Is TF2 officially dead now?
Is TF2 officially dead now?
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It's been dead for long.
A mere shadow of what it used to be.
TF2 has been dead for over half a decade, mate.
It's still fun
Yes, actually, it is.
Played it today. I unironically love TF2 and likely always will. I apologize for nothing. I don't think I've ever loved a game as much as TF2 or played a game as much.
That competitive update should be coming out sometime soon. They just released some preparation patches for it today.
It is so dead you have no idea.
Making it F2P was the final nail in the coffin. It peaked maybe half a year or a year after the Orange Box was released.
TF2 will always have a very, very special place in my heart.
lel Overwatch didn't impact its player numbers at all.
Exactly what was so great about TF2?
It's like the two coexist somehow.
used to consistently get 70 - 80k
Of course not. You think a F2P game is gonna bat an eye when a competitor tries selling an inferior product for 40 bucks?
Only hat autists are left.
DotA wasn't affected either, their obsessive desire to play DotA and only DotA was stronger than the allure of waifus.
That was my point.
it was free
What is a hat autist?
>last 30 days
>50k avg
Someone's bullshitting.
the only people still playing TF2 are penniless kids an neets that can't afford overwatch
Not so long as it keeps paying thirdworlders to play it.
Same with CS:GO and dota2; I can only imagine how many of the "active players" are just item farming bots.
the meme again
And how many days has Overwatch been out for, user?
I honestly can't recall.
Yeah,maybe before 2012
in dota you need to finnish the game to have a simple chance to loot something
and you cant sell them anymore
TF2 won't "die" until Overwatch goes F2P or some other competitor competes for the poverty demographic.
But it's "dead" in that Valve's clearly stopped giving a fuck.
>But it's "dead" in that Valve's clearly stopped giving a fuck.
By that definition everything Valve has ever made is dead, because they only "update" their games when they want to add cash farming features in them.
It kinda all makes sense.
>117k peak while overwatch boasted having 10 million players
Here's your fucking reply
>By that definition everything Valve has ever made is dead
That is correct, yes.
It's 'dead' in that only children, bronies, ERPers, and botters play it. The game is basically creatively bankrupt and Valve just takes whatever the community wants and throws it in in the form of hats and cosmetics.
Apparently the competitive update is supposed to save it, but I highly doubt this since before I left the queue was basically dead. Even if it was fixed I have the feeling it won't flourish again since most of the TF2 competitive players moved on to Overwatch, so Valve would have to pump money into it to get people to play (like DotA2).
yeah but i also find making finger paintings out of my own shit to be fun
is battleborn officially dead now?
As long as Overwatch continues to not have dedicated servers, it will be worse and have a much shorter lifespan compared to TF2 IMO. I speak from experience when I say I would have put in a LOT less hours if TF2 had matchmaking like Overwatch, the few servers I went to really made the game for me.
TF2 has over 40k active player. More than Overwatch ever had.
And the Overwatch players are dropping like hot cakes
Sauce? Iqdb & saucenao give nothing.
Yeah but you aren't the kind of guy to pay for a videogame anyway.
What? I paid for TF2 when it came out and I own Overwatch. I just want to play with people I know are decent, have fun playing whatever I want without dealing with rages, and listen to that delicious micspam.
TF2 and Overwatch play nothing alike. TF2 will continue to exist long after Overwatch has died only because it allows players to make their own servers.
You do realize there's a friend group option, right?
I have no friends and people on /owg/ don't group up
I've grouped up with /owg/ several times.
But yeah, I hope Blizzard will give OW dedicated servers. If not, then I at least expect a very competent ranked mode.
I have a feeling ranked mode is going to back the "forced 50" regular matchmaking has, where it feels like MMR doesn't exist at all.
>a very competent ranked mode.
oh wow
I remember I loved getting on TF2 lobby and actually communicating with people to actually try to win games (you could play pugs with TF2 General but fuck them)
Once that site went down, I gave up on TF2
will there ever be more official tf2 shorts?
Don't think so. Most of the original voice crew is hard to reach/are getting fucking destroyed and due to the new Valve policy "why put effort into it if you can just let the community shit out something instead".
Maybe for the next update since it's supposed to be some big stuff. Last one was expiration date?