NX cartdriges confirmed
NX cartdriges confirmed
No other Wii U game mentions cartridge in the classification. The images come from the US trademark site.
It also says memory cards
user where did you get this?
Makes sense.
DvD/Bluray is shit.
MicroSD/SSD is where it's at.
So will the physical game copy cost $150+?
What does nintendo gain by begin so secretive
But it makes sense if the NX is still the handheld/console hybrid everyone is saying it is.
Let's say it's a 50GB cartridge. How expensive it will be to produce?
I see
Killing the NX before is out
Classic Nintendo.
3 maybe 4
64g usb flash drives are under 20 dollars.
what if it's a console/handheld hybrid gimmick
>handheld/console hybrid
This phrase doesn't mean anything. Stop using it.
Flashcard when?
$30-$70 probably
They already tried that with the GBA link cable, the DS/Wii wireless connection and finally the Wii U tablet.
I doubt they're dumb enough to try again.
Those are totally diferent
NX is a mobile device?
Bluray solds at 1$
This solds at 20$
Except 70$ games
>I doubt they're dumb enough
Those are fighting words for Nintendo.
NX will be the new handheld and the new console. in other words, an extremely powerful handheld. more powerful than the neo.
Oh God
Probably the same as 3DS games. 3DS carts go up to 8GB
and very few if any games actually utilize all the disc space of bluray/whatever Xbone and WiiU use now, much of it is duplicate data so the disc doesn't have to seek as much which means faster read and load times, also uncompressed audio
Like most PS3 games are less than 10gigs if they don't use uncompressed audio
pretty cheap
>handheld unit for on the go gaming
>console unit the handheld plugs into to gain more processing power for better visuals/effect at home
Probably never, seeing as how 3DS and WiiU still got their asses busted wide open despite their best attempts at locking it down
They're going to step up their security game, I wouldn't be surprised if a Vita-tier lockdown of the system is what hackers will run into and promptly give up on
Remember when the NX was supposed to be more powerful than a PS4 and Xbone?
>70 dollar games
you're probably right.
the quality stays the same but the price continues to soar.
Makes sense to me. He's assuming a home console with some sort of detachable on-the-go functionality.
god damn this picture makes me feel bad
user, I am the ultimate Ninteno fanboy but
>more powerful than the neo
What the fuck are you doing, nigga? Surely you realize what you just typed.
what's the point otherwise?
if they want to attract third parties they better.
You can get a 128GB microSD card for as low as $30.
Flash storage is fucking cheap as hell nowadays.
So add 30 to initial game price?
You dont get this shit arent you
I can literally get a 128gb flash drive for 5 bucks.
that's why it's a hybrid
and please refrain from using the "N" word again. my boyfriend gets very upset.
>uses cartridges
>zero load times
Sounds more powerful to me.
Except that Nintendo only has 1 new console coming out and if you look at it objectively, the 3DS was a much more successful console compared to the Wii U. They have many handheld only series, it would be very strange if they just walked away from the Handheld market
>Fuck, that's what ours looks like.
Solid state storage is objectively the best way to play video games and was only replaced by disks due to the expensiveness of solid state media in the past.
That looks more like a look of contemplation than 'JUST' to me
Part of trade shows is seeing what everyone else is doing, hell, maybe he's hyped for it. Nothing says the CEO of one game company can't enjoy playing the games of their competition. I mean fuck, Shuhei Yoshida comes off as a mega idort who plays all sorts of games
I haven't alive before 2000: The Post.
>console unit the handheld plugs into to gain more processing power for better visuals.
The NX is a Wii U meets 32X? Do you morons want Nintendo to fail?
>retail price = price of production
Absolutely dank.
A couple dollars maybe.
Told you fucking faggots it's a handheld.
It's literally WiiU being slimmed and repurposed into the next handheld.
It'll be a disc driveless WiiU, in a sense. Future NX games will instead release digitally on the WiiU instead of retail disc. WiiU may get a card reader attachment, even.
>zero load times
Sorry my african american friend.
>"why didnt' I become a dentist like mom wanted?"
That sounds cool from a novelty aspect but I don't know how the masses would respond to something like that
>No backwards compatibility confirmed
Would be awesome to see USB or SSD used as old school cartridges.
So are they going to be Carts or cards?
My dream would be SNES sized carts just for nostalgia sake
WiiU and 3DS emulation are well on their way
it's alright, nigger.
doesn't installing get rid of load times anyway?
>You will some day have 1TB carts for your NX with all the best games on a single cart
Not with games today, faster than HDD for sure. Think GCN fast.
The phrase doesn't mean anything. It's either a handheld or it's not. Even if the handheld can plug into a television, it still has to meet the size, heat, and power consumption requirements of a handheld.
If it's basically a Wii U except the controller is its own portable in its own right, that's not a hybrid device. It's just two devices that work together.
Lots of rumors are saying cartridges. I think they're just a pleasant thought like the whole hybrid bullshit. Nintendo wants to deviate from the norm but they also want 3rd-party support.
Cartridges have always been the superior way to play video games, much like vinyl being the best option for music.
Sony and Microsoft add $59 to the cost of mass-produced blu-rays.
I can get a 64GB microSD for ~$20, and that has more storage space than a blu-ray.
>the 3DS was a much more successful console compared to
But a failure compared to the DS. They're done, even in the handheld market because the handheld market itself is done. The NX will not sink or swim based on hardware gimmicks like the Wii did, it'll have to go back to what made them famous in the first place and have a killer software lineup. Judging by their performance this gen I don't see that happening. That's life. You can take comfort in the fact that Sony will probably be joining them in the grave too though.
B-but what about the 3DS?
Has it's time come to an end?
Sleep well pupper, you did good.
I don't know about your experience but every game that I could install still had load times after doing so.
why not just use flac. It's lossless.
>Nintencentimeters will defend this
I dont really see how carts would hurt 3rd party support. Its literally just the same info from a blu ray but on a cart
isn't blue ray faster anyway since it has a shorter beam?
Not for me, my 3DS backlog is huge
Because all casuals went to phones
The 3DS was a bigger success than DS in the sense than it proved you dont need the uber phone casuals to make a very profitable handheld
It could also be an auxillary processing unit, the handheld gets plugged in as the 'brains' of the console and then the aux unit supplements its processing and graphics/memory power
this would probably be prohibitively expensive though
>le nintendo is dying
Post invalidated.
even digital downloads? cartridges don't mean no loading.
Same here. I'll get around to them eventually.
No. Vinyls are organic pressings. The sound your hearing, if you've got a proper analog speaker and amp setup too, is REAL shit. Exactly the same timbre that the microphones picked up. Digital shit it's all flattened into 1's and 0's. It sounds "the same" but it doesn't hit your ears the same and give the same effect.
Listening to pristine mint vinyls on my dads setup at full blast is an insane experience. It sounds like you're in the room with the band.
He meant
Time for the king to come back.
>Shit, I didn't think they were going to announce it this soon
>I hope Kimishima doesn't beat me when I get back because of this.
3DS didn't get shit.
it was a joke compared to the library of the DS. are you kidding me?
Third parties have to buy their physical media. Cartridges cost more than a Blu-ray disc. When you are talking about hundreds of thousands to millions of copies for a print run, the cost difference between a 50 cent Blu-ray and a $2-3 cartridge [and I'm being generous here -- it was $7-12 on N64 but a modern cartridge wouldn't be EEPROM] is significant.
He's retarded, that's why.
Records are obsolete and he can't handle that
>auxillary processing unit
So return of the EXT port or Nintendo paying for a Thunderbolt license? Neither seems particularly likely to me.
>record digitally
>release on vinyl
I hate that shit
A successful console is a successful console. Just because it didn't do DS numbers doesn't mean it wasn't a good product for Nintendo. And actually having the thought process that if it isn't as good or better then the DS can be pretty cancerous for a company to have.
Fact is, if Nintendo believes that they can have a successful, profitable handheld system, they would make it.
3DS library shits on the DS's though you utter retard.
Ha! Jokes on you, My backlog for EVERY console is huge!
w-what do you listen to, senpai?
It got tons of games and there are still games coming out for it
A hybrid is just
>a thing made by combining two different elements.
As long as Nintendo sell the NX as a single product it's a hybrid system, deal with it.
They could use the cartridge port again if it has one.
damn nigga that's a funny ass joke.
>Because all casuals went to phones
Casuals weren't on the DS, stop making excuses. Were "casuals" on the GBA? The 3DS was an expensive failure with a 3D feature nobody wanted. 3D is poison. Their next system won't do any better.
>le Nintendo will live forever
Like zombie Atari maybe.
Fucking literal aids
tape > vinyl was fucking wasted on an era of music that was largely derivative, save for the few greats.
There's some pretty good stuff this past decade and a bit and it's all wasted on the youtube mp3 earbud gen
I think I read somewhere that developers had the option on the 64 to use cartridges supplied by Nintendo in exchange for some marketing or some crap but I may have dreamed it.
Any way I'm sure they could work out a deal.
>Casuals weren't on the DS
he's right though. ds lib is overrated as fuck. 3ds blows it out of the water with ease.