So... did you keep the promise?
I know I did.
So... did you keep the promise?
I know I did.
monthly reminder that if you did genocide you have no conscious/heart
Nope, did a Genocide run right after & then did another True Pacifist run. Haven't played it since.
If I loaded a save file I found online just to fight sans and then reset just for the challenge do I still get a ribbon?
I played genocide after that
>killing sans
You get half and that's generous.
probably not lad
yeah i did! i deleted it and got a refund because it sucked
I reset so my friend could play the game. When Flowey was all "Oh, we've already been through this," he got confused.
Not even killing him, just until the part where he goes to sleep and then watching the rest on YouTube
I only played genocide run.
And then I located the memory files that affect the game when you start it back up and deleted those.
And then I uninstalled the game
don't act so worried famicom it's just game
but it takes much longer than 2 hours to clear true ending?
You shouldn't replay the game for the simple reason that it is a waste of time; go look up a video on YouTube instead.
I finished with Genocide. No regrets.
Yep. Haven't opened the game since I beat the full pacifist run. Didn't do genocide either.
I didn't play again after True Pacifist.
...But I've since ran DBAN to do a clean Windows install, so I genocided their world anyway.
I want to fuck that genocidal sociopath.
Girl Chara porn, both pics and scenarios, get to my dick far more than they should.
> tfw you rebooted the game immediately after doing pacifist just to see this message
Really wish I didn't spoil myself on this. Would've been neat to see that if I decided to return one day for another playthrough.
You're only making it stronger.
Nah, I killed 'em all for shits and giggles. It was fun, like building an ice sculpture then taking a sledgehammer to it.
Did a Neutral run, then a Pacifist run, then a Genocide run.
You can't fully experience the game without playing all 3 routes.
>Frozen reference
Shit game
I don't agree
The experience that you and other people who never did genocide route had was only different, none more "full" or "better" than the others. In the end it was only you who decided they needed to see "what would happen if I just killed everyone?"
Same reason why I can play a game without %100 it and have a perfectly fulfilling experience.
you're not even trying
>do normal, the true pacifist
>do genocide, get to the point where sans is sleeping in the fight, reset and do true pacifist again
>not even getting the chance to kill Alphys, the most thoroughly reprehensible person in the game with the possible exception of Chara itself, because even Flowey has an excuse
If Undertale was serious about testing my moral compass, it would have given me a chance to kill the most obnoxious and unlikeable RPG character since at least Bianca from Pokemon Black and White. All the others, there's SOMETHING I like about. I admire Asgore's willingness to take a stance that kinda favors his people even when it costs him the thing he wants most, but also understand the pain that stops him from going through the most favorable stance. Papyrus is fun. Undyne is fun, though she has shitty taste in women. Sans is OK in his own right, and I dig the whole "lazy guy who knows more of what's going on than anyone else does and holding back badassery until the last moment" thing he's got. Mettaton is fun and even the things he does that sucked were forced on him by Lizardbitch. Even Toriel, who betrayed her people in their time of need in favor of a wrong-headed moral stance, I can kinda understand her moral stance, though I have a preexisting bias against mothers. But Alphys? Tumblr: The Character? A fat dork with a gratingly obnoxious personality, who actually has done enough sufficiently bad things, such as creating the Amalgamates and Flowey as well as trying to portray herself as a hero by putting Frisk in situations that if one damn wire was connected wrong could end up giving Asgore that seventh soul without meaning to, that she SHOULD feel bad about herself and should definitely kill herself? Yeah, I bet Toby himself realized "Hmm, nobody in their right mind would ever spare this person. But half the story is only revealed in the True Pacifist ending, and I don't feel like changing that. So I'd better not make her an opponent in battle."
Nah I killed everyone and was gonna leave the world destroyed but brought it back without selling my soul because fuck you game you can't get preachy on me.
Sad thing is Toby was, and he made absolute garbage.
You don't like her because she reminds you of yourself. The past or present you, it doesn't matter.
But it makes you uncomfortable, so you hate her.
What's the point of playing half the game and just watching a video of the rest of it? It'd be different if, like, you weren't good at the game and couldn't beat Undyne the Undying or Sans, or you just didn't want to face the hours of grinding. But it seems like half the people in this thread avoided it because they didn't want to hurt the characters or some shit.
I mean, hell, I love Undertale, but what kind of person becomes so affected by it that they will just ignore an entire third of the game because you're suddenly the bad guy? It adds a whole new perspective to the story, and without it Sans wouldn't have half the appeal he has, and you'd know close to nothing about Chara's real personality.
Hey, I like Alphys.
>do genocide first
>get aggravated to shit by the fish
>finish it anyways
>delete all genocide files and attempt to do pacifist run
>now love the fish
>give up playing before getting to the flamboyant robot again
why in fuck couldnt i kill that fat yellow shithead
>I admire Asgore's willingness to take a stance that kinda favors his people even when it costs him the thing he wants most
He did not want to kill the humans. He was just too much of a pussy to tell his people he was calling the war off after he calmed down post Asriel and Chara's deaths.
If he had wanted to smash the barrier and fuck up some humans, he could have done so easily, as Toriel said.
He was trying to have it both ways, just waiting, hoping 7 humans wouldn't show up.
Yep. Got true ending for my first and only run.
You can play the game without steam open. Won't track your time then.
>Didn't kill anyone first time through because I was part of the demo threads on Sup Forums a while back
>Finished true pacifist
>Did genocide run
>Restart and do true pacifist run
>Tell myself ill delete save files and redo true pacifist
I never did because I felt it was a waste of time. I don't see why people care about doing a genocide run. At the end of the day, its a video game and I want all my moneys worth.
>Gets into an official position
>Fucks up
>So scared of her fuck up she retreats inward
>Just shitposts online, watches anime, and contemplates suicide
Honestly, Alphys is a pretty realistic depiction of a socially awkward depressed nerd.
Probably why a lot of self-loathing types on the internet hate her so much.
Because some people are happy with the final ending and don't want to even bother to betray those people they already played through twice and put in a good number of hours into to save? If you can't understand why people would be unhappy with fucking something that nice up just because they're curious I don't really have anything to say. Some people are alright with not making the game their bitch. Some people are fine with keeping some stones unturned. Some people can deal with not knowing everything and leaving them as they are, like Flowey recommends.
That's fine, I got mine. Like I said everyone has a different definition of "getting one's money's worth."
that being said i don't know how you could deal with the final scenes of soulless pacifist
I have not met a single person who chose, deliberately, not to learn anything about the Genocide route. Hell, I haven't seen a reference to anybody who has done that. No YouTube comment, no Sup Forums post, nothing. There's a reason videos with the Sans fight in it get millions of views. People play through the first 2 paths and just watch videos of the third. Everyone gets curious about shit like that. When you're given choices in a videogame that determine the outcome of the story, you always get curious. That's why you... you know, play them.
Like, when I hear about a guy who never played Undertale and just watched some asshole play it on YouTube, it bothers me, because you missed out. You missed out on a good game with a great story, interesting gameplay, and loveable characters because you preferred to have some shithead's voice over the mic and them crying because something vaguely sad happened. You didn't get to play the game or get a good feel for it, you just watched some Let's Player do it. So why would you do that with the Genocide route? It's SUPPOSED to make you feel bad. It's made to show you what had happened if you went full Hitler on these innocent creatures, for no reason, to reveal to you it wasn't for no reason, it was the culmination of years of planning by the soul of an angry little kid. It's more of the story!
she is the best character
The game tries to push this agenda of guilt when you kill the characters. While everything you said is true, and people want to know what happens, they also want to circumvent that guilt. I know it's weird, but I kinda get it.
That fact that it permanently stains your save and you gotta fuck with it after to ever get a good ending for the characters might play into it as well.
Honestly, I was curious after everyone was talking about how hard Sans was, and ended up getting a pretty fun boss fight. I didn't know what would happen. I still haven't deleted the game out of guilt. Maybe one day ill go back.
You're right about most things.
But it's not "what would happen IF you went Hitler on the monsters." It's literally "go Hitler on the monsters." And because of the way saves are treated, as well as pure guilt of conscious, it's perfectly reasonable why someone would not want to do it. Story and everything be damned, it's still a legitimate option.
I've said all I care to say. If you don't understand by now, you won't ever, and maybe you just don't want to understand.
So i'm a monster for not being sad about killing pixels on a screen?
Honestly, Flowey's the only character who actually tries to guilt you, and that's because he's a douchebag. Hell, he encourages you in a true Genocide route. Most of the other characters just get a death scene that plays predictably into their personality. Their "death scenes" give you input on Chara's character in a way, such as Toriel's and Sans' dialogue, as well as the songs playing in the Genocide route.
I understand the saves thing. I'll admit, I felt a tiny twinge of guilt, which is why I deleted my save file after my Genocide route. Also because I planned on replaying the game again, probably in a year or so.
I did Neutral, then True Pacifist, then never played the game again.
Feels good.
>actually giving a shit about killing pixels
this thread is gay and is everything wrong with this shit fandom in a nutshell
this t.b.h
>Flowey's the only character who actually tries to guilt you
Sans is the much bigger one. He'll guilt you over a single EXP.
I got true pacifist, did genocide up to right before the final blow on sans, reset, and did true pacifist once more. I'm pretty ashamed of pussying out like that.
I want to know what happened to the people who did it. I don't want to do it myself. There's a difference.
>I am incapable of feeling emotions in regards to a fictional story
That would make a great deal of books and movies wasted on you.
If you think about it, the "fandom" broke it by continuing to obsess over the characters and world rather than just letting it be a quaint, good game
If we aren't supposed to care, then we shouldn't play games with stories in them.
yeah, this ruined it for me. i just cant look at the game the same way i used to
yeah, but also, being emotional over imaginary people shows that you need help.
>mfw Flowey dropped the truth bomb on the bunch of faggots who didn't have the balls to do genocide but neither had the self-control to refuse watching it
honestly, the best part of the game
So are you an edgy sperglord or a spergy edgelord?
But THAT Flowey gets his face smashed in, while all of MY characters are still living happy on the surface.
I get last laugh, methinks.
>You have to actually care about fictional characters to enjoy it, if you don't you shouldn't experience it
I rest my case
Autism, everyone.
I only did Genocide and I pirated the game
You're a cucky leftist.
>doing the evil run makes you edgy
is Sup Forums actually filled with 13 years old now?
How are you expected to care what happens to them- and by extension, what happens in the story- if you don't care about them? The inability to provoke emotional attachment is considered a weakness in any story. I don't know what mindset you want us to have about fictional characters, but total apathy wouldn't make things very interesting.
I honestly think if this came out 10 years earlier, it would have settled into the quiet sort of cult following that Cave Story has. Fandom culture these days is just shit. People feel the need to latch onto things to have a sense of identity.
Hard mode when
So far, user. So far.
I love Undertale. I followed up from the demo, which I found about from this site in like 2013. Doubted whether the project would ever be finished since it took a year longer than expected but still checked the kickstarter page and all the sites for updates like maybe once a month or so. Got excited and preordered the game...
And then played through it once. 9 hours total play time. Don't know if I'll ever touch it again or just watch gameplay videos. Not because I didn't enjoy the game but rather I just wanna let those fictional characters have their peace.
I would spare alphys, mostly because i actuality enjoy being good in videogames
Where exactly do you draw this fallacy that you literally need to care about a fictional people to give a shit about their story from?
Do you only watch movies where characters only exist to chain one action scene to another, like Michael Bay's work? Do you only read books that have pictures of fights in them? I'm trying to see how you arrive at your perspective here.
neutral to pacifist master race here.
>If you didn't hesitate to kill fictional people you didn't enjoy the story
this is what you are implying, I'm not the one making bold statements here
that argument could be made with strong reason. I'm just concerned about the part where I can't like Papyrus anymore without looking like just a MASSIVE faggot.
Jesus fucking christ the shills are real
Fuck off
>talking about videogames on the videogames board is shilling
you fuck off, faggot
Hey bruh it's cool to dig certain characters, what i'm talking about is the Tumblr shit you see all over the internet
Pretty sure Papyrus is my favorite character as well
It's more "if you didn't hesitate to kill these characters, you missed the point of the story and really of the game". Which could just be the story's fault: I personally had to admit pretty early on that Undertale just wasn't for me, because I honestly can't get into a story with a primarily non-humanoid cast, can't really invest as much in them as I could into a cast that was primarily humans or human-like creatures such as elves, and I prefer RPG gameplay over bullet hell gameplay so it wasn't even engaging on a moment-to-moment level. I'm just trying to wrap my head around how someone could consider themselves engaged with Undertale's specific character-driven story without actually caring about the characters.
Flowey > Mettaton > Sans = Papyrus > Goat family > Undyne > Alphys
How the fuck else do you do it?
What do you think caring about something means, anyway?
>implying that's not how it has always been
Alphys is a litmus test for people who understand good characterization in games.
You don't. Alphys is by and far the most genuinely human character in the game with realistic social interactions and flaws. No one else even comes close.
Kinda, I actually shifted around my true pacifist save files so I could restart without fucking anything up.
exactly, you don't, at least not to the point these autists do, it's a good game but people blow it out of proportion, only people who let the game play them like a fiddle think it's amazing
by having a grip on reality
I honestly didn't feel a thing when I killed undyne and sans. I was too filled with pride after I beat them. But now I feel bad cause those two were my favorite.
Took me at least 10 tries with undyne and 15 on sans...
Getting emotionally invested in a story is not the same thing as having no grip on reality. Plenty of stories made me care for the characters, including Undertale.
I know it's all fake when said and done.
Seriously, explain yourself. What do you think it means to care about a character? I'd say it means having an emotional response based to what they do and what happens to them. If you don't have that, then how do you care what happens in a story about them? You wouldn't have any investment one way or the other, so the outcome would be irrelevant. Either you define caring differently than most people, or your mind is functioning on some kind of alien logic where it's possible to have complete emotional disconnection and still give a shit.
Are we both speaking English here?
Nigga, do you know what the most damning criticism an author can hear is?
"I don't care what happens to these people."
Not "it's shit." Not "you're shit." But the above.
you people have a /vg/ general, stay there
That's for the furries though.
Generals are for the long term discussion of a topic, not for the topic itself.
>i don't like what he said, he must be from reddit