Has a video game ever made you cry?
Has a video game ever made you cry?
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>crying over video games.
crisis core...
ending of lufia 2
Nier was so shit it made me cry.
Persona 3
>muh shadows were people all along
such a shit "twist"
Planescape Torment the memory place remembering one of the previous versions of TNO.
Ending with FFG saying "And now you know desire".
The ending to red dead redemption :(
Only made me sad
The last 5 minutes of Mass Effect 3
When I was younger and Lavitz died in Legend of Dragoon.
starcraft 2 on release day. i was so happy
Why is it shit ?
First time through ME2 Garrus died. I cried myself to sleep.
IIRC one of the Lost Odyssey stories made me weepy.
When I shot Mordin in Mass Effect 3.
I based all my decisions in this game on what I would have done instead of Shepard, and most of the time I went the Parangon way. But the Krogan are too dangerous for the galaxy and spreading the virus was the only right thing to do.
I'm sorry Mordin, you were one of the best characters of this franchise.
I hate it
Every once in a while a game gets me to shed a couple tears.
Max Payne 2 ending
Witcher 3 death of Vesemir
MGS4 final cutscene and MGSPW Peace Walker walking into the ocean
Binary Domain, because I fucked up and Bo died for my ending
Saints Row 2, Gat's revenge cutscene
devils never cry
Not him but it's a pretty cheap way of making you look like "the monster" instead of the things that were literally trying to fucking kill you the entire game.
Honestly, the most memorable games to've made me cry are Sonic Battle and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst.
Shit be prolific.
Yea, desu it's like how people think the "it's all your fault" thing in Spec Ops is a good twist when the game literally doesn't give you a choice.
Those twists work in movies and books, where the player isn't in control, but trying to make the player feel bad for something you force them to do is silly.
>Do you feel like a hero yet ?
This moment was pretty sad
You what the best way is to avoid this sort of thing? Don't play the game
> humans are le evil
t. japanese cockroaches
>Not "Something very special..."
It's far deeper than just u r da monster user
The entire world was fucked and both sides thought they were in the right
they start trying to kill after you kill their children, the first time you encounter the little ones they don't attack.
so yes it was your fault
>don't play the game :^)
Well, I didn't buy the game, so I guess I won.
There was fighting going on between gestalts and replicants before the game even started.
Gestalts tried to reclaim their body but replicants saw them as invaders and tried to fight them off
Okay, progress through the game without killing the children then.
I teared up at the final scene of ending B in Nier where Shadowlord is sitting in a white void by himself as the background showing all his friends that Nier killed fades away
Also Emil sacrificing himself
> le shades of grey morality
So fr*aking deep man
I even got the achievement for watching tv with her on the couch.... I didn't even know it was an achievement to love her... ;_;
What I hate most about it is that the trailer pretty much tells you it's going to happen, but the music and sounds fucking got to me.
Anyone else?
>I'm so happy I met everyone... I wish we could've gone on more adventures. But I guess we all have to say goodbye someday. Everyone... Thank you. Farewell. My memories will be part of the sky...
>not taking the time to watch the entirety of To Kill a Mocking Bird with your virtual gf
You have only yourself to blame for this
>Americans and their simplistic approche of morality
Cry me a river fatso
This got real tears out of me at the end. I felt like a fellow human being with those characters.
Daily life is far more sad and pathetic than anything a videogames can come up with.
Every time
>Being too autistic to have basic empathy.
That's the real sad story.
This is very different when you actually look at it.
Nier's strength isn't the way it pulls the rug out from under you, but the way it makes you replay it with that knowledge and see everything from the other side. It is precisely the kind of story that can only work in a videogame.
It's a shame barely anyone played this. One of the most intense endings I've seen.
>first post
>barely any (You)s
I'll throw one down your way senpai, don't spend it all in one place now.
it's good that we got to experience it though, not everyone will know the feeling
Never cried at a video game, however I always feel empty when I finish one.
He's a massive fuckup and ruined everything, but he always tried and he always loved you. Despite it all, to see someone who loved you suffer so much and receive so much hate is just heartbreaking.
Agreed, that's why this one got me, reminds me of real life.
Nier made you cry ? You are probably a huge faggot.
the dog dying in TWD made me shed a tear
that's it
Sonic Battle man, no one really talks about it. I mean, the game itself was kinda bullshit and you just spam whatever special move the AI isn't immune to right now but...
The story was pretty good and Emerl was one of the best Sonic characters. Setting up his skills was fun too.
> telltale
Notice OP said video game
Child of Eden, thought for the life of me I can't figure out why.
Rule of Rose.
>tfw it's been almost nine years
Finished it a couple of days ago. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Still haven't fully recovered.
Man pokemon mystery dungeon games always hit you hard at the end
I cried like a bitch during muv luv alternative I can't even pretend I didn't
why the greatest game of all time of course
cried all the way through
no but seriously, this game is full of heart-wrenching moments, dont even try to deny it
Brad hits pretty hard. We're getting old and we're failures at life.
>Life is Strange
The whole game made me cry, but especially the endboss!
>thinly veiled troll thread where every post is "X game made me cry" followed by the mandatory "If I was playing a game that shitty I'd be crying too" reply
Didn't even need to read the thread to know they ALWAYS turn out this way.
Spec Ops is different, since you're playing Walker, and you see what Walker's been through. It's like that you're witnessing what he has done. And in the end of the game, you get to chose his fate, according to what you think he deserves.
Which ones?
Those stories were brutal, but amazing.
What got me though was my mom died of cancer when I was 9. So that one scene hit a little too close to home.
Shadow of the Colossus, the End wasn't fair!
it's not like that, though. You're never the bad guy in Nier. You're just on the other side
This is probably the closest I've gotten.
I'm probably autistic but I cry from excitement of my personal hyped video games when I play them. Last game I cried many tears at was Dark Souls 3, seeing Anor Londo again hit me like a train.
i find that the stories in games lack depth and they are only there to justify the setting and gameplay
Final fantasy 7 of curs
Only that one, and it wasn't that bit.
It was the bit in NG+ with the wolves. Holy fuck the Masked People can go kill themselves, lad.
Also nearly in Lost Odyssey when his daughter died which was actually a lot more penetrating than you'd think for a scene like that.
Nah. I don't usually feel empathy toward fictional characters in any media, really.
Why the fuck is no one using the fucking thing in this thread??? you faggets ruined a few games for me tonight
Yeah really, I don't know any game that has made me emotional
Books, movies, TV shows - they've made me emotional. Never games though. Which is probably why they aren't respected as a legitimate artistic medium
Not using spoilers used to be a bannable offense.
Janitors don't give a fuck these days.
>all examples are weeaboo shit for weepy manchildren
Fuck off Brutt
That's like 2 minutes in, how hypersensitive are you
only the beginning of TLOU has ever made me get all red eyed
The ending to TWD season 1.
Keep that hair short.
Then post an example that's not.
Dark Souls 1, when the Fire Keeper died. I cried bitch tears.
Teared up a bit.
Yeah man.
Though I'm super glad I got the good ending first time through, went thru the bad ending the 2nd time and couldn't take it.
I'd feel like such a failure.
Snake stops speaking from his POV and is just speaking my inner monologue at that point.
"No! I'm a loser! I couldn't save her!"
The chapter/act in MGS4 when you revisit Shadow Moses almost made me cry, all those childhood memories
Often. Because I'm addicted and waste my life and let everyone down and fail my career every time I try and always go to video games for every type of outlet and relaxation. It doesn't hurt I'm just sad. Just sad. I have nothing because games sell me a way to use all of my time, so I give it my time, a lot of time if it wants to take it and gives me something to "do", maybe a little one year, maybe a lot the next but it's always too much and I always fail.
That's why I cry because of games.
There aren't any, because it's exclusively the domain of weepy manchildren
Cried like a little bitch.
I didn't cry, but it made me sad.
This is one of the few games that got me.
First when Lee tells Clem about his past and then at the end.
Never forget.