Is it good?
Is it good?
i don't have a ps4 so i don't know
I'm enjoying it
In the trash?
Pretty good as usual for Gust.
Came out the same day as Odin Sphere so it's waiting till I beat that to be opened.
Extremely good, the day/night system is the best thing that happened to the series
>Same glorious gameplay
>No time restrictions or missable events
>Can play for hours after finishing the game without reaching a point of no return
GUST has improved the formula.
imo the game lost a lot of charm after the open-ended nature of atelier totori gave way to more directed gameplay. don't get me wrong, there were a lot of bullshit moments in totori like the bugs that made it so you could permanently lock yourself out of certain scenes if they were to happen at the same time as other scenes. but at its core, it was a game that didn't force you to do certain things in a certain order, nor did it really hold your hand. there were hints and tips to get your adventurer rank up, sure, but there were almost no points in the game where the game said "you better do this before this date", aside from the obligatory ultimate deadline.
the games after totori (ignoring ayesha cause that one was really fucking good) kept progressing more and more towards the kind of game that tells you your next objective and holds your hand to completion. the worst offender was shallie, imo, because it really removed any ambiguity that made the series so good.
however, after playing shallie for a good few hours (just got plachta's body, i estimate about a third to halfway through the game), i'm really enjoying what it does. it's a nice open-ended game that, despite not having any time limits, allows for some nice time-management in the form of the day/night cycle. furthermore, the idea of thinking up recipes is absolutely genius, and should've been there since rorona. combat segments aren't as good as shallie's, but i've grown to like it, and the quality of life improvements like refilling the battle bag after returning to town is very welcome.
overall, i'd say it's good, perhaps even better than my favourite game in the series, atelier ayesha.
imo, ayesha > totori > sophie > meruru > shallie > rorona > escha & logy
i'd love to hear other anons' thoughts on how these games have improved/gotten worse over time.
it got dumbed down as hell
damn casuals ruining another series
Objectively? No.
By the nonexistent standards of weebs, maybe
I've played it for 60 hours and loved everything about it. The alchemy system is different from the previous games and some would say it's worse but I like it a lot.
Fuck off cancer
Do you play with the dub or japanese dialog?
Also, how long does it take for rorona to get good?
I'm like 3 hours in and I just feel like I'm being given piss easy assignments with no danger of running out of time.
Jap audio, Rorona takes a few assignments, maybe 5 or 6 in before you start feeling any semblance of difficulty.
I'm having a blast with it
>VN trash
>not cancer in its purest form
This is the kind of shit that ruined RPGs.
Fuck off
No. There isn't an actual good game in the series though
You just bumped a thread on page 8 to shitpost?
Yes, and I'll do it again.
wasnt day/night in mana khemia ps2 games lol
nep games are trash
the only good thing about the series are the cute girls and not the antiquated JRPG gameplay, shitty self-referential ironic humor and fourth wall breaks.
I don't know if you're really retarded or baiting
Why do you keep making this thread?
It's an okay game, it's mediocre compared to the Arland games. Now fuck off.
Yeah man, I love how the day/night system affects literally nothing in 80% of areas. It really revolutionised gameplay.
>allows for some nice time-management in the form of the day/night cycle
How? If you're not in the area at the time you want you just move between there and the closest area until the clock ticks over to when you want it to be. You can hardly even call that management.
>the idea of thinking up recipes is absolutely genius, and should've been there since rorona.
Rorona did have it, you just got them naturally instead of from filling arbitrary goals in the guide book that hardly even have any relation to the item you get the idea for.
>and the quality of life improvements like refilling the battle bag after returning to town is very welcome.
Something that was introduced in E&L. Meanwhile the Encyclopaedia has taken steps backwards by no longer applying a tag to new entries you haven't viewed yet, and there's no way to check what items contain the traits you're looking at.
That aside, I entirely agree with your assessment of Ayesha and Totori, those are my favourites as well.
>i'd love to hear other anons' thoughts on how these games have improved/gotten worse over time.
I should really cap the post I've made about E&L one of these days so I have it on hand.
Anyone playing with the dub in Atelier games is a literal retard, the acting is garbage and they're all only partial dubs to boot.
they're partial dubs?
You mean to say I've been missing out on half the dialog?
Yes. Enjoy that revelation.
More like 90%. Every single event scene is voiced in the original, the dubs only do story scenes.
Worst game in the series
Even Shallie was better for the one playthrough
If you don't know jap, you're not missing out on hearing japanese dialog when all the text is written in english anyway.
I think you intended to write something that seemed a lot smarter, but instead you've written a sentence that doesn't even make any sense.
I don't understand why you would lament missing out on japanese dialog if you don't speak jap.
What makes you think that knowing Japanese is an on/off switch of no knowledge or complete mastery?
What makes you think that understanding of a language has anything at all to do with the very immediately apparent acting quality?
What makes you think that anyone who isn't American would want their games dubbed with obnoxious American accents in the first place?
But you don't know japanese.
And I'm sure you get your fill of unintelligible japanese recorded dialog with all the seasonal trash you watch, why do you need more of it in game form?
What makes you think that knowing Japanese is an on/off switch of no knowledge or complete mastery?
Why not?
Knowing 3 or 4 words in jap doesn't mean you have any real grasp of the language, certainly not at a level to where you could actually understand it, anyway.
It's worse than Rorona. Still kind of enjoyable.
this is going to be realesed on PC, isn't it?
Wait, people didn't like E&L?
What makes you think that I only know 3 or 4 words? What makes you think that this is any sort of compelling argument?
Gust has repeatedly said that they want absolutely nothing to do with the perverts on the PC platform.
Not only do they pirate the game, they also defile the game with nude mods within days of release.
No. KT are incompetent and have mishandled Gust's games ever since acquiring them from NISA, so why would they ever bother doing something that could bring the series greater success?
Of course not, E&L was shit. Did you fall for the idiots spouting "the japs just hate it because there's a male protagonist"? When will people stop listening to these "Donte's white hair"-tier excuses?
Because if it wasn't true, you wouldn't be giving me the time of day.
Assumptions like that just make you look like an ass, user.
And yet you keep replying to me, user.
Just admit that you're a weeb and you pretend you're japanese by turning on the japanese dialog option in your games whenever possible.
Considering Sophie was one of the best selling games in the entire franchise I'd say they already have "greater success" without putting their game on PC.
Pedos were mad because Escha had tits, the other loli was shit and Wilbell was DLC
Pic related, it's you.
The Japanese sales have nothing to do with the situation in the west. Do you think Neptunia sells well in Japan on the PC? Come on now.
Why does she have long sleeves and fox ears?
shes a starfox reference
Oh and every game sells like nep on PC? Like trails in the sky SC, Umehara Kawase, htoL#NiQ, disgaea and senran kagura all sold worse than Sophie in japan alone. What makes you think that a company like gust will take the risk to invest money into a PC port when it could aswell just cost them fucking money and give nothing in return?
Ive been playing for like, 15 hours. When do i get to dress up sophie?!
Sophie has only 2 costumes in the game. Once leon gives you another one you're done.
The Japanese sales have nothing to do with the situation in the west. And why the fuck are you comparing the sales of entirely different franchises with entirely different circumstances, you fucking idiot?
Neptunia sells like arse in Japan but it's been a huge success in the west thanks to IFI's handling of the series, and Rebirth 1's PC port has sold 300k. Meanwhile KT have been doing nothing at all to promote Gust games, releasing half of them digital-only and scrapping multiplat versions of others. Porting Atelier to PC would give a massive boost to its exposure in the west, but we can only hope that never happens because KT doing a Gust port would probably result in bricked computers.
eh #FE is better desu
I thought that happened like 6 hours in
It's a JRPG, so no.
It's on the platform with the biggest market share right now and also the platform with the biggest niche audience. If you ask me it's exposed enough.
Girl on the right has some cute tits
Which Atelier game has the most yuri subtext?
Is Rorona still the best and cutest heroine?
Easily the second best atelier game, definitely GOTY so far
Arland was shit