>"So that may or may not have been Overwatch at 4K at max settings"
Where were you when NoVideo was kill?
>"So that may or may not have been Overwatch at 4K at max settings"
Where were you when NoVideo was kill?
Other urls found in this thread:
I plan on getting the 480 but
>Overwatch at 4k
Is nothing
4k is 4096x2160
4k IS NOT 2160x1440p
4k at max settings would be rendering the game at 8192x4320
Why do you write you 9's like g's?
Buy me Marie's game.
I am excited for that card, but good lord does that guy suck at games.
Shit taste. Honoka is superior
Honkers is just thick Marie.
Ok would 4K make shit games better?
Anyone got experience on this?
i can run Overwatch in 3800xwadever on my fucking 960
what is this thread
Overwatch is decently demanding
>4k is 4096x2160
Give it up, the difference between cinema standards and panel standards is dead now because normies got marketed early on with the wrong term.
The rx480 can do 4k pretty well? Day one buy.
I can run 95% of games at max at 2560x1440 on my 7950. No one cares about performance on anything less than 4k.
If you're playing a game that a 750Ti can max, yes.
I'm pretty sure even ps4 could play overwatch maxed at 4k, since it's so god damn ugly and designed to run on asian computers from the early 00s.
>I can run 95% of games at max at 2560x1440 on my 7950
There's no point in lying when 10 seconds in google can show you 50,000 benchmarks that reveal how much you're lying.
>mfw Intel HD Graphics master race and no high-performance computer games worth playing have come out in 10+ years
Keep giving the jews shekels, PCucks.
>overwatch is decently demanding
You can run it on high at solid 60 fps on a 560 ti
Not on a 635
On Epic settings ?
>use useless kiketel cpu's integrated graphics
>keep giving the jews shekels
About as demanding as tf2 and lol.
>4k is 4096x2160
>4k IS NOT 2160x1440p
ok, how is relevant? pb279q is a UHD-1 monitor with a max resolution of 3840 x 2160, which is usually referred as 4k due to marketing
>4k at max settings would be rendering the game at 8192x4320
Nobody is talking about rendering scale when refer to "max settings". It's like bringing resolution into the "max settings" - that's not how it works
Literally wrong.
It came with my laptop, nerd.
>keep giving the jews shekels
Considering blizzard designed it with those 2 game's players as the primary market, it wouldn't have made sense if it wasn't ugly as shit and didn't run like cheetah on every piece of shit computer in the world. My computer is 3 years old and I still maxed it out at 2560x1440 144fps with no frame drops.
>sped up gameplay to hide the framerate
sure told nvidia
So what you're saying is the rX 480 is a Pajeet card for poorfag BRs and slavs that want to play esports cancer?
>lol i don't need a graphics card anyway
who are you trying to fool lol
I've had enough of this fucking retarded board.
Fucking die.
Pretty fucking much, or scrublords who stick to low-demand f2p shit where nothing you do really matters but the game pats you on the ass for winning anyway.
Intel GMAfag detected.
I never said maxed out retard. I have to turn the AA down to 4x or some games off (like Witcher 3). Don't be a retard.
>3840x2160 is marketed as the hot new 4K thing
I bet in a few years we'll be getting 4096x2160 displays that'll be marketed as "true 4K for high-end users and enthusiasts"
Please do the needful and buy an AMD GPU. You can trust me because I am just an ordinary Indian dalit who is excited about the affordable price of the RX 480.
If AMD cards are so good then why do you see so many AMD users in the Steam hubs complaining about their card having strange issues with games or just straight up not being supported?
>at max
You're still lying lol
I'm lucky to get 60fps at medium settings in most new games on my 7970 at 1080p
>being this delusional
Nigger I've been waiting for them to restock the 1080 for a week
Atleast with higher fps its that way.
Your old ugly games suddenly become silky smooth experiences and you start gimping down the graphic settings in never titles trying to acquire that level of smooth.
newegg accidently had it up earlier too
Then you either haven't overclocked it or you have a shitty CPU. Also
>expecting 60fps on a 6 year old card
anything above 30 is more than good enough if you still want almost max visual fidelity
new meme alert?
Neat, I was hoping I'd be able to run it at 1080p@144Hz with max settings, seems like that's possible.
To be fair that card belongs in a museum, and I'm still pretty sure you can run overwatch on high at a stable 60 fps.
why live?
>not a failure
Pick one.
sold my gtx 970 today for 230
gonna buy a rx480 with 8 gb for 250
>I never said maxed out retard.
Lets see
>I can run 95% of games at max
He said it may not have been so it probably wasn't.
>running a 1GB GTX 650
>hear about this card
It's a poorfag wet dream.
Is it bollocks.
Why do you type 9s like gs?
Them low low prices eh, what ...hang on.....
A fucking potato could run overwatch.
What else do you use a high end GPU for these days?
overwatch is quite demanding, your post is nonsense
what is this a potato pc can run overwatch meme
im pretty sure the ps4 can't even run it at 60 fps
>296,89 EURO ????
A 750Ti can handle that. It's pretty lenient I think. Not that a potato can run it, but not exactly demanding.
Nigger, look at Overwatch benchmarks, you will hardly see any card with less than 60 fps running it
Overwatch is demanding if you have HD4000
>tards shitting themselves over new cards
>meanwhile I'm using my 6 year old 6970 and playing every game I want at 60 fps
dumb consumerists, this is why you'll always be poor and stupid
This will for example AMD Athlon II x4 630, 2.80GHz
8GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 650
quite a demanding game, my fucking arse, ok tell me what pc specs you have please Id like a laugh
>tfw buying nvidia but shilling amd so I don't have to buy trashcards just to keep competition around
I have that card, and I can't play every game at 60fps. You're full of shit.
you will not get 60fps at even 1600x1200 with that pc
keyword is "I want"
plot twist: the only game he wants to play is the shitposting game
whats your specs?
That card is basically a 380 though.
higher than those
Pretty dumb considering real world benches are saying the 480 is weaker than the 970
>people still dont know about euro taxes
Do you sell it?
so you got a potato then, Id buy it for console then fella.
Hmmm, wait for a 1070, wait for the new Budget card, or get a 980 now that the price has dropped. My 770 is finally dead.
its not euro taxes, its the way taiwanese and chaiwanese fuckers sell hardware at 1$=1€
anyway the cards arent even out yet, any retailer can ask whatever price they want for them, they might even fix prices depending on their relative perofmance to other cards for higher profit
the msrp is 199$ though
pretty much this desu senpai.
i fell for the AMD meme and that shit is awful if youre and actual enthusiast. crossfire is so much more unreliable than SLI and the cards get insanely hot when you start pushing them to the limit. also OC potential is ass.
but i dont want an nvidia monopoly.
Where do you get that? I keep hearing this stupid nonsense, but nobody actually posts shit.
Same place as where it says the 480 is better than it really is
go play minecraft with your 650 or 750 retard
The only one I found is a synthetic benchmark telling me that 480 is just below 980
Are you going to post ihe benchmark or not, fuccboi?
mines a bit higher than that its a four figured number card.
"retard" .. wew on the comeback there.
Im not the user who said it was like the 970.
Im the guy who says that everything you read on how good/shit it is is all talk and bollocks.
Sooner you realise the better
That's just disingenuous user
because nvidia has the market share at the moment so developers are lazy and only end up furthering the issue
Max settings on r9 390 can't maintain 60fps
Why do you even shove yourself into the conversation then? All I want is the proof from "real world benches", not your demagogue
maybe you shouldn't be retarded normies playing the newest FOTM game every month like Division or whatever other AAA crap you've got going for you there
Because you dumb fucking prick there are no benchmarks. Theyre not allowed to release any yet.
Jesus christ.
The video shows him running 4k (max settings if he's to be believed) at above 30ish fps since the game runs really sluggish at that point
Didn't look like 60fps smooth, so that would put it in FuryX / 980Ti ballpark, for 200$ ?
I only see NVidia complaints on Steam discussions instead, that's weird. I also never had problems with AMD, that's really strange.
Theyre both shit at times ok.
Done everyones happy
If you're not talking about recent games, then your input in GPU power is irrelevant.
The only good game released recently was Witcher 3, and I played that fine on 50 fps.
I honestly don't believe that, my GTX 970 3.5 never drops below 80 fps at maximum settings and 1920x1080.
I don't think I was able to run it at that framerate.