Every single day, I see dozens of Overwatch threads saying "X character is broken!" Or "There's absolutely no way around Y character!". These complaints, while not only showing how bad Sup Forums is at this game, make a point very clear: there's a lot of characters in the game that people have a hard time getting around, so join me Sup Forums, as I take you on a journey into the land of strategy. I'm gonna go through the whole cast and list off different counterpicks and strategies not just against, but for each character.
PSA: Strategies to counter any Overwatch character
why do people like mei
everything about her is awful
It's been 11 minutes you stupid idiot, what's taking you so long
D.va - Headshots at mid range.She has big hit boxes.
Mei - Snipers. Tanks. Zarya, Reaper, and 76.
Genji - Winston, Mcree
Junkrat - High Mobility characters. Go Reinhardt if he spams over a wall.
Lucio - See Genji
Soldier 76 - No hard counters.
Mcree - Reaper, Tanks, or Pharah.
Tracer - Winsoton, Zarya, Mcree
Reaper - Anything ranged, Reinhardt for ults.
Winston - His sole purpose is to kill healers or camping defense characters. Focus him, or ignore him.
Pharah - Snipers, Zenyatta
Reinhardt - Symmetra, Reaper, Pharah
Symmetra - Genji, Mei, Roadhog
Torbjorn - Snipers, Junkrat, Roadhog
Bastion - Snipers, Junkrat, Genji, Mcree, Tracer - Roadhog
Hanzo - Any assault class if you get the drop on him. Tanks and Pharah otherwise.
Mercy - Everything
Zenyatta - Reinhardt, Hanzo, Junkrat.
Mercy counters Mercy? Who'd have guessed :P
Really, she is the only pure support. Her damage is so bad. Also, not the OP.
This was more in reference to Rez ult having an excellent answer in Rez ult. Nothing beats reviving your own team like the enemy reviving second.
PSA of my own: If you're a Junkrat, never stop launching grenades in the enemy direction. Down halls, over roofs, anywhere. Nothing worse than having a Junkrat camping somewhere while the entire enemy team sits on the payload behind a Reinhardt.
And they need to buff D.va already
>Winston counters Lucio
arguably. I'd give it more to Roadhog or Mei, someone who can answer his sick maneuverability.
Chris Jericho pls go
Wow thanks for your insight you autistic fuck.
You don't have her on here, but
Zarya - Don't shoot her when you see her bubble on herself or someone. It may seem coounterintuitive- "how can i kill someone if I don't shoot them!?" If you don't shoot the bubble, she has a fucking tickle feather gun. And she's much, much easier to kill when she can't really hurt you back. At that point, she can feel like a support.
>Countered by Reaper
You're wrong and have never played the game. Even aimed directly at the head, he can't kill her before she freezes him provided they both shoot at the same time
>what is pressing shift as reaper.
>not listing pharah's actual hard counter, soldier 76
His hitscan melts her, she cant get behind cover from the air, and if he plops down a biotic field, he can survive an extra rocket or two(depending on if direct hits or not)
>Genji and Mercy not countered by Torbjorn
it's like you actually have no idea
you can't mowdown a lv2 turret in one clip/deflect + one slowdps genji clip before it killsyou
>what is lshift
>what is pressing shift as mei
Two shots. You press shift. You leave shift. You shoot her once. She iceblocks. You reset, since your cooldowns are shorter.
Assuming your two shots weren't headshots, in which case she will be dead anyways.
76 is good against everything really. He has one of the highest win rates for that reason. The only things he seems to struggle against is Reinhardt at close range.
Mei - countered by 76? Just no.
Junkrat - Reindhart? Rofl
76 - What the fuck is Mei?
Winston - Your summary r ammusing
Reinhardt - Not listing Mcree or Widow
Symmetra - Listing specific heroes
Torbjorn - Not listing the massive robot with the mobile shield
Hanzo - What is a Widowmaker
Zenyatta - Not listing a vicious fart, kick in the shin, or any sniper with downs & mild enough ADD to keep focus on the game
I can usually get away from Mei as Lucio by pushing them away when they are trying to freeze me.
Then with Roadhog I'm able to push him back after he hooks me and the hook animation ends, but from all the games I've played, it doesn't seem to work all the time.
Forgot to add...You're a fucking retard OP
That's not true in any way shape or form.
Reaper's shotgun does 2-7 damage per pellet, and shoots 20 pellets, with a rof of twice per second.
A point blank shotgun to the face will kill mei in one fucking shot, granted every single pellet hittiing the head is infeasable in most situations.
It takes mei 2 full seconds of fire to freeze a target, reaper will kill her well before that every time, and if he fuckes up and doesn't, he can ghost out for free.
I'm not entirely sure how her freeze's range matches up with push off, but it's probably not too hard for her to outrange it while freezing.
Roadhog is really just a fucking reflex game, push vs shoot.
McCree is a good counter with that flash, and S76 throwing his ult kills me when I'm not paying close enough attention.
The balance is really good right now, if d.va, symmetra and torbjorn get buffs it would be perfect.
I hear he's absolutely buttfucking the consoles right now.
Like, defense games are just torbjorn, and since consoles can't aim for shit at a range, they usually can't break through 3+ turrets.
Thank god they've seperated the balance between the platforms
roadhog does not counter torb
because she is useful and isnt just another slayer, tank or healer. she is different and has her uses
Mei - Drop your heal when she tries to freeze you, and her headshot/melee combo can't kill you.
Reinhardt - Shield blocks Mcree stun. You hit him with your hammer. Widowmaker is a fucking sniper.
Torborn - Turret AI is laughably stupid. If Reinhardt charges your turret, you shotgun him. Or drop a new turret and watch him charge off a cliff.
Hanzo/Widowmaker - Sniper wars are not worth discussing.
Zenyatta - Stop playing him aggressively. If you don't have someone in front of you, you're doing it wrong. Zen and Zarya are sleeper OP, and will win games if played well.
>Get a buff
I bet you want Bastion to get his shield back from beta too. /lol
Console players are fucking retarded. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Too many years of COD and Battlefield. TF2 had the same problem.
*playing on PS4 and PC
I like how you didn't mention Widowmaker. Because she's still broken. The nerf did nothing to her.
Use da hook. He ults? Use da heal!
Pull him out of LOS of his turret, stupid.
Mercy's ult desperately needs to be nerfed, and some characters need a couple buffs, but other than that the game is actually in a pretty good spot.
Organized games are revolving entirely around mercy's ult at the moment. It allows for some really stupid things like intentionally having all 5 players push in too hard just to be brought back by mercy.
Defensive mercys are going front lines and healing without care for death when they have ult, because she needs to be picked off first so they don't have healing. Then she's the first to respawn and gets to undo the entire enemy's successful push by pressing ult
It's getting really silly
Widow needs to go down to 150 health and D.Va needs some kind of buff but otherwise I agree
Brain dead character that can take advantage of the fact that randoms spread out all over the place, don't help each other, and most of the cast is useless against her at close range 1 on 1. On top of that the average Mei player is selfish as fuck and uses her abilities as nothing but two "oh shit" buttons rather than contesting with her block or actually using the wall to separate the enemy team, they always want to have them to save their own ass.
I forgot her and Zarya desu
Genji shits on her in general. She is a sniper, moreso than Hanzo. Snipers are always the case where close range or surprise attacks lead to victory. This depends more on teamwork and/or map design though.
torbs turret has a long ass range and he is generally in the back of the enemy team, out of range.
also an ulted torb can usually beat a roadhogg, even close up.
You haven't actually fought a Mei as a 76.
Shield blocks everything but Symmetra's alt fire. What's your point?
Why does Rein need to charge your turret when he can just walk up to it with a shield and shit on it? Or simply pull it's aggro and have one of his team mates drop it instantly from behind the safety of cover. Placing another turret? What does that have to do with anything?
Sniper wars are completely within the realm of discussion when one of them is a mid ranged focused hero that fires projectiles and the other is an unlimited ranged sniper with hitscan
Regardless of playstyle, Zenyatta can still get taken out by a nasty fart. Needs hp buff
He didn't mention Zarya either, because she's broken too right? Retard.
Outdps her before she does. If you defeat her mekka and think you can't win the second fight just get out of there nigga.
Counters: mid/long range medium/high dps
Strong against: Reinhardt, Winston, Zarya on cooldown, Genji up close.
Don't get close to her unless it's dps safe. If she somehow manages to ambush you just admit defeat. Some heroes
can outdps her freeze. Also don't forget she can still pull out decent damage mid range.
Counters: Reaper, McCree, Pharah, mid/long range very high dps.
Strong against: Winston, Lucio.
Assuming the guy is skilled then you've got a fight there. It's up to who has better aim. Nevertheless, never let a Genji get
close to you, as he can pull out great burst with triple shuriken->melee->dash combo.
Counters: Winston, Zarya, McCree, long range.
Strong against: unaware players.
Same strategy as D.Va, except most times it'll be a battle to death. Deal damage before he gets close, so you have the
upper hand.
Counters: D.Va, Mei, Reaper, prep time Bastion, Roadhog.
Strong against: Lucio, Mercy, Widow, pub Zen.
Abuse the inevitable lack of awareness from the player. Never get to close or he can nade+c4 combo you. Never forget
that there'll be a bear trap somewhere. Have some awareness.
Counters: Pharah, 76, Snipers.
Strong against: Torb, crowded places.
Most Lucios will focus on staying alive rather than attacking. However, if you happen to have a duel with a Lucio, just outdps
him or you'll find yourself in a long battle.
Counters: Reaper, Mei, Winston, Junkrat if on low ground, Rein, Symm, McCree.
Strong against: players close to a pit.
Ain't even doing the rest, OP is a fag.
to be fair, 3+ torbs is pretty rough on any platform if they place their turrets in the most optimal postions
>Mercy's ult desperately needs to be nerfed
that's practically the only reason she is useful. if you nerf her ult, no reason to pick her over lucio or even zen.
They can make other areas of her better if they want, but that ult is currently a fucking mess
Meh, i think every character is viable but I encounter quite a lot of Hanzos with aimbots.
Mercy is only useful for her res. You fuckers need to learn to kill mercy before you wipe the rest and not the other way around. Its not like the fucking stream of healing doesnt give her position away or something you idiots.
I play the game on consoles and yes, 3+ Torb shuts down 90% of the attacking teams. It is a joke how fast the turret locks on people with a slow controller. I play the game since release and still barely could manage to destroy a turret with any health left.
Yeah I'm probably shit but other people get absolutely destroyed by a couple of Torbs as well.
Junkrat is also seriously weak to Tracer. The grenades can never pin her down, and you basically have to prep in advance with a trap.
I honestly don't know how to deal with any Pharah that knows how to play.
Widowmaker hanzo and hog are hard counters.
mccree and 76 can melt her
These are for 1v1. Which isn't balanced since this is a team game. IF Rein is walking up to your turret with a shield, you shoot him.
If you want to argue team tactics, we will be here all night. Which is why I tried to stay in dueling territory.
>PSA: Strategies to counter any Overwatch character
>play a better game
this is why tf2 is infinitely better
anything can literally counter anything
76 works pretty well too. Hitscan shreds her ass and his heal station lets him take a few rocket hits
>Not-Spy hero for removing dorf when?
but scout counters literally all classes in tf2
No different for a 1v1, you waltz up to his turret and smack it with a fuckin hammer. Same for the midget. You can take a good amount of damage from a torb turret on ult with a shield up. 200 some odd dps doesn't hit a shield all that hard. Just accurate as fuck so it murders squishies
How do you counter more than one torbjorn?
One by themselves are insufferable, but two or more are ridiculous.
nothing can counter a good scout my friend
genji player
what about another good scout
Guys, I need your help.
5 Torbjorns, 1 D.VA on Temple of Abub-ass
They are spread out and my team is idiots
You want to defeat the enemy team on your own?
The best thing you can do is get phara and destroy them one by one.
This. Since 76 is such a vanilla character with easy to use weapons and features, it's very easy to be a counter to any class that's not Widowmaker or Tracer. Play 76 like Scout but with more of a mid range focus.
4-5 winstons and the rest Lucio
What the fuck people? JUNKRAT!
Calm down, junior.
junkrats and dva's
>76s Biotic field outheals Winstons tickle gun
It sucked finding that one out
On your own, your only option is to D.Va and ult all the turrets down if possible.
well. yea.
torb sets up another turret almost instantly.
yeah, broken spine, c'mere you frog, time for hot monkey dick
>And they need to buff D.va already
I think if she were just able to fire her weapon while Defense Matrix was up, she'd have a great deal extra staying power when she charges in without necessarily making her any stronger (and since she'd be able to attack with Matrix up, the big headshot box of hers could stay).
It would further enforce her hit and run flanker style in the same way Winston is all about Jump in > Barrier > monkey business > Jump away.
And speaking of buffing, Zenyatta is already a worse Support than both Lucio and Mercy in nearly every regard, he doesn't really have any situational advantages on some maps in the way Symmetra does, and Discord/Harmony aren't enough to make him a formidable asset when each only tags one person at a time (and Discord doesn't display itself on the HUD to allies which would serve as a really nice focus attack indicator).
I think Zenyatta's Discord orb should be a passive effect applied to any enemy he hits with his primary attack, making them take extra damage for a few seconds.
With his E key free, give him a mobility option to let him have better means of escaping from danger and getting around in general.
And do something about his Orb Volley, it's really not worth using over just shooting one at a time.
>Mei chills Reaper a bit
>Reaper presses Shift and ghosts away
>Mei can still just about keep up with his faster ghost speed, even using the Wall to trap him, continues freezing
>Reaper may get some hits in
>Mei uses her own Shift, can break out when she wants
Mei's most powerful tool isn't in just slowing down their movement, ensuring they can't escape without a mobility ability, it also slows the victim's aiming speed. Even a single tick of frost and your judgement of how much you have to move your mouse is going to be fucked with while any Mei runs and jumps in circles around you to exploit that.
As a Symmetra player I'd like to say that Pharah's put a real stranglehold on my style of play since they don't adhere to the "tower defense mode" I set up. Winston and Dva are also in this category and they fuck up my turrets with ease. I can actually kill Genji's, Mei's, and Roadhogs quite easily. It's all a matter of predicting movements and setting turrets in blind spots.
>she grappling hooks away
>if you try and go after her, her team eats you alive
There's literally nothing you can do to counter Roadhog in a 1v1 situation assuming he plays perfectly
A sneaky Pharrah fucks him up the hardest, especially since he'll usually have his attention on the chokepoint you can fly around.
Don't play symmetra on offense you scrub you'll only pull your team down.
Reaper playing perfectly would counter roadhog still. Whats funny is that because of the tickrate or lag in general if you get hooked theres a 50/50 chance you can simply shift away and live to just slap his shit. The rate that this happens feels a lot higher than 50% i should say. Just spam that shift
I would argue mei counters genji too as if he cant get away its easy to 1 headshot him after freezing him.
This is modern day video gaming, it's easier to cry OP and demand nerfs then to actually get gud and counter said problem. Look at Bastion and how that was a problem for as long as it was when Bastion is the most easily countered character in the game.
>no one on your team ever fights near the point
>no one on your team can actually hit anything
Simply put, Zarya's job is to make you fight her on her terms. If you can, don't engage
That doesn't work
>jump at her
>she jumps away and kills you
It only works if she doesn't know how to use her hook shot
or you walk at her and save your jump while she kills you
You seem to know everything, I will listen without questioning you or your reasoning.
"plays perfectly" is a dumb statement.
A genji can beat any hero if they are "played perfectly"
Good luck. What widow is ever in a place you can get to without using your jump?
What about double Zarya?
Her damage isn't that bad, it's just tricky and you can rely on every 1 in 35 Mercys to try actually using the pistol. The projectiles should move as fast as D.va's pistol imo
>mei gets countered by 76
>genji not getting countered by sym and mei
>mccree gets countered by the character he counters (reaper)
How are you this shit?
>he doesn't play Symmetra on Koth maps
To win on offense you need one big push to take the point. Symmetra puts emphasis on poking at the enemy and getting back into the fight quickly. Don't question me again.
No one does. I can honestly say I've never seen it.
Push off on Mei outranges, but the slowdown lasts long enough that she can still close down. Push off is good for buying time to amp up healing to save yourself/teammates.