What do you like to drink while gaming?
What do you like to drink while gaming?
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Yui is not old enough to drink
I fuck your mother in the ass until a nice, brown froth has congealed around her red pucker. I then take a butter knife ans meticulously collect all of that sweet foam, because it's the only way to garnish a coke float.
7up. Clear soda is the greatest Gamer fuel.
>tfw can legally drink in 5 months
Why is the drinking age in the US 21 to begin with
because it's a shitty, backwards-ass country
I take medication and it lowers my tolerance a bunch, so It only takes one of those big Mikes cans to get me exactly were I want to be.
Black cherry is best, everyone else go home.
Video games.
Mexican Glass Coke
grape juice
stout beer
Kern's Mango Juice
Blame the bowl cut soccer mom cunts. Those bitches ruin EVERYTHING
because kids can drive at 16
Chocolate milk.
I only drink coffee while playing videogames.
because dumbass kids nationwide end up killing people via drunk driving
and since the we raised the age limit, its death have drastically declined
This stuff is delicious by itself, or in mixed drinks.
actually most states it's legal to drink on a private property underage.
depends on the game
if im playing a low intensity game like an RPG or Point and click Ill drink a beer or 2
If im playing a high intensity game like CS GO or a game where Focus is required like Dark Souls ill Drink an energy drink
I just drink kraken straight until I'm where I want to be, feels gud
My tears
Once you hit 21 you realize it's not that big of a deal and you weren't missing out on much
Unless you become an alcoholic
this tbQh
>tfw dumbasses ruin it for everyone for everything
Pretty much the same, I drink Cpt. Morgan or cheap vodka til toasty.
yeah but kids dont want to drink and stay indoors
and any non-shithead parent wouldn't allow a kid to drink anyways
But then you stay up all night.
I'll have a shot for you user stay cool
You sound just like the kids you speak of.
Oh man, the only time I ever passed out in the snow and pissed myself.
never again, I can't even smell rum without wanting to die.
underage here
my parents care for me and they supervise my shit, lil fucker
there's plenty you can do in the great indoors, especially while drunk.
it's not like you even go outside anyways, user :^)
>only drink coffee while playing videogames
this is borderline retarded
Does anyone else hold in their piss just so they can stay drunk a little longer?
Man fuck kraken. Was just out with some friends who finished a bottle together. Had to take care of a couple drunk nude dudes while they vomited everywhere.
Prohibition and the resulting anal-retentiveness around alcohol in America was a Rockerfeller plot you dingus
>doesn't know about recycling the piss
saves money and lives
itt:drunks who sit in lawn chairs
>Taking stimulants for an activity that can be done perfectly fine in a cubic 2 meter room.
>being australian
look at this fucking faggot
I know that feeling, I usually just take a long break from drinking rum whenever I feel like that
that sounds like you guys had fun, hope it turned out alright
Usually drink water, but I really wish I was drinking a beer or some wine right now.
On a budget at the moment though, so shitty ass Kentucky Gentleman is my co-pilot for now.
You americans aren't telling me everyone actually waits until 21 to start drinking right? We start like 2-3 years before the age limit (18) here.
The consumption of alcohol has rarely improved anyone's life.
The fuck? No of course not
>We start like 2-3 years before the age limit (18) here.
You think this makes you cool?
I started drinking when I was 25
i bite into my own hand then drink my blood
If we're speaking of alcohol.
Captain Morgan Black Spiced
Incorrect. It has been scientifically proven that small amounts of alcohol daily is beneficial to both health and happiness.
Well, she should have graduated uni by now, so..
They probably had drinking parties with the other keions.
Not necessarily, just saying it sounds weird that kids would wait for so long. 16-18 is when parties and booze are the most exciting anyway.
Alcohol is a poison. It shrivels the liver and suppresses testosterone.
been drinking a lot of this lately
recommend something else if its better better as in tastier, not healthier you fucking faggots
I used to really enjoy drinking while playing LoL, but now that I finally broke my addiction and play other games, I really hate how badly being even slightly drunk affects my skill in games.
Shit like CoD or Rainbow Six Siege becomes unplayable.
damn that's a heavy drink user may I recommend brisk lemonade
I don't think it really matter either way since you drink iced tea like an actual homosexual.
I'm intrigued.
>Actually being over 25.
Your life must be so great. I bet you have a nice house, wife, family, job, all that jazz.
Maybe in large amounts, but having one to two drinks a day is universally agreed upon by scientists who study this shit to be entirely beneficial.
>One to 2 A DAY
Lord no. That will make you pudgy.
Where the fuck did you hear that?
Coffee. Black.
That, or water.
>drink and play RPGs/shooters
>become god
>drink and play cuhrayzee games
>die to weakest enemies
Just like your men.
Try the sweet tea if you haven't, other than that, arizona green tea.
Alternatively, hit up your nearest co-op and get some real leaves
>Iced tea makes you a homosexual
I bet you drink mtn dew like a true gamer
The key is moderation
If you drink beer maybe. The calories in alcohol itself are processed entirely differently than normal calories.
Kraken is the only alcohol able to make me feel even a slight buzz. I must have some bizarre tolerance because I can have 4 shots of Capt Morgan back-to-back without feeling a bit different (130lbs). Kraken is some mean shit.
Maybe if it's beers?
in that case i like my coffee skinny and hairless
Gin -> Tom Collins, G&Ts
Hot tea with milk and sugar
Beers, usually PBR
Sodas if I have somewhere to go later.
Apple cider, if it's stuff like beers. It's so good
Rum & Dr Pepper
Anything except alcohol. I'm a thirsty motherfucker.
>It is estimated that 26,000 deaths were averted in 2005 because of reductions in ischemic heart disease, ischemic stroke, and diabetes from the benefits attributed to moderate alcohol consumption.
That seems like a stretch, though. How would you even know the alcohol is responsible?
I cant really taste anything else. I might as well drink something that wont kill me in the trade without a decent return
>implying kids actually wait
I don't get why people look forward to/like drinking, I've had some alcohol before and it tasted like shit, what's the appeal?
They're the exact same ABV you retard.
>implying that's the only factor
Friend got a kidney stone, and now I'm scared shitless, and sticking to water for the next 50 years.
This. Stop being stupid.
daily reminder that beer guts aren't a real thing
It's literally the only relevant factor.
Carbonation can make alcohol absorb faster but neither beverage is carbonated.
>tfw a percentage of my state, Texas, still bans the sale of alcohol
>one of the highest rates of DUI/DWI-related accidents and deaths
Dr Pepper
Mountain Dew
What's so bad about kidney stones? You just piss them out.