You were playing Battlefield 2 back in the day, right Sup Forums?
You were playing Battlefield 2 back in the day, right Sup Forums?
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Yep, back in 2005. Was a shit ton of fun too.
I want to say that it's the best one, but it probably isn't. It had the best soundtrack though.
on a slightly related note,i miss the drop pods in battlefield 2142..they felt right
Never really liked bf2, way too little tanks, too much footfighting.
Balance was atrocious, stupid anti-air tank could take a real tank in a 1v1 no problem
And then there was dolphin diving...
I got my hours out of it, but I jumped ship to 2142 the second it came out.
Played it until it died and played 2142 the same way. The last great battlefield games I played. Then 3 came and it went to shit.
EU or PAC?
I loved the infantry warfare in both games but 2142 just was better. They fixed dolphin diving, the anti infantry rockets were only effective> 20 meters, vehicle balance was en pointe. They don't make em like that anymore. There was love in every stitch of that game.
I forgot how insanely broken rockets were in bf2, I didn't really have any issues with the infantry warfare itself (except dolphin diving and awful class balance) but it was annoying as shit how there was maybe 1 or 2 tanks per team per map and buildings fucking everywhere, it felt less like battlefield and more like call of duty. Veterans of 1942 will know what I mean, considering infantry was shit in 1942, you couldn't hit shit, you did no damage, and a battleship on the other-side of the map could obliterate you and your friends just because you move too slow on foot.
I'm playing it right now, op.
for some reason i expected a 2142 remake to be the next game in the series,due to the bf4 dlc leading up to a freaking walker/titan factories and a working prototype PAC tank
but no its star wars battlefield front
I could have sworn 2142 came out before BF2
like 2142 was the last of the old engine from BF1942 and there was a new one in BF2...
There were a few references in bf3 too, I was hype and now I'm pissed.
They'd fuck it up anyway if they made a sequel or remade it. My heart just couldn't take it. Just let the game rest in peace where it belongs among honored dead.
>Balance was atrocious
That's not Bad Company 2
Yep and it's still my favourite Battlefield. Right balance of vehicles and infantry power, great maps, fun progression, best expansions. Battlefield now is fucking garbage.
bf2 came out in 2005
2142 came out in 2006
Both on the same engine, they had almost exactly the same movement physics and graphics.
obviously. though I probably played more desert combat for 1942
Bad company 2 was very similar to bf2 in a lot of respects, such as prioritizing infantry warfare and there being no reason to every play anything except the best class.
Nope. 100,000% positive bf2 was first. There was even a cool, bf2 veteran sign up thing you could have. In game 2 would show up next to your name in game.
Daily. Nothing beats what BF2 was in it's prime
no, i was playing 2142
then i got to BF2 and i didn't like it that much
>"hey guys bf4 carrier assault is the successor to titan assault"
i am still pretty mad DESU
I remember the grenade spam on Karkand.
Was fun in its day, I played the original Gulf of Oman demo and bought the game day one. But I honestly feel like BF4 is just as good. If we're still not getting submarines, aircraft carriers, battleships, bombers, and the massive tank battles of 1942, might as well just play the most recent edition of the game.
I only converted to PC in about 09-10 sadly. Before then I was a console poorfag and I missed out on a lot of the great exclusives. Anything single player that's worth going back to? I've played the infinity engine CRPGs and Quake 1-2, that's about it. I hear System Shock 2 is good?
Was Battlefield 2 the first FPS shooter that you unlocked weapons when you ranked up? I can't remember any game before that.
2142 had none of the jumping/diving bullshit that absulutely plagued BF2.
i swear most people would move around exclusively by dolphin diving and every match would be a bunch of hopping retards.
i stopped playing BF2 because of that.
Yeah. With bots.
>hear a walker on open ground
>start sprinting the fuck outta there
sweet sweet adrenaline
my parents wouldn't let me
Plus I had nothing to play it on. Only owned PS1, PS2 and a 360.
Did play a ton of 1942 on our toaster
Best game I ever played.
>The enemy is in control, work harder soldiers!
System shock 2 is indeed good but feels poorly aged. Play deus ex if you haven't already.
Aside from that crysis 1 was one of the best single-player fpses of all time but that got eclipsed by it's graphics.
If you want something strategy play red alert 2(and if you like that the rest of the C&C franchise in chronological order) and if that can't sate your hunger for the best dead genera; warcraft 3.
If you want something RPG play baldur's gate 2.
If you want something straight fun play diablo 2.
And here's a list of assorted other shit.
Of course, was actually just playing it the other day.
Nah man I was playing Operation Flashpoint and Project Reality :^)
>run some fag over in the truck
>no Half Life 1 an 2
nigga what are you doing.
Yes I did
Titan was the best gamemode in 2142, I wish they would have expanded the ship's layout.
>5 dudes camping a corridor to the control panel on both teams
>hallway is just a spray of bullets and occasional grenade, nobody dies
>throw a smoke grenade and sprint in
>stay to the side
>5 seconds later I've killed every camper there
Good times, that assault deployable shield was bullshit tho.
Thanks very much user, I appreciate it. I'll check them out. Deus Ex has been on my to-play list for a long time so I'll grab it on Steam once the sale starts later on. I've already played Diablo and Baldur's Gate 1/2 but Red Alert looks interesting too, I recognise the box art but I haven't heard much about it. Thanks for taking the time.
>hl2 has a 4-pannel spot
>hl1 is there too
Use your eyes fag.
Bf2142 came after Bf2. Used the Bf2 engine and imprifed many of the new gameplay systems in bf2.
Its also the last non EA Bf. Everything after that was more consolized with shorter ttk more focused and smaller maps, less commanding and squad options.
No problem, red alert and the entire C&C franchise are one of the pillars of the strategy genre, the first 2 are a little hard to go back to just because of aged mechanics but they're fun none-the-less, and it's not as APM-intensive as starcraft or warcraft, more focus on actual strategy.
Only shooter I played was medal of honor
Didn't really make the jump back to pc until like late 2010 anyway, I used to play rayman 2 and the likes on the f-amily computer until I got a ps2
I was known for my sniper and knife videos.
I had to buy 3 cd keys since I got banned from all the normal usa infantry servers for "hacking with the knife".
My friend and I could literally 2 v 30 anyone in pistol and knife.
I think I was ranked top 1000th in sniper in the usa.
I miss bf2: special forces. The fucking grappling hooks, teargas, and zipline were revolutionary.
You have no fucking idea how cool it was to enter a building from like 6 different places when your team stormed in like swat climbing walls and shit. Fuck I loved that more than anything.
>Bad company 2 was very similar to bf2 in a lot of respects.
First of all, BC2 have almost nothing with BF2 except same title on the front.
Bad Company 2 was basically a infantry warfare plus 2-3 vehicles to support them, allmost like in Call of Duty United Offensive, or even less.
Balance in BC2 between infantry vs infantry and infantry vs vehicles basically don't exist.
I dont even want to mention how not similar are "classes" in BC2 to BF2. In BF2 you got 6 classes with every one have a individual role on the battlefield, so one team need to have a mix of specific classes to be effective.
In BC2 every class is a one class from BF2 blended with a other class in a worst way. Thanks to this exertions we got a class who almost dont give a fuck about other teammates, because he have everything he needs to survive or be effective on battlefield (except engineer).
Bad Company was a fun experiment, but i has basically no similarity to BF2.
BF2 have 7 classes not 6. My bad
>Bad Company 2 was basically a infantry warfare plus 2-3 vehicles to support them
Pretty much exactly like bf2.
>Balance in BC2 between infantry vs infantry and infantry vs vehicles basically don't exist.
Also like bf2, hence why AA tanks could take normal tanks in a 1v1.
>I dont even want to mention how not similar are "classes" in BC2 to BF2. In BF2 you got 6 classes with every one have a individual role on the battlefield, so one team need to have a mix of specific classes to be effective.
In BC2 every class is a one class from BF2 blended with a other class in a worst way.
I can't argue with the fact that bf2 had more classes, but the reality is in bf2 the only class anybody ever played was anti-tank, and the only class anybody ever played in bc2 was recon.
4 is worth a shot. Probably wont play on your nostalgia but it's still a better game than 4. Pretty sure it's like $5 atm
>Pretty much exactly like bf2.
Not true BF2 had much more vehicles on the maps. The maps were much bigger. In BC2 on few the big maps all the flag points were very close together so you could walk from point ot point very quickly. In BF2 the flag points on larger maps were much more dispersed and you needed transports to get from point to point.
I only played the pirated version of BF2 on 16 player maps against bots for a year with all extra weapons unlocked.
Wake Island - Mashtuur city
Loved it
Remember how jets were unstoppable airborne death machines?
It was absolutely ridiculous.
Part of the reason why 2142 was so great was it got rid of them.
>All this wrong
BF2 had way more vehicles (including fighters, fighter-bombers, and transport copters)
A 1v1 tank vs AA, the tank would always win unless the driver was retarded.
And really the class swell was on medics.
Remember how in 1942 every plane had at least 15 bombs and the only way to take them down was to get a plane yourself (fat chance) or become a god with AA?
Good times.
this. no matter where i spawned i usually got bombed by a jet 2 seconds later.
Not really, no. Played the demo and watched some videos of it. Speaking of which if anyone has a sniper movie of some finnish(?) dude playing I'd appreciate if you could link it.
pac's assault rifle was great
>Pretty much exactly like bf2.
Pic related
>Also like bf2, hence why AA tanks could take normal tanks in a 1v1.
AA vehicles do shit to a tank
>...but the reality is in bf2 the only class anybody ever played was anti-tank...
That confirm that you never played BF2. If BF2 have almost no vehicles as you say, why the hell only playable class was anti-tank? That's retarded.
Every class was often used in BF2. The only exception was assault class and that's all.
Am I weird for liking that? Took a lot of effort to down planes if your own pilots sucked ass. And there was good reason to because planes were fucking dangerous.
It actually made the game feel immersive. Hearing jet engines was the warning to scatter like fleas. Same with the artillery.
It wasn't as bad before they turned off friendly fire.
>hiding from those bombing runs that somehow only managed to kill their own team members
>popping out of cover and cleaning up what was left from their assault
>occasional asspain in general chat as enemy team members bitched at each other
Although friendly fire land mines was stupid. Retard teammates would run them over and punish you for a teamkill.
>not Voss master race
It's still my favourite shooter of all time.
Battlefield 2 was the last game where i seriously played clanwars in.
I remember there was some site where you could invite people in and draw out tactics on the maps and they would see it live.
Those were the days.
>tfw battlefield has been shit for nearly 10 years now
Obligatory BF2 video
>Always get stuck playing as MEC
>Don't know a single word of arabic, but eventually know by heart what the voice commands are talking about
Special Forces was so fucking rad.
>those night maps
>gassing the fuck out of an entire base and then rushing it with a squad and hosing people on the point choking
Fuck that damn aircraft carrier assault map though. Was fucking horrible.
>heavy weapons/dangerous classes (support, antitank, assault) are niggers
>light weapons/supporting classes (medic, sniper, specopsn engineer) are whites
game was raycis af
No, I stopped playing Battlefield after Battlefield Vietnam.
I do not regret this decision. At all.
>my gun has more ammo so its better
>*throw grenade*
This is the best Battlefield game.
i have only booted up bf2 once a couple of years ago, just to make sure it was working so i could install pr.
i had a shitty pc back in 2005 so i never bothered to pick it up back then, gunplay also looked like complete dogshit.
BF2 was the beginning of the end.
the first truly shit BF game pandering to the modern warfare kiddies
BF2142 was a step in the right direction, BC2 was pretty okay, then BF3 and BF4 were full blown kiddy warfare bullshit, 2 modern warfare games in a row.
I have them all, i've played them all quite a lot disregarding the fact i don't like modern warfare.
after all this i can only say:
BF1942>BF2142>BF:V>BC2>Hardline>modern warfare kiddie shit 2 3 and 4.
BF1 is looking pretty fucking great, like 1942 in Frostbyte, i don't give a fuck about historical accuracy, BF1 is as close to WW2 as we get now so i'm happy as fuck.
And knowing how much of a fucking contrarian board this is, i know all the replies i'll get will be angry modern warfare kiddies going full retard.
inb4 one of you faggots say "i hate modern warfare as well BUT..." to pretend you know wtf you're talking about.
>to pretend you know wtf you're talking about
that's you
BF1942 planes were easy as fuck to take down wtf are you talking about, any vehicle mounted machinegun could do a shitload of damage, the AA guns were easy as fuck to use, planes had no counter measures and they were slow as fuck.
my guess is you were just shit at the game.
>NO U!
Don't make me laugh, most of the time you couldn't even hit the planes because you couldn't point them up far enough.
jesus christ you really were shit at the game.
2142 Hijack!
Voss or Baur?
Sure did. Discovered 2142 too late somehow, never got into it.
Is Squad any good?
anyone tried bf2142 on dethklok? does it need cd key?
i wish BF V got the same treatment as bf2 did with the group thats doing battlelog
BF2 had expansion called Armoured Fist I think...lotsa tanks.
But I couldnt play it for some reason on my pc.
Special foorces exp was fuckin great.
Jack Baur Paur Haur, my nigga.
Which BF has the best theme?
>get in F-15 or Su-24 solo
>fly over hotly contested area at high speed
>switch over to gunner so that enemies cannot get a lock on anymore
>use Mavrick missiles to target any AA in the area.
>switch back to pilot and continue flying
The salt must flow.
>tfw i started playing it years after release when patch 1.5 came out
>tfw i mostly played strike at karkand inf only no nades
it was the most fun i've had in video games along with getting into tf2
I'll just leave this here
already on it for sometime now. cant believe i saw someone on there with 12k hours
Also had best music of all
I want to tongue fuck the shit out of Mercy's ear
I loved Bf2 back in the day then 2142 came out and that improved everything