Why do we let our children get exposed topic related?
It's in a fucking Pokemon game.
Why do we let our children get exposed topic related?
It's in a fucking Pokemon game.
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or I'll start posting ponies.
I dare you, bitch
You'll just get banned
>that fireworks scene
>dude sees you and Shauna getting all lovey dovey
>gives you TM17
Post some ponies, start with r34
>Showing concern over characters apparel in videogames, while on Sup Forums
>our children
Right fishing hole, wrong bait.
Man Shauna's hot.
She's 10 you sick fuck
So is your character.
>our children
I know it's bait, but it still makes me depressed.
Yes but YOU think she's not, not your character
kids see worse shit in school. little late to freak out over this shit.
That just makes it better.
I am my character, the character thinks she's hot too.
What is inherently wrong with this?
What makes it a bad thing?
Exposed to what?
>not having children yet
Brown people apparantly, OP is racist.
Nigga do you even go outside? 12 years olds wear shorts where the pussy hangs out and trade nudes on Snapchat. Da fuq?
She's just an amalgam of every stupid girl character in pokemon
>underwear too long for your shorts so you get ruffly shit
>pigtails for your pigtails
>disgusting shade of brown (not delicious shade)
>Gladiator style shoes???
Oh. I figured they were hopping on the transgender character train since everyone else seems to be doing it.
...He knew you needed an adult?
Sounds like you're an expert in the subject.
My country doesn't let single men adopt, regardless of how much income they make.
Pokegirls porn is pretty good.
maybe that's why we need censorship to stop that then
>passing down your autistic genes
If you're too inapt to find a loving partner you don't deserve a child
What the fuck is even wrong here you gigantic autistic fuck
He wants to adopt a loving partner
A lot of people who don't deserve children have children tho, like single mothers. Like, any single mothers.
Thanks doc
>pokephilia is a thing
>prepubescent girls breeding with a pokemon
How do you not see the problem. She's a slut.
I expected more slooty lolis in this thread.
Yes, and?
Fucking slutshamer.
>pokephilia tag removed from gelbooru
Literally nothing wrong here
Still there on e621.
>Not letting your children know delicious brown
wait, what?
Are you serious
Pokegirl thread?
No, he saw you getting lovey-dovey and gave you protection.
I hope you are not trying to argue morality here based off a devil worshipping, pedo-rapist cult.
Ah yes, the bible, that book saying the devil has a hold over the world and his people populates the planet and is trying to force us to worship the devil, you know, this world we live in where everybody talks wonders of jesus and talks shit about Satan.
little brown girls
Protection from her? Because he knew you needed an adult?
I'll be honest, every XY rival creeped me the fuck out.
oh I see, the probem is that she doesn't have a huge preggo belly
I agree, Shauna is worst girl.
Literally nothing wrong.
Plus, I think she is 16/17
are the best
What's with the new art style giving everybody chipmunk teeth
what is the good source for degenerate pokegirls porn?
>have to filter through gay western shit
praytell what site you use user
>add few -filters
do they have tags for western stuff?
Wow, that's mean. I was already sad about it.
He gave you protection because he thought you two were gonna get it on and he wanted you two to do it safely.
1) this is not a child, this is a teenager
2) she's not "exposed"
3) kill yourself, fucking retard
>She's 10 you sick fuck
No she is not dumb fuck. She's clearly 13-14.
>Getting it on with Shauna.
I'm not a parent so I don't do anything to our children.
If you are a parent, I suggest you parent them yourself.
>not wanting to go balls-deep in Shauna
It's not real you sperg
I would willingly impregnate Shauna.
Only best girls allowed. Shauna qualifies
The porn for her is ridickulous
"unify all teeth in stylized drawings" has been a thing in japanese drawings since the beginning.
So they don't grow up gay.
You spelt ridiculous wrong.
>you will never be a loli
Eh, I find the amount underwhelming, and there's a bunch of stuff that's not good.
This idea of coddling children needs to start being seen for what it is - A very feminist, very SJW way of raising children. As a parent, you are obligated to make that child as smart, strong, and healthy as you possibly can. If part of your plan is to hold that child back, from hearing "bad words", from seeing hot girls, etc. that is one of the worst parenting mistakes you can make.
>having autistic genes
did you mean "inept"? lmao
Sure thing, fag
Old enough to catch pokemons old nough to catch my dick
What's your point?
>Not willingly imrpegnate them all
Why must thou limit yourself to one?
>At work a few days ago
>Little white girl with messy hair
>A ridiculously tight tank top showing off her perky buds
>Crazy tight yoga pants showing every crack, indent, and existing curve anyone could possibly see
I'm glad I wasn't the only one there who found something wrong with that. Parents just don't care these days apparently.
That must be a pretty puffy vulva
What's wrong with exposing them to qt girls?
It was to be expected. They removed a lot of tags that made sense and still don't have some for other things that need it.
Then agaon Gelbooru taggers can be lazy as fuck. Especially yaoi. They almost never have the artist tagged or at the very least artist request.
That just falls under the realm of bestiality though. If you want pokemon fucking you just have to add "pokemon"+"bestiality".
One extra tag.
C u t e !
>Impregnating a child
Not possible
Jesus Christ, user
Anything is possible.
You just gotta believe.
She's a teen. She's most certainly capable of pregnancy.