New Berserk game trailer
Thoughts Sup Forums?
New Berserk game trailer
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Looks shitty
Griffith better be gay and hopefully ill see him destroy Guts' sorry ass in 3D
Mirin that enemy count
>All that blood
>Still no bodyparts flying off
How did the PS2 game get away with it?
I can't wait to see the backlash from "games journalists" once they realize what that intro is.
Bodyparts do fly off you blind cunt, look closer
Griffith fans are literally delusion gays
I'll buy if we can see Griffith's feminine ass getting plowed.
by having way shittier graphics, options, textures, effects, and everything else
Should have been a Kill La Kill game to be honest
user, thats just dirt from the ground.
koei doesnt give a fuck so it'll be fun
No dismemberment confirmed.
And the animations are shit honestly.
what the fuck is that thing he's wielding, that's way too big to be a sword
fucking overcompensating japs
did you even watch the trailer
I heard this is just going to be a destiny warriors skin. I would of rather seen a video like the one for DC.
0:34, watch the trolls on the left, they literally fly apart
Did you? Those are clearly just gibs of blood.
New chapter is out as well.
why do you care
if anything it'll be positive considering the whole story is a quest to save a rape victim and kill her rapist
Hyped af
You can stop posting this in every fucking thread by the way.
I remain cautiously enthusiastic.
I know, its too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough. Its more like a large hunk of iron
Watch it in slow motion m8
Seriously get your eyes checked, you can clearly make out limbs.
I know Sup Forumss outgrown bait like this so I'm curious to see how Sup Forums responds desu
Omega Force has also confirmed that there will be bigger one on one fights as well
>Every enemy reacts the same way when being hit
Looks good. I expect a Musou skin job and that looks exactly like it.
The worst part of musou games is how 50 enemies all launch into the exact same animation in a cone around the attack. Looks so fucking retarded and ridiculous.
pretty much this
>No dismemberment confirmed.
Whats really to be worried about, they've done dozens of these games. Probably gonna be at least as good as the Fist of the North Star Musou games. Which was bretty good.
Because it'll be funny.
its the japanese trailer for the japanese version of the game. Koei said that they're going to have the japanese version have more nudity shit but less gore, and the western version will have less nudity shit and more gore.
Looks great but what's up with all the berserk attention this year. It seems like industries are really pushing it
>japanese version have more nudity shit but less gore, and the western version will have less nudity shit and more gore.
thats so retarded that i believe it
Berserk hollywood movie when?
>Koei said that they're going to have the japanese version have more nudity shit but less gore, and the western version will have less nudity shit and more gore.
Why cant we have both?
Guts finally got off the boat and a new anime is coming.
Well there's a new anime coming out so I guess they figured a game would be a great way for the anime to get attention?
Though everyone seems to hate that the anime is using CGI
If the Berserk anime used THESE models, I'd be fine with CGI, honestly.
>posts a webm from a dreamcast game
If nothing else, I like the look of it a lot. The way Guts is animating and the color palette and tone all seem legit.
Also, for you blind fucks, there's clearly dismemberment at 0:35. You can see severed heads, headless torsos, and arms flying freely. Dismembering creatures was never an issue. It's the humans we probably won't be able to hack apart.
I really hope they don't give us multiple versions of Guts and Griffith taking up slots in the game. Femto is fine but I really don't think we need to have 3 Guts and 2 Griffiths taking up whole slots. Maybe like give some characters multiple styles or something that change up their attacks. I mean its not like there isn't a list of about 20+ characters we could get so no need to try and fill up the roster with repeats.
I mean we got:
Skull Knight
Mozgus' Disciples
Adon Coborlwitz
Samson Coborlwitz
The Count
The Snake Baron
thats about it I think.
so Sup Forums will complain about censorship either way
Journalists dont play games
And they'll lose their shit the moment they hear there's a rape victim
It's coming out on PC too, they can just fucking mod it in.
BTW, the next chapter is out already in korean. There's story development going on in it. I only caught a couple summary phrases then looked away cause I am waiting for translations so I can get it all as I read it.
Looks great. But I love Musou shit so I'm bias as fuck.
Post that source nigger
It's a first iteration of musou, man. You'll probably be lucky to get more than 10 characters.
Read entire manga up to the part where they fight the wicker man in witch place.
>mfw never had to experience guts on the boat saga.
Kill La Kill would make a terrible Musou game. Platinum could make something good from it but that series doesn't really fit the Musou style.
>coming to PC as well
I hope they don't fuck it up performance wise, remember how DQ heroes had horrid performance issues on powerful rigs and compatibility problems with win 10
If Guts isn't Japanese what is he?
You know we'll probably just get Band of the Hawk + few DLC characters. They're always cautious with new first installment of a licensed franchise, but then add a ton of character in the sequels.
This, shit la shit is more of a 1 on 1 experience which suits platinum games while berserk is more about hordes and giant enemies suiting musous
Looks like a musou
>It's in Chinese
Well at least you raised awareness
fuck you I can dream.
Bro it looks fucking terrible. Japan can't do cg but they keep fucking trying
Dismemberment is in.
I wouldn't expect a good KT PC version user, there really hasn't been one yet.
There should be a term for newfags who never had to deal with the boat.
Pirate Warriors 1 had like 20
I guess only for trolls and shit. Humans are no go.
I understood that reference!
The Lucky Ones
anyone else get the feeling that Humans won't be able to get dismembered but the monsters will?
This actually looks very promising. The swings and combat itself seem MUCH more faster paced than normal Dynasty Warrior games, which I am definitely happy about. I'm so hyped.
Again, dismembering monsters was never going to be a problem. The question remains whether or not we can cut up humans.
Music doesn't inspire confidence. Also, while they seems to get the weight of moves right, the mass crowds feel more musou than berserk, so it's going to be a balancing issue.
How long did they stay on that fucking boat anyways?
just askin, is there anywhere I can read the manga without it being the fuckin Hawks translation. I swear to god every time I see Pak or Gatts or any of that shit stop wanting in read it. I've read it all before I just hate the fucking Hawks translation.
8 years.
OPW3 was good.
It wasn't in the video.
They did it for Nioh in the west, might happen for this one as well.
>Enemies are changed to Cyborgs with white blood in the Japanese release
Who cares? Hopefully the good majority of enemies are demons and not humans.
I want to kill apostles, not golden age arc shit.
mod for more gore and more nudity when best site.
Yes it was.
OPW3 was a port of the Vita version iirc
Google around for Darkhorse scans, I found a 10gb torrent and it's amazing.
I'd have to boot up my pc to get you a link, perhaps someone else might answer in the meantime, otherwise be patient. I don't recall seeing the names that wat, but bear in mind I read all 341 chapters in two days.
I would kill for Hellraiser vs Army of Darkness.
OPW3 port's graphic settings are fucking locked to LOW. It's abyssmal.
And dismemberment was in the trailer at 0:34
Ps2 berserk game is miles better than the dreamcast game m8
It's already confirmed that the game covers the Golden Age as well as Black Swordsman. Berserker armor is at least in the game, but no confirmation if the playable areas will carry that far.
Who gives a shit? Sup Forums throws a pissy fit over muh censorship all the time, nothing new there.
sweet, thanks dude.