Think they'll add more of them? DLC has been pretty shit so far. There's better stuff coming, right?
Fallout 4 Companions
the AI was so shit I went alone in my playthrough.
There's a perk for that.
What is wrong with Curie's smile?
Only ones worth a damn
I'd love to do companion questlines, but they get in the way so fucking much they become an active hindrance to survival.
Nick was pretty cool and Curie was fun as a tagalong waifu for a while
it really fucks with me how bad the rest of the game is though, they had a decent base (graphics, etc) and fucked it up by culling good gameplay mechanics in favor of stupid shit
I am so disappointed there wasn't a companion quest for Strong.
>playing the pile of shit called fallout 4
There was one, but it was cut out due to time constrains
they're all shit
this game is shit
your taste is shit if you're still playing it
you're shit
Wait, is the GECK still not fucking out? I don't follow the game often.
Just like I said, no companion quest...
FO4 has this "Skeletons doing funny things" all over the place, same with the wooden blocks, i swear to god i found a block arrangement that said "LOL"
Do you really not know?
We may get a new companion in Nuka World, a random raider dude most likely.
And there's the vault DLC and Nuka World left.
Nothing else.
your shit
Wait. That's it? No more after that? That is beyond retarded. I was hopibg for good DLC like the NV stuff
You're a shit
>hoping for anything good with Fallout 4
>good things
>fallout 4
It's time to let go user
Are you saying Tod Howard lied to me?
>There's better stuff coming, right?
Yeah, I feel your pain pal.
>they increase the season pass by 10 dollars
>then proceed to gimp the DLC plan
Bethesda is literally EA-tier. Why do they still have defenders?
>find some house on the hill
>skeleton in the garage hanging by it's neck on some rope
>skeleton in the bathtub with a shotgun pointed at it's mouth
>walk outside
fuck this game
We got Longfellow in Far Harbour
dat how white people be starin at you when u walk past em on tha street
Were teh hwit wymyns at?
>the latest mod pack literally has mods only bugged
>Recoloured items from previous dlc
>"new" workshop items that are objectively worse than original items including but not limited to switches that don't turn on and off
>physics based nonsense in a game with shit physics
I'm certainly no longer a defender. Never preordering from them again.
> enter bathroom
> almost certain to find some mannequins or teddy bears in a WACKY position
>always using radiant, filler quests as example
It'd be easier to get examples if you could you know, talk to anyone outside of shop or quest dialogue but you can't.
Have one from a non radiant quest.
>the only fuckable female is the robot
So tell me again how bethesda doesnt hate straigth men.
The game is NOTHING BUT radiant and filler quests beyond a certain point. There aren't nearly enough side quests so the radiant ones literally pad it out.
Cait is attractive but also disgusting used goods.
Considering she was a robot that didn't have a mouth for two hundred years, smiling is something she's probably rusty at.
Where is Ada and Longfellow?
>No female BoS supporting Companion
Feels bad man
She's also degenerate junkie and annoying bitch.
Old image
>caring about Skyrim with guns
>caring about fucking NPCs in Bethesda-game
why? seriously, why?
Very well, OP
how about the USS constitution quest? you can side with either the robots or the scavengers. Or the boy in the fridge quests where you can take him to his parents or sell him into slavery. Or the big dig quests, or the Memorial Synth quests where you can side with any of the major 3 factions, in fact most early institute quests give you the option of betrayal, or the quests with the drug deal, or skinny malone quest?
So you basicly hate humans, a'ight.
Where is dogmeat?
The Memorial Synth quest is the very definition of a clusterfuck and it's just you running through hallways with x, y, or z NPC while people fight around you. It's the same otherwise.
The boy in the fridge is by itself stupid and impossible and illogical lore-wise and is exactly the same minus one decision.
The USS Constitution is the only actual in-depth Fallout 4 quest and even then most of NV's quests are more involved than it.
None of that changes the fact that most of the quests and dialogue are all the same, and the removal of being able to freely talk to most NPCs is a huge downgrade.
eaten by chinese ghouls.
>most of the quests and dialogue are all the same
of course all radiant quests will be the same, they are generated infinitely its just pointless filler, skyrim had them too, its just that they weren't so "in your face" about it
all I am saying is that the game has plenty of geniune flaws, I dont understand why people see the need to shitpost with images of radiant quests when they could have pointed out one of the many actual flaws in the game
I kinda like the Old Longfellow
He has a kickass coat.
>bethesda remakes series, successfully gets the IP and makes fallout 3
>people begin to get interested in the series even though shit "muh dad" writing and railroading
>obsidian buys the game rights for avellone and co to do what fallout 3 was more or less supposed to be
>pretty damn good game
>" it's our game we own it now, we can do it better"
>beth spends years making fallout 4
>teases it in summer 15
>fanboys cream selves
>the hype from nv goes nuclear
>game is a disappointment with shit dialogue, shit writing, and all it has to show for it is decent gunplay and a fucky
>"b...but you're just cherrypicking, user"
todd howard is a liar
But it's not just the radiant quests, which I already posted but then you just backpedaled further.
>from nv
oi, u fukken wut m8
nope nuka world is the last dlc
in that quests the whole point is taking that fag along with you, literally the entire situation has been set up for that, its also just one example vs many that I provided here , and there are more I can bring up btw, even though its been a while since I played
obsidian won't make another fallout game due to bethesda being the cucks they are
Anyone here playing on Survival
It's pretty cool with only save when sleeping and no fast travel but it can be such a hassle some times
>it's okay to have 1 choice disguised as 4 if it's set up to be that way!
>IP owner
that's not how it works, famaladingdong
is it me, or does Longfellow looks exactly like the Sole Survivoer expet with a beard and the Ridiculous jew nose ?