How come this game attracts so many normies? is it because it's one of the simplest games that runs on every potato?
League of Legends
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I really don't know how this meme started. Sure it attracts normies but I wouldn't really call it casualised and I certainly wouldn't call it simple. I remember starting out years ago I had no idea what the fuck was going on and it took me a fair few games to figure out how AP/AD worked and get the hang of the main roles. Whenever I see DotA and League players discussing their respective games with each other I actually seriously see DotA players complaining like children about how most abilities in LoL are skillshots, as if they don't know how to fucking aim and lead targets.
League is alright.
Just ignore normalfags and have fun.
I know you're probably still in high school so that might be hard
I'm sorry you're brain damaged but it's really fucking simple. So is DotA.
i'm sorry nobody plays SC2 any more. My condolences
i really used to hate league. on principal it was my most despised game but over the years of playing it ~"ironically"~ i kinda realized that it actually did have some good qualities about it from a "heheh imma dick around in this videogame" kind of perspective.
bullet point number 1: garen
when garen was at his most meme you became the meme. sitting in bushes hasn't been that fun since bad company 2 let me tell you
bullet point number 2: i think quickcast is great in this game
idk i guess i just kinda like the engine. and going from playing warcraft 3 and dota, the engines played very different so it made me think about both games in different ways. its also pretty responsive, my character moves the instant i right click which made the game move differently than what i was used to.
league of legends is a quality example of mediocrity combined with enough money can now give a nerd a scholarship
god bless ten cent
1. its free
2. you can scream at strangers for your own fuck ups
3. you can scream at close friends for your own fuck ups
its literally heroin
im not him but, really? come on man league isn't, and wasn't that hard to pick up in any period of it's life
You're misremembering. You only think it was easy to pick up because it matches you with retards like yourself for your first 15 or so summoner levels. It takes a fair amount of basic knowledge of the game's mechanics and champion abilities to become "decent" at the game.
>DotA players complaining like children about how most abilities in LoL are skillshots
it's not the fact that they're skillshots, but the skills aren't impactful and you can throw a new one out every five seconds so who cares if you miss one
just chuck those nidalee spears off cooldown, you won't even be punished for missing
It's very easy to run out of mana during laning phase if you chuck your abilities out without thinking (especially relatively expensive ones like spear)
you can chuck a spear 7 times before being oom at level one with no regen items, but in dota some heroes can use their ability once before being oom. using that ability at the right time will result in a kill though, but landing one nidalee spear won't do shit.
>that pre-rework Nidalee
That was a thing of nightmares. But its ok when other heroes do it. This is yet another thing i hate about LoL, the fact that they nerf whatever they please instead of what is actually broken is annoying.
>No cost heroes
>Cooldown reduction to a huge amount
>Nukes with no real drawback
>No real cast-time/channelling in any spells
>Literally half the heroes are right clickers
I just wish it was more balanced and not this abomination.
How is it not complicated for anyone new? You have to know about runes, masteries, summoner spells, all the champions and what they can do, the massive amount of items, roles, all the dragons and their different buffs. They've added so many new things to the game and they're constantly changing the champions that I've stopped playing as much because I couldn't keep up with it. The game was a lot simpler back then, but now it's just a mess. 90+% of the people that play this game are in bronze for a reason and it's because no one understands it.
no its pretty simple if you expanded your horizons and played other games
The main skillshot complaint is because there is incredibly little diversity in the skills of diff champs. You either get a skillshot, a gap closer, or a buff of some sort. The game itself is pretty basic. Just look at the amount of things you'd need to learn to play pro sc2/fighting games or even dota. League requirements are drastically lower. Dota's aren't much higher but it is a more complex game than league by a significant margin.
as a whole ass assfaggots players take their medium too seriously
I don't take it seriously at all in fact I don't even play it that often because I've had my fun with it and moved on to other games. The mechanics aren't any more simple than what you'll find elsewhere. Dota 2 has more things to 'care about' but it's not more complicated because of it, when I started playing dota 2 the only thing that was different was the roles, their positions, the map layout and the way item building works. Amazing, so much more intellectual than loltards
that was my problem with it at first though. i think that a good "competitive" game that can ~"take skill"~ there should always be an even playing field. and that's why to this day i never understood why they went with "talent trees" players that played longer had an outright advantage over you because of their bonus stats in their talent trees. it's stupid. to me it shows that league always was a casual game at its core. i think this whole idea of it being "complicated and competitive" was actually a thing riot payed enough money to make people like you believe it's actually true.
what you're talking about is "information" and with "information" you can become a better player correct? but with information you need "experience" correct? how will you get all that experience if you didn't need to grind for it?
which interestingly enough leagues me to my next question
why did riot ever make it so everyone couldn't have all the heroes at once?
i have the answer for you it's! money
league loves that sweet sweet dollar bill
this boots item has more depth than any item in lol
it's not a lot compared to other games but dota is a lot more demanding than lol, good players switch their boots attribute more than 20 times in a single fight
Those boots have more depth than LoL. Full stop.
League has a very high skill ceiling. Problem is only 2% of the playerbase is there, it's exclusive as fuck. But that's actually good because it does it's job, genre is too addicting though I had to quit.
Post dat screenie of your Challenger acct.
Just give me my friends back, I beg you.
Op here, i was genuinly curious why was this game so popular. Whenever someone on Sup Forums mentions going out and meeting people they always ask "DO YOU PLAY LEAGUE user?".
Are you Greek? Because this exact thing happens here.
But the other person can throw one out every five seconds too, and if they manage to hit the moving target you probably aren't being, they'll kill you and stay alive. Also, pretty much any AP character will destroy you in a rotation or two once earlygame ends.