>Released to almost universal critical acclaim
>Never a single thread ever discussing it
What the fuck happened?
>Released to almost universal critical acclaim
>Never a single thread ever discussing it
What the fuck happened?
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To be honest I spent most of my time playing Super Hang On instead of the actual game.
But I played this as a single digit aged kid and I have a lot of fond memories for this game. It made me fall in love with video games. I wasted a ton of time buyimg soda pops and figurines too. And the cat. Great game. Dreamcast was a good system.
Shenmue 2 is better.
I tried to play the Xbox version but couldn't get into it. It was like a VN with QTEs.
>Super Hang On
>Not Space Harrier
Comeon Sup Forums
Skip to 35 seconds in.Sound familiar Sup Forums?
Yakuza has surpassed it.
I blame Sonyggers and Nintoddlers, Sega 1st party was always the most adventurous but not good enough for normalfags
I'm playing it right now and it's still damn good, albeit a bit dated
Fuck you. Super Hang On is better. Rivals are fun. Upgrading and repairing your bike is fun. Controlling the bike is fun. You fuck right off with your stupid idiot bullshit.
wat this PS2 grapix xD look outdated without batman combat.
It's held up a bit better than the first Shrek movie in a lot of respects.
Uh, no.
Does it emulate well on dreamcast?
Fuck off faggot. Blame Sega for being incompetent.
>Japanese game
Do you meme spouting fucks even know what you're typing anymore?
PS2 babies didn't play it
>almost universal critical acclaim
No it just got decent acclaim.
The Sup Forumstard is underage spouting FilthyFrank memes, just ignore him.
>What the fuck happened?
Because it wasn't that great.
It was OK at the time and a novelty, but the QTEs and fighting really wore out their welcome by the end.
Also the fucking US never got to transfer their saves, the UK actually got Shenmue 2 on the Dreamcast.
Which is why I thought 2 being a "Xbox HUEG Exclusive" was stupid, I have no problem with it being such, but all they did to compensate was give you a DVD movie of the 1st game.
And that is also why I just don't get Shenmue 3, it is going to be a stripped down VN with your stuff not carrying over yet again.
I imported the UK version and just downloaded a save online, bought a bunch of not-fake Zippo lighters to avoid the bullshit money getting stolen bit, got up to that darned cross-dresser/tranny/whatever QTE and just quit.
The Virtua Fighter like fighting was ok, but the QTEs just wore out their welcome by that point that I didn't care to finish it.
QTEs have existed for a while, a lot of FMV games were just like this especially when CD-ROMs drives were coming out.
The average Sup Forums poster is probably around 15 to 19 and have never played it.
It bombed.
What universal acclaim does everyone talk about ?
Sup Forums is a shit board, you either have people who like mega casual AAA shit like Halo or low budget, mediocre obscure hipster shit, there is no appreciation for those great games in the middle that have the best of both worlds and therefore are the best games ever made.
If Shenmue's not Triple A then I don't know what Triple A is.
>Loved the shit out of this game back in 2001
>Now live a 10 min train ride from the real Dobuita street
yeah, I might have weeaboo'ed too hard
this guy gets it
Nigga Shenmue would be AAAA by todays standards.
It's just a meme game.
Games that everybody likes don't get any discussion on Sup Forums until contrarians and trolls come in.
underage spotted
Sup Forums is 95% of underage retards, they didn't even know about the Shenmue games, and, they will only play a Shenmue game when a "HD remaster" will be released, and then complain.
what happened? it was major fucking slow and boring is what happened. shrug.
It's an okay game at best
Notice how most of the people in the thread say it's only forgotten because they say most of Sup Forums is 15 year olds?
>Sup Forums is a shit board