 15. Great game, the ending is bad though.

It was one of those games where I enjoyed the journey and didn't quite understand the ending. I was almost shocked by the star child because he was a force that couldn't be delt with no matter how you played the game. This played in my mind as an irony to how life works sometimes(being unpredictable), I'm aware of the cop out ending and short cuts bioware took but at that point I just didn't care, I enjoyed the game

I thought everybody liked Reach?
I mean sure you had the stupid COD tier abilities but it was a shitload of fun, I think I got to Hero rank in that.

Dark Souls 2.

u get it
not every story rpg needs every loose end to be tied up into some grand finale that tracks every choice and has a gorillion ends and every character shows up in
not to excuse the ending at all, but it was blown out of proportion and is still memed this day.
There were plenty self contained story arcs and me3 did decent enough concluding the trilogy

No the game was shit, the ending was the least of it's problems

/halog/ would tell you otherwise.

it was only slightly worse than the rest of the series


I'm still mad, and I will always be.

Agreed, through the span of three games it gave enough lore and atmosphere to satiate how the galaxy was unfolding through the reaper threat. The more I think about it, the more I come to terms with the semi unconclusive ending, it leaves enough to be a cliffhanger with Liara and Joker exiting the SR-2. It leaves room to show there's still a Mass Effect universe without everything getting destroyed for the next game. I'm excited for Andromeda

maybe not for Sup Forums

Take this as a life lesson

People will lie to your face for money. I don't take anyone's word and I keep my expectations low.

Same. It's weird that normalfags either despise this game or are apathetic towards it, but a good chunk of Sup Forums thinks it was a magnum opus.

How were they COD-tier user? I see this thrown around all the time and it seems a bit hyperbolic.

What?? You mean 5.

the lore and setting is much to good for bioware to do it justice
the series was shit
the games had no continuity between them and your "choices" were just between being a benevolent jesus or psychopathic edgelord
Me1 was a boring mess
me2 was all daddy issue plus the collectors out of no where and no even mention of the reapers
and me3 was them trying to tie the whole mess together and half assing it

this guy for sure

Nope, I pirated the trilogy with every single DLC, and still, somehow I feel cheated.

In his defense that doesn't excuse the bullshit me3 pulled.


It can't be the most polarizing, it's literally GTA IV all over again just with less blurry and less cool euphoria engine stuff.

>tfw trying to explain to my normalfag friends why new vegas is better than 3
>they don't have any argument against it, they just refuse to believe it

a confirmation bias can be a hell of a drug

Perhaps, but the reality is with a delicate setting as Mass Effect it's easy to upset anyone because of how much was riding on the build up to the three games. Bioware was inexperienced on how to deal with fan's expectations for an ending and decided on the controversial short cut that people are still talking about to this day

How many endings were there for dragon age? But honestly the ending isn't what I was really upset about just the cherry on top of a really mediocre experience.


Either this or Chain of Memories.