Tumblr whore

jesus christ when is this bitch getting a nerf?

Her ultimate is literally teamwipe ez even in fucking pubs. Broken as fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


reaper can escape it
genji can escape it
tracer can escape it
widowmaker can escape it
mei can freeze herself
mercy can escape it (???)
there are ults that can keep a team alive through it (lucia, zenyatta)

stop being a shitter

Because we needed another overwatch thread
Thank you OP

git gud shitter

>mercy can escape it

by flying to a teammate in the ult?

>hurr stop being a shitter

lmao thats why zarya is literally meta on koth kid

fuck out of the thread, if you have zarya and a teammate dpsing the group in the ulti even lucio ult wont save you.

>Zarya's Ult
>The worst thing about her

No user, a good Zarya will ruin your day with her shields. Especially if her team isnt brain dead.

oh man the combined effort and ultimates of two people killed your team? thats fucking bullshit that shouldn't be allowed!

last warning: git gud shitter

>these select single characters can escape it alone

oh boy and then when it ends your whole team around you is dead and youre alone right next to the whole enemy team.


Nice ult Zarya.

Mind if I hijack it for play of the game?

ayy lmao
get fucked, dyke


reinhardt can shield his team
D.va can use defense matrix to defend against projectiles
pharra can fly away
winston can jump out
junkrat can jump out
if nothing else, you can just not give zarya opportunities to ult your whole team

You dont even need two ultimates you dumb fuckup piece of shit, no other ult can coordinate team wipes even close to how zaryas can.

>these select single characters
>1/3rd of the heroes
K. You should also know that counterpicking is a huge part of the game by design.

Her shields ruin fun so much. Only character that does that shit in the whole fucking game.

Blizzard literally doesn't understand how fucking irritating shit like that is in an fps.

>pharrah can fly away
>winston can jump out
How much of a shitter are you?

these shitters XD
enjoy sub 50% win forever losers


When are you gonna stop playing shit games?

And? There are plenty of ways to defend yourself while in her ult. And if she actually manages to pull all 6 people from your team into the ult then your team is just fucking retarded hugging eachother when they know there's a Zarya in the enemy team.

Last time, get fucking gud shitter.

>muh counterpicking

no shit nigger doesnt change the fact that the only healer who can actually counter zarya ult is fucking zenyatta and no one who wants to win is going to run zenyatta outside of extremely rare cases.

Lucio cant escape
Mercy cant escape
Dva could protect your team for a little while but youre still getting wiped and no one in their right mind is going to play dva.
reinhardt shield will get dpsed down and if you get attacked from any other angle besides head on youre fucked.

youre fucked, period.

ok so your idea of the game is to always stand in zaryas ult from the beginning?
not even a few feet of distance ever with heroes that can jump around the map?
how fucking bad are you, jesus

>defend while in her ult

there are like 2 or 3 and they dont work if the other team has a fucking brain. Jesus youre retarded.

git gud

I bet you complain about Bastion, Mei and Hanzo too.

>no one who wants to win is going to run zenyatta outside of extremely rare cases.
Like going up against, fuck me I don't know, a good Zarya?

Just because you can't autistically main a hero doesn't mean you should sperg out like this. It's not like any functioning human being is going to agree with you and Blizzard sure as hell won't break their game to cater to your lunacy.

>Backpedaling this hard.
Yeah sure. That's what you meant. I believe you :)

>hook a dps as roadhog
>she gets shielded as the left click goes through

Every time, infuriating stuff

NO one in comp picks pick zenyatta, even when there is a zarya. You fucking retard.

rock paper scissors gameplay
counter zarya you fucking loser, or can't you defeat rock in RPS?
so fucking bad hahaha XD

Don't you bring Jesus into this

>Her ultimate is literally teamwipe ez even in fucking pubs

So is Junkrat's
and Reaper's

i don't have to justify shit for you m8
stay bad forever scrub

>junkrat and reapers

youre fucking retarded

>doesn't know how mechanics work.
>Tries to backpedal into saying that he meant something else.
>Gets called out
>Now thinks I'm calling Zarya OP.

I wasn't even the one complaining about Zarya, I was just pointing out your stupidity.

But you know. You can't be wrong and admit to your mistakes. That would be embarrassing on an anonymous imageboard.

are you trying this hard to lie about how bad you are at the game?
Stay bad forever

>emoticons on Sup Forums

fuck off to reddit

Even COD players know not to have the whole team bunched up lest they get sweeped by a predator missile/airstrike
You know the Overwatch playerbase is shitty when CODkids have better sense than them

>gets called out for being bad and retarded
>no defense

forever bad and mad :P

not even the same guy faggot you're just clearly a Sup Forumsedditor piece of shit

There's no payloads on cod you stupid nigger

this mad over someone on the internet and still trying to lie his way out
how fucking sad are you XD

You don't want help, you just want to bitch.

Please fuck off neo/v/ cancer

call the police then you fucking loser XD
tell them how mad you are over this guy on the internet
they will certainly come get me

Then you have no right to complain faggot.

I'm almost completely sure I can't jump out of Zarya's ult as Winston.

It's only really spectacular when combined with another ult, or sometimes if Zarya is at full power. There are many heroes that can escape it, and if Lucio or Zenyatta ult then it's completely blocked.


>Tumblr whore

She's a bodybuilder who hates omnics, literally the opposite of the hyperliberal hamplanets of tumblr. Stop getting hung up on appearances.

Roadhog's hook and Reinhardt's charge are my favorite thing as Zarya

>Tumblr whore

She was literally added into the game to appease the PC/SJW/Tumblr crowd. Blizzard even confirmed it themselves.

>She's a bodybuilder who hates omnics, literally the opposite of the hyperliberal hamplanets of tumblr. Stop getting hung up on appearances.
Tell that to the people who cried for representation in video games and yet never bothered to play it.

If you buch up so close that she gets you all you deserve it.

This is really only a problem for idiots.

Prove it.

Why are 90% of Junkrats retarded and blow the tire up while Zarya and another person are shielded.

>Whenever someone synchronizes their ult with your Graviton Surge

geguri pls

Google "Zarya added into overwatch"
It's Shitataku though. So take it how ever you want to.

Feels bad sometimes, man.

>80% win rate in a team game
>accused of cheating like literally everyone with an 80% w/r
>FB makes it a "trending topic"
it's like they want us to hate each other

why is this cunt literally fucking invincible


nerf this cunt pls

She's like fucking unbeatable 1v1 but can't take on multiple people like Reinhardt or Fat Fuck.

Best bet is to harass her until a teammate shows up to help.

Yeah. With Widow/McCree nerf I think Zarya is definitely the prime contestant to get it next because no one in the game counters her properly. Mostly due to the fact that her hitbox is too small for a tank which makes reaper and roadhog kind of useless against her. And she will outright murder them if she guesses right with the shield.

Now add to that a Q that is ACTUALLY extremely good and not meme kind of good like Hanzo/Mei and the fact that she can deny "good" Qs with her shield AND obliterate whole team in a matter of seconds when she is charged up.

I can confirm that Mercy can use her Shift ability when inside Zarya's ult.

>hate Zarya design
>got 1000 coins
>buy Artic just to fix her

>fuck out of the thread
Get the fuck out of the thread*
Why do people leave words out of their sentences? You sound really stupid.

You know what counters Zarya? Smart play. The bitch is useless if you hold your fire against her barriers. It's a question of avoiding her and then going in hot once her barriers are down. Also what the guy above you said, she can't handle the heat like the other tanks can.

Also her Ult isn't that good. If you pick up what's actually happening to you once you're sucked in you can get away with plenty of characters.

Protip: Genji can reflect her Ult and make it work against her and her team.

I jerked off to the raging butthurt in this thread

>You know what counters Zarya? Smart play.
>Genji can reflect her Ult and make it work against her and her team.

Jesus. This post fucking reeks of a 51% winrate cunt who watches too many youtube analysis videos. What's next?
>Winston totally counters pre-nerf Widow. You just need to get to her on foot so that you can jump after her when she zips :)
>Just reflect *it* with Genji, man :^)

Smart play does not counter Zarya of the same skill level. It merely turns her shield shenanigans into a mindgame instead of a guaranteed charge. Well, except for matchups against Torb, Pharah and Junkrat. The charge is pretty much guaranteed against those.

I haven't looked up anything regarding this game as it's simple as fuck, the thought of there being Youtube "analysis" for such a straightforward fucking game scares me. The Genji thing I found out by complete chance (boy what a PotG that was) and thought it might not be commonly known. I speak from experience, I haven't met a single Zarya that has obliterated my team in 60 hours of play, but I usually play with one or two friends on my own team so maybe I haven't been cursed by retards like you who are too stupid to counter such a simple character.

>Lucio ult cockblocks it
>Zenyatta ult cockblocks it
>Mei Icewall
>Reinhardt shield
>D.Va matrix
>Winston Barrier
>4 characters can escape from it on their own
>Genji can reflect it

Zarya's ult is okay on it's own. It's deadly in combination with OTHER ults because it makes them easier to hit. Zarya ult + Mei ult/D.Va ult/Pharah ult, great

But 99% of the time zarya is going to use her ult and nobody else will take the initiative.

>can't play the game

>But 99% of the time zarya is going to use her ult and nobody else will take the initiative.
Every time

Junkrat can also escape it by propelling himself with a mine.

Zarya is a pubstomp hero, that's it.

Good players won't let her get a full charge because they won't just pump shots into her shields.

Good players also counterpick heroes that can escape her ult.

Git gud.

>Rest of team fires into her shield in place of you
time to le get more gooder :)

Not the same guy, but you sound like a dick and don't know what you're talking about at all.

The fact you think her ult is bad just seals the fucking deal that you know nothing, and you don't even mention the nightmare that is Zarya shielding her allies which is frequent and guarantees charge or conceding fucking everything.

>muh political correctness is evil meme!

Literally kill yourself

Well, it objectively is sexist

>You sound like a dick
Believe me when I say I was holding off on calling him a retard. I tried to act neutral but apparently that makes you sound like a Youtuber and who the fuck cares about being civil now.

I didn't say her Ult is bad though, but it's nowhere near as game-changing as people claim it to be, unless the other team composition is full of characters that are unable to escape it. Even then, the suck range is fucking tiny, it requires decent teamwork to reach its maximum effectiveness and tanks can still shield a fair bit while under its effect.

Her giving shields to other characters is her strongest move by far. Even so, you deal with it the same way, just don't fucking shoot. If you know the Zarya won't be picking you as her next target and you're packing decent damage you could try to blow through her barrier and kill her teammate but you're risking giving her more charge to fuck over you teammates.

Post your BNET so we can laugh!

The only good picture with her.

Theorycraft all you want, but in the actual game, not killing people who are shooting at your team isn't a good way to win

Giving someone with high survivability high kill potential isn't either.

I looked it up, her barriers last TWO FUCKING SECONDS, you seriously can't evade some fire for two fucking seconds?

>they get POTG
>nobody even votes for you at the end of the round


>literally meta
Hi, reddit.

The most obnoxious thing is the combination of a readily-accessible stint of god-mode coupled with her easy-to-use up-close weapon.
Her ult is perfectly able to be countered and highly situational.


Yeah, and McCree's flashbang stuns you for 0.7 seconds and was able to drive people fucking crazy.

And the cooldown on her shields are 10 seconds on her personal one, 8 seconds on the other. That's not particularly long and can be staggered out or alternated, and there's cover to use too. 2 seconds is more than enough time to push shit in during which a character is basically invincible or you're turning Zarya into the equivalent of Junkrat with 400-600 health.

I think D.Va can completely destroy the ult if she use defense matrix at the startup when the black hole is still just a projectile. Genji can deflect it to make it his as well.

zarya is LITERALLY overpowered

but nothing will happen because she isn't played that much due to her appearance, I can continue to laser beam unsuspecting saps in peace

Dva's defense matrix can fuck up a lot of ults. It's happened to me as Mei a few times and I had no idea what happened. I thought it was lag or something at first.

d.va can escape too

She's only as OP as your own team is retarded.

>team getting wrecked on attack
>one faggot keeps on complaining
>about to go into overtime
>notice everyone having trouble with torb turrets
>decide to switch to pharah to take out the turrets
>team suddenly doing much better
>keep on taking out torb's turrets
>team easily wins
>don't get potg or any votes
>that one faggot says he hopes we know it's thanks to mercy that we won that

Surprisingly, I'm not even mad. I like how one simple change completely changed the outcome of the match.

Play reaper, rein, or pharah and git gud.

>goodbye potg

>zarya's good in every situation on every map
>high hp tank with regenerating shields and invulnerability
>damage dealer
>extremely hard to read exact strength at any given time
>close range death machine
>long range siege blobber
>best combo ultimate ability in the game
>works especially well with commonly played characters (lucio speed boost, mei's slowing spray, mercy's damage buffs, etc)
>only character that makes you have to stop shooting at the enemy
>high skill cap with blobs and charging
>characters who counter her are either getting nerfed or are already nerfed
>there are still people who think she isn't the best character in the game by a country mile and doesn't need a nerf

>>high hp tank

>lowest hp of any tank

those 3 are underpowered,

Combined with the shields, she's pretty ridiculous.

Not him but I see junkrat's ult have more success at wiping teams out than any other hero.
He is the definition of a pubstomper that falls off at high level play.