List all the things you're worried that will be changed or made worse in the Remake. They're going to happen.
Final Fantasy VII: TellTale Episode Edition
no more turn based.
I know one of you closeted faggots are gonna bring up the cross dressing scene.
>barret won't sound like mr t
it's already ruined
Thia might sound odd, but considering the state of games today, Barret will probably just cuzz up a storm and beat people up. But because it doesn't have the %@&* censoring and is fully voice acted, it will no longer be that shocking. It'll just be another angry black guy cussing in a game.
Also, to answer OP, Aeris is now going to be called Aeirth as canon. And everyone is going to pronounce her name that way in full voice acting. You brought this upon yourselves.
I'm worried they'll make it even sexier, the original was already too much for me to handle, and on top of that it looks like they're making combat unplayable with one hand
I'm worried that wheezy tub of lard will actually be important to the story now.
We're talking about FFVII. You're in the wrong thread FFXV Kun.
Wrong thread Sempai.
Barret goes from being a simple minded eco terrorist to a equal rights, global warming spewing liberal platform.
I really hope they improve the dialogue, it's embarrassing even when compared to the PS1 game with the shoddy translation.
I've played the game five times and there's still parts of the story that legitamitely make no sense. You have to read interviews and side content to figure it out. I think the remake is needed just so that SquareEnix of America/Europe put some decent effort into the translation this time. Since this is going to be their big hype game.
But immediately after that, we need the remake to get rid of the horrible pre rendered backgrounds and character movement. The models I can deal with. Getting stuck on every single object in the game world because of bad hit boxes and movement, I cannot.
What exactly is the problem with niggers like you and Aerith's fucking name?
It's her name. It's not Aeris. It'll never be Aeris again and if it never was Aeris and always Aerith then you wouldn't complain about shit.
I hope GACKT is in it, just for shitposting purposes.
Eh, they can change whatever they want.
I still have the original game with mods.
As long as there's no Genesis.
So what was the rumor with Gackt severing his ties with SE? Whether it's true or not.
mods? is that necessary? which ones should i get?
I wasn't even a year old when it came out so I'm wondering how I should go about playing it before the remake fucks it up.
That's Wedge you fucking dingus
>Is the fat guy
His name is Wedge moron.
Playing FFVII really did feel like fighting the controls more than the enemies. The game was piss easy. You just spent more time trying to find what random area was searchable or not.
I just use the one that changes the character models from being blocks
If I was Gackt, I'd cut ties with them as well. Since the characters based on him appeal more to homosexual men than straight men or women. And since he's an idol, he depends on female fans wanting his dick.
Plus, guys like Cloud and Squall are more known that he is.
Aeris was always a mistranslation. As was half of Cloud's dialogue. "Let's Mosey" probably never happened. If anyone gets upset, they are either autistic or is a hardcore nostalgiafag. There is no way around this.
If any other dev were making this that would be true. However this is Square Enix we're talking about, the same Square Enix which made Advent Children and the rest of the compilation, so if we're expecting anything from them it's them making the story even more convoluted like they have been for the last decade.
>I think the remake is needed just so that SquareEnix of America/Europe put some decent effort into the translation this time.
You're looking at the wrong company. Their translations have NEVER been accurate.
For example, watch Advent Children subbed, or read this
What's wrong with "let's mosey"?
Nothing is that convoluted about AC or CC. I don't give a shit about DoC.
Assuming the gear/materia system doesn't change to the point of being unrecognisable, they REALLY should reduce the AP it takes to level up materia.
If they get rid of "let's mosey," we riot.
On the positive side I think they're fairly likely to give Rufus a reason to actually exist in the plot. When he first shows up he seems like he could be a cool antagonist, but then for the rest of the game all he does is give his approval to whatever plans Scarlet and Heidegger cook up.