Overwatch is garbage

Overwatch is garbage

I'm 30 hours in and it's already boring

you're not alone.

It's boring because despite there being a lot of different characters, in a vaccum some are objectively better, and when the competitive scene comes out, the gaping balance holes are going to show.

...The competitive scene already is out.. Everyone knows double winston is gonna be a thing, double McCree was a thing before the nerfs, Mercy/Lucio together is pretty popular

That sounds like a personal problem.

Overwatch is awesome

I'm 30 hours in and I love it

The only thing that is active about overwatch is waifu posting. Nobody really talks about the game, and there isnt much to discuss, its a casual tf2 clone

I played the open beta for 10hrs and felt like that was enough for me.

It took you 30 hours to realize you don't like a game?

I played the open beta, enjoyed it.
Then I bought it and refunded it the very next day because it hit me how shallow the game really is.
It's mechanically sound, looks and feels great but that doesn't hide it's shallow nature for very long. Oh well. Maybe Quake champions will scratch that itch for me, although I doubt Todd will deliver. It's pc only and they confirmed advanced movement, so that's something at least.

>gaping balance holes

>nobody really talks about the game
9/10 Overwatch threads consist entirely of people arguing about which characters are OP and which are shit and never coming to an agreement.

>he bought blizzard's focus-grouped, cynical e-sports cashgrab and cosmetics gambling vehicle!

i played the open beta for 42 minutes and felt like that was enough for me.

I'm starting to get bored with it at 60 hours in. I'll probably pop in whenever it updates but I feel I already got my money's worth out of it.

tfw when I overhyped myself watching each trailer 3 times, then my friend got a closed beta invite, I straightup got bored after 5 hours...I experienced everything. I played it for 10 more hours and didnt even enjoy open beta with friends, I played the whole game already

you feel paying a dollar an hour for a game is gettin your moneys worth???

>competitive scene boils down to killing enemy widowmaker
Thanks Blizz

Not him but yes. That's why I'm never buying a single player game for full price.
>campaign is 8-10 hours long
>urff durff $69.99

Damn that's cool, I've always had the dollar an hour policy in my head and never really thought about others using it before.

That is still 5 times more than your average single player. And it is 29 hours and 30 minutes more than the average attion span of an user from neo/v/

I'm 90h in and I'm having great fun
That just means that people get bored at watching other people play with OW, not that they're not playing it.

overwatch is a fun game and the majority of players are enjoying it, get over it

Overwatch is only $40

i wish steam would add a feature that takes the amount of money you paid for a game and then divide it by the timed played so you can see what each minute/hour has costed you

Winston isn't even popular anymore.

And Mercy/Lucio is hardly surprising when there are only 2 viable supports.
