How do I get up there?
How do I get up there?
Other urls found in this thread:
By playing a better game
double jump air dash attack
It's better than nothing.
what game first
Not really
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Anyone ever notice that blood occasionaly drips from beneath Miriam's portrait on the health bar?
yea needs more frames of animation
I get the feeling given that little touches like that were present in SotN and the handheld games that Iga is a bit interested in little details like that
You contrarian shitstains need to fuck off. Go cry like an anime fan on prom night in some MN9 thread about how shit that game is.
You don't, there's no double jump upgrade and no upgrades are present inside secret walls, trust me, I spent an autistic time checking
Also, only the mud monsters don't give shards
You need the shard drop from big guy, you can use it to gain some height in air
>MN9 backers still this mad over getting outshined by a demo
A fuckin pre-beta demo no less.
>shilling this hard
>tfw you have to install STEEM STEEM LOL to use this
Why didn't they distro it through GOG?
>being this salty
What am I shilling for, exactly? Anyone can just go get the demo on mega.
Just face it, the game you backed ended up being trash and this one won't.
This shit needs a lighting overhaul badly.
You mean the Head Flail shard?
What does the wisp-like enemy shard do? I farmed them a bunch but it didn't drop.
You only need to download files omce then you can start EXE directly with no steem
Salty of what? I did not back MN9
>try demo
>runs even worse than MN9
What the fuck is up with jap devs and their inability to optimize games?
You need to pick up the Leap Stone at the other side of the castle duuh.
I fear installing Steam and giving Gooben a window into my PC
You needt double-jump to get there "properly". It does not exist in the demo.
It still possible but requires complex trick. If you aren't capable of figuring it out might reconsider playing metroidvanias user, it is not gonna be easier in full game
I really doubt they were worried about optimization only a bit more than a year into the dev cycle.
MN9 has no fucking excuse, it had 3 goddamn years.
I think it ran pretty well, considering that it was a hastily thrown together E3 build.
Do you have a link? If yes provide it please, my google and torrent-searches were not fruitful.
Are you willing to give the demo key then? I will provide you the game files.
They give Amy shard iirc, a homing missile. It only has 1% drop rate.
mega nz/#!RZcDEb6C!va1pCcPSH0r8hIWtcjDBGU8jpCR0KSOq8zlsKZtadAo
from a thread earlier
Anyone autistic enough to speed run this and beat romscout's time?
God, the backgrounds look so fucking bad. They don't fit Miriam's look at all.
What kind of a trick? A collision bug or something?
Hyperbole, user. The two may clash a bit but the bgs look good on their own
I don't think that demo area is fully finished considering they had other screenshots of another areawhere it looked much better.
I think its her that clashes with the backgrounds. Someone in a ballerina costume generally won't seem to fit a rotting husk of a ship area
Looks legit. Thank you kind sir.
That happened to me too.
This is what beta testing is for
I wish they went the 2d route instead. 3d seems kind of useless when the game itself is 2d aside from cheap production costs. It just shows how lazy companies are these days.
Do you want to donate the money to steal staff away from Vanillaware? From what I hear there are very few people left in the industry in Japan who do 2D pixel-based art.
Top looks like a cheap VN actually. It's got that same still posterboard look.
>flash game
You need to get the "Soul of Bat" m8
I'm not a backer so I can easily admit the 2.5D looks more artificial and cheaper than 2D Igavanias, but that was to be expected. To borrow famous phrase, 2.5D is better than nothing. And honestly even though I prefer Rondo, the look of Dracula X Chronicles eventually grew on me.
What follows is the question whether underneath the cheap and easier to make look is a good game. Demo leads me to believe that it might be the case with Bloodstained.
The boss for Shantae REALLY doesn't look good in a still screenshot while blown-up. The chains blatantly don't look right compared to her, and the image looks like a gigantic flat piece of big titty cardboard.
Does Amy not have a shard? I've been killing these motherfuckers for hours and they never drop anything. I thought only Morte was shardless.
; Bloodstained
#IfWinActive ahk_class UnrealWindow
Have fun
1% drop rate.
They've got Shards, they give you slow homing Amy fireballs. Also the Morte Cannons? Don't you need their Shard to progress via the directional flame ability?
>trying this hard
>being this assblasted that his scamstained looks like shit in 3D so he has to shit on good 2D projects to comfort himself
This is very, very sad and petty.
does that when shes on her period
3D for side scrolling games is a mistake.
I'm still baffled game devs can't understand this shit.
Morte cannon shards have a near 100% drop rate.
Now I want to give Iga more money.
>This is very, very sad and petty.
No he's right that particular boss looks like it belongs in a flash browser game. Rest of the game looks pretty good but the larger bosses just have that flash look.
Just entered the thread and didn't back either game, boyo
Take a moment to realize you're as much of a rabid defense fanboy for your game as the people you're trying to stake out
Stop samefagging this makes you look really desperate.
That Mermaid looks tons better than anything in Bloodstained so far (except concept art which quality was successfully forgotten kek)
seriously the shantae boss is a 1 frame sprite that doesnt actually move the curves just adjust back and forth
doesnt look good. i want them to go with what is economical. game is supposed to be his biggest castle.
fuck off retard
I did not back nor Shantae, not MN9, nor Bloodstained.
I don't need to be backer to make a simple comparison.
Bloodstained looks like shit in 3D
You can literally call any 2D sprite game a "flash" game just because both happen to be 2D.
The boss is really the only thing that looks that bad though
this really doesn't look that bad.
Not really. Flash is for stuff that is extremely well rounded and high res. For low res pixel art it's "pixelated indie shit"
I killed like, 150 hundred Amys. I didn't get a shard. Are they like the Morte?
I got tons of Flail shards and shards of the little tentacle monster.
The Beur shard was a little tougher to get. I probably needed to kill about 30 of them.
But the Amys? Fuck.
>DUST: an Elysian Tale is flash
>Dragon Crown is flash
>Duck Tales Remastered is flash
For all of this I can conclude you are autisst who have no technical background and knowledge to talk about such things. Yet you still do.
Drop rate is too low
The Goo guys don't drop a thing
>>DUST: an Elysian Tale is flash
It looks like flash yes
>>Dragon Crown is flash
No, too stylized
>Duck Tales Remastered is flash
The 'sprites' do, the backgrounds and the like don't due to being 3D
It isn't a matter of whether something is flash but whether it LOOKS like flash.
>too low
Well. In the scope of a large castle and a common enemy I guess it may very well be just fine.
But to grind in a restricted demo with just a few rooms and restricted equipment/abilities?
Oh well. I got all the others just fine.
>2d pixel-based art
fuck that, give me vector based graphics or regular hand drawn graphics. We're long time overdue for getting rid of shitty pixel art. It needs to be retired.
>It isn't a matter of whether something is flash but whether it LOOKS like flash.
>it is flash because it looks like so to me
Sup Forums ladies and gents
Why did you want to show this creature taking a sucky sucky on poor Miriam?
1% drop rate. IGA is just fucking with us. Although I was able to get it on my first playthrough.
No, it is bad because it looks like flash. A lot of people don't like the flash "look"
I knew I was forgetting something.
So you can behead the Morte.
You can have them burn up.
And you can have them explode.
Depending on how you kill. That's pretty neat. I love it.
I heard him say in the interview that the reason the goo guys don't drop shard is because they aren't fully developed demons. He did it on purpose.
it's hilarious to see fucking jim sterling get it in one of his first amy kills and then see everyone bitching about a 1% drop rate
it's like the fat bastard was rewarded for his hatred of konami
"In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"
Are you retarded?
Top one is basically a finished game while bottom one is hardly in alpha stages.
And I backed both games too
You know there are actual words you can use to describe things instead of dumbshit comparisons that make you look like a fucking retard
It's called skeletal animation and it's not exclusive to flash, nor is flash defined by it.
Serious question: How are jap developers this bad at unreal engine? It doesn't look /bad/, certainly better than MN9 but it still looks vaguely like an upscaled DS game. There's no normal maps or lighting effects or anything. Since it's side scrolling there's not even 1/10th the amount of geometry on screen as a normal game, there's no excuse for not cranking up the detail a little.
These shard animations are fucking beautiful.
Most of the documentation for UE4 is in english, so guess what? ^________^
It's an alpha build. It doesn't even have any AA yet.