ITT: Moments that ruined their respective games
ITT: Moments that ruined their respective games
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I love Hotline Miami to death, but I skip this level when I can.
Probably the worst forced stealth section i can think of, especially in a game that actively rewards you for killing dudes while being spotted by as many people as possible.
git gud
The thing that gets me about it is that this is my second favorite story moment in the entire game, which says something since this game's story is one of the best I have ever seen.
It's such a shame the levels blows.
That was simultaneously the best and worst bit in the game. I would never want to redo it, but it sure as fuck didn't "ruin the game".
That's the best moment in D3 actually. Couldn't ask for something better.
>moments that ruined their respective series
I don't know why everyone hates that scene. I liked it.
Now half of the stuff that happened in MGS5 on the other hand...
But big boss did the iconic salute are you not appeased? :^)
I liked it too, but it also completely nuked any impact of everything that came before. Goddamn paradox.
It was a hell lot better than DoD1. This had rhyme and reason in its pattern. End boss of DoD1 on the other hand was a bit of a clusterfuck.
Framerate was shit the entire game though
You know it's true.
Literally who cares? If you're playing a Taro game for the framerate and graphical fidelity then I think you've been misinformed.
If you're playing it for the intricate gameplay, level design, characters, or story you fucked up as well.
The point is the game is barely playable.
It would be nice to have a game from Taro Yoko that didn't crap itself out.
I'm guessing that's what people hope for in NieR:Automata
You're crazy. That boss was one of the best I've ever played and was a perfect ending to the game. The only issue was the final few notes when the screen fades to black. Outside of that it was beautifully done.
DMC was ruined when 3 changed Dante from a smart-ass into a obnoxious chuuni retard.
Instead of expanding on Nero, they said fuck it, and brought on a semi butschered Dante ripped directly from 3. He's a blast to play yes, but damn, they literally didn't even try at that point
>barely playable
It rarely dipped to the point of being an issue. I got through the game with few problems. You are greatly exaggerating the game's problems.
Not ruined. Heavily impacted the overall experience? Sure.
The begginning of terraria up until you fight the eye. I can bear through it but its near impossible to introduce people to the game becauae the begginning is boring
The characters and story are great. As is the music. Taro games are atmospherically great and provide a unique, surreal experience that you can't find anywhere else. If you can't appreciate the games for those merits, then thats fine, his games probably aren't for you.
I hope so too, but if the gamplay is only D3 or Nier 1 tier again it wouldn't ruin it for me. My fear is that a bunch of platinum fanboys are going to play the game expecting some kind of brilliant gameplay and then be dissapointed to find that the gameplay is a bit shit. Then all future Taro threads will have people shitting up the threads complaining about how "bad" nier 2 is.
the fucking airplaine tutorial missions in gta san andreas.
a shitstain on an otherwise flawless game.
It didn't ruin the game, but fuck the train tunnel in Zone of the Enders 2
should have just ended with snake putting the gun in his mouth, fade to black, gun shot. left ambiguous.
would have made the codec calls in revengeance all the more sad/mystifying since raiden is the only one that talks about snake in the present tense.
perfect ending to accommodate the most satisfying final boss fight ever
So glad you can skip cutscenes in 1.5HD
>left ambiguous
That wouldn't be very ambiguous at all.
yeah youre right. i dont know what i was thinking. it's late for me
Storywise for Kingdom Hearts would be that fucking stupid plot twist where Ansem isn't actually Ansem, he just took the identity of another Ansem (the good one) and became Ansem (the bad one)
It was a shitstain on an otherwise great game.
Considering the game designer is Takahisa Taura, the same guy that worked on MGR:R, I'm cautiously optimistic that it would be, at the very worst, a casual-tier MGR:R sort of gameplay, if the videos of the demo game play are any indication.