So if I read this right, these are the only Xbone exclusive. There's five of them, and three of them are the fifth mainline entry of a series. Poetry.
So if I read this right, these are the only Xbone exclusive. There's five of them...
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Name one reason why exclusive are good for consumers
>downloading windows 10
You're better off buying an xbox
You're right, they should be for PS4 and only PS4 :^)
Raiden V is the only reason I have an Xbone. Fight me.
>people bought ps4 for the exclusives
oh man ooh man
Did you buy it digital or imported?
I want a physical copy but fuck paying $65
I guess you could count Forza 6 if you're feeling generous, since Apex is a weird stripped down freemium version.
Did D4 ever get finished? Does it end on a cliffhanger? Gotta feel really bad for those early adopting Xbots, but they really should've known better than to expect an MS console to get worthwhile weeb games in this day and age.
XboxShit aside, thank you based Microsoft for giving Moss money.
What the fuck are you thinking? Thank you for doing it though... seriously though there's no way you're making a profit off of that. Thanks!
How many more years til the PC port?
SWERY said a while ago that he's fairly positive of the chances of a second series getting funded, but that was before he got very ill and had to take a year off, so who knows?
>Japan can't into PC
>Japan hates PC
>Raiden V, at best, will get a PC port in 20 years, after the PS4 has a super turbo ultimate edition and a PS5 re-release with super HD graphics
>and STILL be a port of the original Xbone version
Does Rare Replay count?
Organized by exclusive (yes it'll filter by true actual XboxOne exclusive, no Windows 10)
Surprisingly, the devs said about a month ago that Raiden V isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future.
Well shit, I forgot about that one. That could be in the center of the pentagram, then.
How is it my friend?
People don't buy xbox for the exclusives.
Still not having the money for a PC, but glad PC can play these. I dont care how many Xbox are sold, as long as I can play with other players and servers are full
Xbone and pc have cross platform multiplayer? Wouldn't PC players have an advantage in some games?
As long as consoles keep having physical releases, I won't be transitioning to PC. I know pc gets some physical releases but they're not as many as consoles.
Nothing better than owning a disc instead of just having a file on your computer. Also, installation via disc is better than having to download games because of my garbage internet
Evidently, people don't buy PS4s for the exclusives either.
Only certain games. Killer Instinct is one current release. Slated games to support crossplay would be the upcoming Forza game and Gears 4, but only for the campaign.
>Wouldn't PC players have an advantage in some games?
Yeah, obviously. They specifically mentioned cross-platform co-op for Gears so they're logically leaving out cross-plat competitive MP.
Collector's value!
Minecraft: PS4 edition is exclusive though
Physical, you get the OST as with IV.
Its pretty solid, haven't really dug into it for me to classify better or worse than any of the other ones though.
>mfw only one fucking exclusive is on this list
>mfw fucking minecraft is up there
>Xbox Play Anywhere
Your pleas are answered.
>Catherine and Motorstorm Apocalypse in the ranking
I'm OK with this. What list is this, a monthly thing or what?
>mfw Sonyponies are more willing to buy a fucking Microsoft game than any of the exclusives they always brag about
Isn't Play Anywhere just specific games? Who wants to own an Xshit when you can just buy those certain games on PC anyway? Might as well just call it GFWL 2.0
It's PSN sales. Those games were probably on sale.
Only reason i bought a ps4 was to play weeaboo jap shit thats not readily available on xbox.
I'm sure you and the other 39,999,999 people bought PS4s just for Jap shovelware.
Normies play Minecraft on everything. It's the number one selling game week after week on just about every platform it's on. It's fucking disgusting
And those aren't selling well then they get ported to the pc
>French stupid youtuber shows the 5 games you have to obligatory own on your PS4
>1 exclusive
>And those aren't selling well then they get ported to the pc
Just the Nepshit and a few XSeed games. Even with the games that get ported to PC, PS4's library still beats the shit out of the Xbone's regarless of whether you keep or remove the games that are also on PC
>>French stupid youtuber
Do you actually keep up with this type of shit, user?
French here ^^
He's the most cringy gamer on the french YT part
Of course nor the PS4 is literally, a meme console, for the lack of a better adjective where all the dudebros and casuals jumped when Microsoft ruined their entire reveal
When have exclusives matter?
-xbone is for people that can't into PC gaming
-PC is for people that want the premium experience
sony could announce all their games are headed to the PC and people would still buy ps4s. microsoft finally realized this and decided to double dip.
Got PS4 and Xbox One only for exclusives games or games i'll realy want (play with friends etc.), PC for everything else
Still don't understand why people just want the PS4 instead of the Xbox One
Price of the online (year): 50€ for PS+ 35€ for Xbox One
Between PS+ and (Games for) Gold : Xbox won
Backward-compatibility : Xbox won, not a shitty stream of PS3 games
Controllers : everybody won
Allll i wanntt is a killer instinct steamm port all i waaaanntt
Remaster sells man their even remastering ps3 games and so are Japanese devs I just wish weebs had more standards on their games
Sony has less to gain from putting their games on PC. If they move their games to PC that encourages third parties to move their games to PC too, which would encourage people to move to PC, where Sony wouldn't get any money on third party sales. If Sony sticks with just Playstation, it encourages third parties to stick with Playstation, where Sony will make money on sales of third party games.
For MS this matters less because it encourages people to move to Windows 10, and the whole point of W10 is to expose people to their services, which is where they make most of their money in the first place.
I guess Since for whatever reason fking Halo MCC counts, then Why not?
I don't think MCC or Rare replay should though, being that all those games are on another console.
Raiden V is still being made?
Came out last month
Sunset overdrive is already confirmed coming to PC, so is Forza 5 and Halo will come too
Not really; PS4 leads in software sales by and far. Every game could be a multiplat, all games would sell the best on PS4 regardless. If PC was such a threat to consoles, then publishers wouldn't abandon the platform outright and keep giving it barely functional ports.
MS finally stopped kidding itself about its shit userbase and made it accessible to a group of people that might actually buy them.
How come people say "Sony exclusives" but not "Microsoft exclusives"
rare replay
that dragon game
Scalebound is part of the Play Anywhere program.
not that one
Crimson Dragon?
>Controllers : everybody won
totally agreed on this, I love every controller produced this gen to bits
compatibility with damn near everything helps a lot, too
Then Blue Dragon? That's a 360 game.
I hope they port the new Zoo Tycoon
He means Crimson Dragon, the spiritual successor to Panzer Dragoon that was an Xbone launch title. It was the one they showed off at E3 and then the sound cut off for the entirety of the demo they were showing.
It wasn't very good.
I have literally never heard of this game until now.
That's not too shocking, it was forgotten almost as soon as it appeared, largely due to being very average.
Encourages competition and out doing each other. Therefore higher quality games
>those cropped PS4 boxes
Aww man, I was hoping they had miniature boxes for those games, kinda like the Asian NES releases did.
This would have some weight if all major exclusives weren't contracted projects made with surplus money Sony and MS had lying around. PC also lacks AAA exclusives, so it is dead in that regard. Only Nintendo makes their own exclusives.