Misunderstood pixels thread
Misunderstood pixels thread
He's clearly facing straight up.
If you use a later gen sprite, sure. But back then different people interpreted it differently
Can't see the first one at all. Second one is the only one for me.
Warcraft has the strangest icons
This says a lot about your personality and psyche.
I can see it for a split second, but it makes him look more like a caterpillar than a cocoon.
At first I thought it was the right one. Now I'm not so sure
Honestly, the one on the left makes more sense if you consider where the eye is on Caterpie. Also the "nose" could be the space where the wings grow into
Just dug up this screenshot from the anime which supports the Metapod Facing Down Theory
What if he's looking away from the camera at someone he's pissed off at?
Didn't the anime and other media make the same mistake (referring to the one on the right)?
I could have sworn they did.
Left was long proven to be the correct one by Pokemon Snap.
It's a neat thing to point out in a "haha that's funny" way but there aren't really people who genuinely think the right is true?
Like it's literally never been show like that in anything ever. It's not a debate. Is it just an elaborate pretending to be retarded ruse?
It's more a chrysalis than a cocoon
Or at least that's what it looks like. I can't remember if that's how it works for caterpie
So just to be clear, in whatever scenario Metapod was in the sad eyes part was always treated as the front?
as a kid I thought he was some kind of moon pokemon
The sprite in Pokemon Yellow showed the right one when you fought against a Metapod
Pretty much. Except for Pokemon yellow when your opponent used one
it's a blade tearing through metal. How is it strange?
I've been playing since mid-vanilla and I never realized that the arcane intelligence sign was the kirin-tor symbol until someone pointed it out in a thread a couple of weeks ago
God damn it, I don't even know any more.
Right looks the best even if it isn't correct.
This is really fucking my mind, Either the Bernstein effect is happening or me interpreting metapod backwards as a child fucked my memory and perception of him.
I obviously quickly figure out the correct placement of his "face" but for years I've had memories that he used to be backwords just because of how inconsistent and bizarre early pokemon was.
Metapod is such a fucking weird looking pokemon.
you should see the one that looks like a dick
Now that I'm looking at him the right way after all these years yes he is
He looks like a dopey green walrus with the "mouth"
I never thought of it that way but the left really does make more sense.
Why did you remind me of that fucking berenstein thing
I always thought the left red part was a desert and the blade was a wound in the armor and the actual wound was just a red splotch on the armor.
I would say sad facing to the left because Caterpie was always shown bent upwards and facing the left
No user, that's a red boot
Because whenever you and a multitude of other people bear witness to the same incorrect memory it could only mean you slid between an alternate universe.
Autism. As bad as people still looking for signs that there will be a final chapter to MGSV.
why would the concept art have him facing away?
why would most of his sprites have him facing away from the opponent?
Fuck off and take your retarded shit back to /x/ with you
Nigga it's a crab pincer.
It's sad eyes faggots get used to it
its not called the Berenstein effect it has been coined The Mandela Effect. just a heads up.
No, you see the Mandela effect doesn't explain the phenomenon as a result of traveling across alternate realities.
When you travel across alternate realities does that align your QPUs?
>Berenstein effect
Just looked this up and now I'm annoyed, why can't people just observe an interesting cognitive/social phenomena without jumping to conspiracy theories?
Because ur a gay bitch.
Speaking of Pokemon, for the longest time I thought the sprite where this Trainer faced forward was of her with a giant jaw, endlessly grinning.
Then I noticed it was colored separately from her face and was actually a scarf
I could have sworn I wasn't, looks like we've hit another slide. The Mandela effect strikes again.
Wtf... My whole world has just been flipped upside down.
this is all I see
a classic
I refuse to believe anyone naturally saw it that way
I always thought it was a red boot
I'm fucking retarded
I always thought Stealth was an angry Zeus-like guy with big dark eyebrows and a beard to match
red is sitting down to battle. imagine his fist is actually a foot
u wot
You forgot the big tongue
so he's just a head on legs?
No matter how hard I try, I cannot see it that way.
Go to sleep user.
Does this count
I only see a guy here
This picture has been posted so much that Togekiss and Dodou taking a shit are all I see now and I have to take 5 seconds to figure out it's actually hitmonchan
See it now?
I love this one
Ouh yu so creva
Crab claw
holy fuck i actually do now
Saw the same thing all those years ago.
I hear ya. I thought this was a demon-pig thing, in fact those were illidans hands.
Same thing with a few others like Dark Rangers silence.
Now I got really curious, which email address should I use to email GameFreak about this Metapod issue?
Probably your work email, makes it look more official
haha, now I see it too
Looks like mecha Nigel Thornberry
It all comes back to Nigel
This is the only one I can ever see in these threads, along with Whitney and the guy standing in front of the Cerulean Cave
Nice quads btw
I was a dumb child
I always thought this was like, a red bear trap with blood on it.
This is next level stupid, but I can't stop laughing
She looks topless in the bottom right.
Someone post ruby/saphire MC hair
Looks like a combine harvester to me.
The fat guys in early Pokemon games who were actually holding surfboards.
White hair or white beanie?
white beanie
I always thought it wasn't detailed enough for it to be hair.
And also his backsprite
I'm pretty sure its intended to be perceived either way. A lot of IRL insects are tricky like that
I always thought he was showing part of his dick.
So he wears a backpack on his ass?
The dog Wily is better.