this game must be a nightmare for racists
how are Sup Forumstards coping?
this game must be a nightmare for racists
how are Sup Forumstards coping?
More like a blessing.
It's full of stereotypes.
Also it's ___fun___
Sup Forums isn't actually racist we just pretend to be because normalfags get really huffy even though we are on Sup Forums
Why am I supposed to give a shit about your waifu?
>Sup Forums isn't actually racist
Are you browsing Sup Forums thinking everyone's being ironic?
>All classes are giant stereotypes.
>Thinks this will be a Jimmie rustler for Sup Forums.
If anything, it's highlighting how important it is for people to maintain their own separate cultures within their own borders, and the benefits of specialized humanity that come from it.
Keep sniffing your Gasoline, Australians.
By forming teams and fighting each other?
>nightmare for racists
>Literally a korean waifu that says 'GOTTA RAISE MY APM"
>"Big strong russian"
>Literal cancer character, Widowmaker, is literal cancer, french
>Lol swedes made up dwarves
OP must be a stillborn fetus. Nobody can be this retarded. Game is full of disney-level racism.
yes but not everyone
being able to understand irony is what separate oldfags from newfags
But half the cast are racist against futuristic robot people, and it's not even portrayed in a strawman comic manner, they're mad they have to work with the same people that killed their friends and family in the war.
Each one brings their own strengths and weaknesses that are highlighted by their surroundings, that would be otherwise lost if they were all muddled up mixed races/cultures.
As diverse as the cast is, there's plenty of racism in game (if you can call it that) against the Omnics.
I'd say the majority of the posts on Sup Forums are ironic.
>Only black guy is a DJ BR that rollerskates up walls
>SJWs somehow think this is progressive
What's wrong with being French?
Wouldn't they just take on the strengths of wherever it is that they live? This is such a ridiculous fallacy
>Egyptian looks like she fell right out of the Pharaoh's tomb
The list goes on
Shh, don't tell the Sup Forumsfags that.
They're "race realists"
These things aren't restricted to french women
You are right, Overwatch is for sjw and feminists.
Blizzard was so kind to censor everything not appropriate to their targeted audience
dunno desu, im english and i've been living with a parisian for half a year, really great dude (thought they were supposed to be the worst)
New-age leftists tend not to notice the actual causation behind racism. They can only perceive it on a reactionary level. Therefore, if they see a game has a black character, they don't stop to think how offensive it might be if they've just been shoehorned in for the sake of 'diversity' and it won't matter to them if they walk around saying "sheeeeeit, I want some fried chicken". They see it as a victory for their side, as it were, because that's what global politics has been turned into. They are more interested in backing what their masters on social media have told them to do, rather than progressing a cause or idea.
Are you not?
The main issue with modern Sup Forums is too many normalfag teenagers taking everything too seriously.
I started coming here to get away from that nonsense, and these days there's way too many people crying about racism and sexism and what have you from single posts that would have went ignored 5 years ago.
They don't want to learn how things work, and treat boards like any other online discussion, true some may be just baiting, but as time goes by, it's getting harder to convince myself this is just an act.
Widowmaker has that pose that had to be removed from Tracer
>Mike Tyson's Punchout makes a bunch of stereotypes
>"Boy Japan sure is racist."
>Overwatch makes a bunch of stereotypes
>"Wow amazing Blizzard so progressive!"
>le sjw boogeyman
They changed a pose to where it still shows her ass and to where it looks even hotter
>Tumblr hair butch dyke
>She's actually a massive racist
based Blizz with the best bait and switch of the century
The only Black character is Winston.
I'm almost certain Sup Forums was intended to be a paradise for irony but too many people started to buy into it.
You can say all that and more about a lot more people than the French.
No bully.
Sup Forums isn't ironic as much as it is hyperbolic.
They like Zarya because she's a bigot against robots.
French women have the best smelling ass.
I love visiting France during Spring break and pumping the French sluts full of Spanish cum.
Don't forget Symmetra, the Indian tech support.
>Wouldn't they just take on the strengths of wherever it is that they live?
Exactly, just like the muslims in Britain are taking on the British strength (preteen hymens).
>be French
>visit Spain to meet qts
>get beat up
Sup Forums literally doesn't care about video games
>not racist
>being jew aware is now "racism"
Canada just legalized canine oral sex.
>tfw no slutty beurette to breed and live out my hijab rape fetishes with
what's that quote about any group that gets its kicks from pretending to be stupid will be flooded by genuine idiots believing they're in good company
Nothing. French people are sexy.
There's no way anybody could actually support trump, he's a retard going on about immigration like that's even an issue next to climate change which is actually going to kill us all. It's just fun to meme about.
Speaking of casual racism, did anyone else find Bravely Seconds change from the class native american/indian to cowboy hilarious?
It seems most people didnt notice that they traded one racist stereotype for another.
It's the other way around. They had to make the Korean and Chinese girl white, otherwise they'd be too ugly
I thought they said they were gonna legalize weed not dog blowjobs
are those that scream Sup Forums at everything the same ilk that gets upset over the term sjw?
I swear its the same shit
>it's fucking real
she doesn't even looks asian
All of the characters are racial caricatures, though.
I'm surprised that there isn't a Mexican who wears a sombrero, poncho and uses gardening tools as weapons.
>the tumblr woman hates robots
what did they mean by this?
Sup Forums was intended to be a containment bord after /new/ spilling over due to being shut down.
>reaper's legendary skins
I love how the character for my people is an edgelord. It's pretty amusing in my opinion.
Fuck off fucking shitskin spic faggots. Go build the fucking wall already and get the fuck out.
and I don't normally like short haired bitches
>he fell for the Sup Forums is satire meme
Fucking kek, where do you think all the Trumpfag memes came from?
If Britian doesn't vote leave Sup Forums is going to have a big ass fit tomorrow.
Trump is the lesser evil, though.
He's a complete retard, but at least his heart is in the right place.
Isn't there a pretty big goth/metal scene in mexico?
Post Gremlin
>Seeing people get mad about the Phara native american skin and the Road Hog Mako skin because of cultural apropriation
>visit Paris during spring break
>only niggers and muslims
nice try frogeater.
Yeah, it's pretty cool
there are exactly two japs in this video game. One of them is a ninja and the other is Yakuza (technically also a ninja)
The korean is a starcraft player.
The russian is Rosie the Riveter.
The frenchwoman uses cowardly, underhanded tactics and seduction.
The swede is 70% beard.
The indian is a cross between tech support and architect (thus she can provide infrastructure to help her people POO IN LOO)
The chinese girl studies climate change because her country is poisoning the planet.
Blizzard thinks that egyptians still worship motherfucking Horus.
Australia is now a Mad Max radioactive wasteland
And Tracer still manages to be a more offensive stereotype than every last one of them.
>Live away from county I'm registered to vote in
>Can't be bothered to pay £30 to get a train back to vote
>Hoping with my dick tied 80 year olds and Sup Forumstards don't ruin the best deal we could ever have because "muh mudslimes"
>If Britian doesn't vote leave Sup Forums is going to have a big ass fit tomorrow.
Really hoping they stay. Watching Sup Forums throw a fit is the funniest fucking thing. I love it. I was dying of laughter when Obama beat Romney and Sup Forums was absolutely imploding.
>heart in the right place
just kick out all the fucking brown people!
It's the only way.
Just the illegals.
Also the Muslims but hey, that's fear for you.
pol is like Sup Forums tumblr in a way, they get pissed over little things and have a ton of boogeymen
I love watching them.
The tears when the Farage got barraged were delicious
>he doesn't wanna make America white again
Oh you
Nobody was really even truly behind either candidate in Sup Forums, though. Sup Forums was all behind Ron Paul and the general election was just keks.
literally impossible with 20% whites.
I am a britbong I give bliz the go ahead to make tracer as they want. We don't even care if she gets a top hat and monocle
I think its actually MAKING me racist
>muh nihilistic materialism
>Muslims are a race
>all muslims and mexicans are bad
>"""great again"""
You mean like back in the 50s where it was only good for suburban whites?
Also, post more rare cards.
This desu
White liberals need not delude themselves.
Illegals. I guess you're the racist for assuming they're all brown.
I live in the horrifying land of England.
Trust me, I know that all Muslims are bad.
She isn't so much offensive to my sensibilities as she is just offensive to my eyes and ears
more on the fact that I am 500 in the red and still need to pay rent for this month
train home isn't on the cards right now
>baiting the worst board to come post here
>>all muslims and mexicans are bad
no one's saying this
they just have cancerous cultures and ideologies
Mexicans and Mudslimes are not good for the west
>You mean like back in the 50s where it was only good for suburban whites?
Culture was better for Blacks and Whites. The really only thing that changed demographically is that Latinos became a thing.
>caring about racism
back to dumblr
And not only women, you know?
I love French men.
this fucking kek thread
>still not realising Sup Forums was created to contain stormdags
There are voting booths everywhere and there are multiple ways to vote.
Cavalry's here m8 and it is here to stay.
this is the worst board