>his ranks isn't ATLEAST Master Guardian Elite
His ranks isn't ATLEAST Master Guardian Elite
Other urls found in this thread:
>wasting your time in multiplayer shooters instead of playing better games
>he thinks his rank = skill
might as well be Nova 4
>playing video games
also this, I don't know how CSGO is so competetive, it's literally deadshit easy. I played about 40 hours and was regularly beating global elites in matches before getting overwatched banned for being too good. Lol worst $7.50 i ever spent.
I'm gold nova member of the Sup Forums clan
>he plays csgo
>Playing Hacker Sim 2016
They should've kept it at 40$ or something.
I'm not even silver
>He plays MM
Welcome the botnet into your life, user. It makes the game so much better.
If you're not atleast SMFC you're shit.
>he didn't play cs 1.0!
>what is prime
>Bragging about being MGE
If you're not supreme+ you're literally horrible at CS:GO. It's so easy.
>prime MM
Have to deal with "legit"cheaters using RCS smoothaim, Triggerbot and ESP
>no prime
Have to deal with spinbotters / wallbangers etc
Pick your poison.
i personally enjoy playing non prime.
i enjoy hvhing nerds in MM.
My rank is Master Assault Elite Punisher of your mothers cunt
hacks or just skill
Retarded CTs... I mean pure skill.
Penis enlargement operations aren't that expensive m8
"at least" is two words
>He isn't even Global Elite
>you share the board with people who play childrens multiplayer shit like CS
honestly this place is much much worse than reddit
>using p2c.
ur a fag, enjoy your RAT and being raped by private pCheats.
If you're using Windows and Steam you already have a RAT, so that's not much of a drawback :^)
>letting polak watch you shitpost on Sup Forums
>Silver 3
Some things just aren't meant to be.
>implying mge is a good rank
You are nothing if your rank is below supreme. Just delete the game and kys.
People who play shooters online are big dumbies.
the game is absolute shit
>take a year or 2 long break from it because it's shit
>come back
>get silver elite rank
>rank up to MGE in 2-3 weeks max
>impossible to win 3 times in a row after that
the maps are absolute shit, everyone's geeking the fuck out of everything. Have fun trying to win Mirage if you don't know at least 3 fucking smoke spots.
Literally the only enjoyable map right now is Cobble
>One of the most popular and oldest online FPS's
"Lol its just casual children shit!"
You're right this place is worse than reddit.
Why are you even bothering playing a game that requires some form of commitment, then going online to complain about it? If you're not willing to put in the effort to improve, then go play a fucking surf map or two and chill.
>requires some form of commitment
try sharing some of that commitment or knowledge with your ruski teammates
Who gives a fuck around rank, I just want active WC3Mod servers.
>old games are not casual xDDD
Play arma, squad, insurgency, at least siege. And taste the real FPS shit. CSGO is nothing but fast cash grab made for kids.
>Don't put in effort to improve and git gud
>Cry that you don't win because of it
>Praise literally one of the worst maps in active duty
What the fuck do you want? To be able to get to GE and consistently win without putting in any fucking effort? It takes literally five minutes to download a smoke training map (or just load it up yourself and google the smokes) and memorize all of the basic ones. You don't even fucking need to do that if you're actually decent. I got to LEM while only knowing the stairs smoke, which is the simplest fucking shit imaginable, and nobody complained.
>playing better games
such as?
Get a load of this hipster
literally anything
how's that anticheat , lmao
Having played 3/4 of those games, they don't have nearly as high of a skill ceiling as CSGO and/or they suffer from a fuck-ton of optimization/netcode issues that CS doesn't have (or at least not nearly as bad). They also play practically nothing like CS except Siege to some extent.
>playing a game as bad as CSGO