fuck is this?
glasses miriam is cute
Leaked implies it wasn't released. It absolutely was.
>brown elf Miriam
wasnt this demo for pledgers only?
The real question is, is it any good?
>doesn't even post a link or any method to track it down
bump for link
Yes actually, it's surprisingly good. I wish it moved a little faster, but for where it's at now, definitely good.
pls seed
made me laugh for days
I had to travel through time just to thank you
my pleasure :^)
>it is leaked
Aren't we supposed to say "it has leaked"?
I'd make her leak
if you catch my drift
no please elaborate
I want her to leak in my mouth.... if you know what i mean
when she dribbles
no please elaborate
?????? what????
Also link please qt op
I am 23 and what is this
Well.... Her kitchen sink would probably be all sweaty and dirty after fighting so much...
I don't have a fart box anywhere near my kitchen sink, what is that even supposed to be
>demo sent to some backers
>OP thinks it has leaked
I still have no clue what you mean man
I'd really like to drink her pussy juice though while smelling her asshole
somebody post the link
>Plague doctor with Diseased zombie skin tone
No my secret fetish! How did they know?!?
i want to link my face to her vagina if you know what i mean
after a long sweaty day of fighting mmmm
shut the fuck up you annoying faggot
Ha ha ha, very funny OP.
Even if the demo was released, nobody is gonna upload it to the net.
>Nobody uploads lamulana 2 stuff
>Nobody uploaded the freedom planet and chromasquad demos
>Nobody uploaded the river city underground demo.
kill yourself my man
I want to shut up my annoying with her faggot if you know what I mean.
you're pretty bad at these thinly veiled requests, you know?
I want to kill myself while being her man if you know what I mean.
Yeah, and even if i dont 'request' nothings gonna change.
These demos will be lost forever. And anyone who thinks that someone is gonna upload the bloodstained demo, is a retard.
They are ks exclusive for a reason.
Fookin nice, meng!
omg i love you
i bet this is dolphin porn or a virus
downloading right now
"It's" can be "it is" or "it has."
Just like "he's" can be "he is" or "he has."
>He's a nice guy.
>He's really done it this time!
It's lostboy but I'll take my chances
>backed this game on kickstarter so I can play this on my Playstation 4
>pccucks who did nothing are pirating this
I scanned the thing with three different AVs, you can try netstat -b and see what's connected to you, too.
>Try the demo
>Like it
It did its job, I'll buy it when it's out.
>it's another shit game Sup Forums falls in love with because muh waifus
Kill yourselves
It's really good. But The boss was ugly and boring
>not because it looks FUN and pretty much is Sympathy of the Night
how about you fuck off, retard
Yeah, the controls feel just as responsive as previous igavanias. Shame about the pseudo 2D though, would've been better with sprites and drawn backgrounds but what can you do. Will definitely get it.
Why? Are you gonna cry if I say mean things about your shitty game?
Not at all. I just want you to stop shitposting in this thread for no reason.
you cant kill which already has no life
On a related note, my Steam version that got emailed to me keeps putting me in an endless loop of installing UE4 prerequisites and Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 runtimes then telling me I need to install them, anyone else had this problem?
Tried downloading the version above to see if it was Steam fucking with it, but that's not working either. Just keeps telling me I need to install DirectX Runtime, then alternates between bringing me to an uninstall screen and an install screen.
Let us know anons.
download it user.
what's the worst that could happen?....
CP, CP is the worst that can happen
I played it for a bit, doesn't like my dualshock 2 since the binds are wrong but other than that it seemed fine
Holy shit, you guys are paranoid. Someone posted that link in the first thread a few hours ago. It's clean.
Same link's even on the biggest Russian pirate community.
>Being worried about Clown Porn
They just want to tickle his funny boner user.
Yeah that's reassuring
played the leak
>some equipment change apperance
>souls from dawn of sorrow is back as shards, and we're gonna get many different types
>boss has huge tits
im looking forward to this one
Wow that was really good. The different weapon types surprised me.
After playing the demo I can safely say I made a good decision by backing this. Iga did not disappoint.
Haven't played the demo, but watched a video, and the boss looks horrid. Not a fan of the design (not because of the boobs, just don't like it overall) but the colors are just awful. Hope they change it.
Also from what I've seen it looks really easy, hope they work with the pattern or buff the attack speed.
>Boss has huge tits
Well I wasn't going to but *Unzips files
Then go play it.
>Yeah that's reassuring
It is for me. I've been using the site for years. Crackers and generally scene people post there often.
bumping thread in case its uploaded
But it already is.
>in case its uploaded
So, where are the screenshots?
I can't play it myself right now. How is it?
bumping thread in case its uploaded and confirmed safe. i see no webms or screenshots my guy, Im not downloading your lostbois
its good
>not having a VM and malware detection software to sandbox a download in and test it yourself
God and it's not even July yet.
its nice
It's safe. Will you trust me?
ok you convinced me ill download your mysterious link
all me_______________________________________
did you look at the fucking thread?
That's the point, we shouldn't need to "convince you", this shit is not hard to protect yourself against. Malware has frequently gotten into fully "legitimate" downloads direct from a reputable authorized download site or even dev's own sites, because some server or CDN or whatever got hacked. If you're really worried about malware you should be taking precautions in general, not merely when it's "suspicious" because it's always suspicious. VMs are free and easy, there's decent free or very cheap security software, etc.
here is your (you)
thats fair, not even being facetious. I am a huge moron when it comes to protecting against hax and really computers in general. but cmon this looks like a thread where the same ~3 people are repeatedly posting "its safe" with zero confirmation. my doubt is not unjust
Will you ever trust an Anonymous on Sup Forums?
w-whats a VM
early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. i want 1 original screenshot or 1 original webm. if this were a real link we would have that by now
and its awesome! fuck you mighty no. 9!!!
>64 bits OS
Well shit, can't play this.
The mega link is safe, quit being a pussy.