Why would you play her when Winston does everything better?
Why would you play her when Winston does everything better?
cause' Winston isn't a tiny Korean girl in spandex.
She's cute! cuuuuute!
Why do people pretend Winston's jump goes around corners, straight up buildings in tight spaces, and through small openings?
>Winston does everything better
Besides eating ults no one else can with the shield.
because I like robots
What's even better are the waifushitters who think buffing her will make her viable. Not like her basic gameplay design is defective. Changing stats one way or another won't change the shit everything else, including all her abilities and the worst ult in the game.
>what is Reinhardt
>what is Zarya
She's not even proper waifufag material too
>being the degenerate who finds the Plastic Jew of Asia attractive
If I need to go through shit in the air and be able to tank hits then I'll pick D.Va. Winston is great, unless the enemy has Mei, or Bastion.
She's a good laugh to play because you can just shut out widowmakers and other squishies by being a highly mobile face fucking jerk if you do it right.
>Plastic Jew of Asia attractive
Sometimes I wonder what the person behind these posts looks like
Make a wild guess.
Winston doesn't explode
end discussion
More reason to use Winston instead.
>lumbering with a shit damage, shit armour mech and being forced to use the most telegraphed ult in the game to pass into "mediocre" performance
You mean like Winston does? Also much better because his jump is sanic fast and his weapon auto aims?
I don't get why you'd use any Tank character that's not Rein/Hog desu.
Winston is great at destroying a squishy team, high mobility.
If they're accusing Asian women of getting plastic surgery and makeup, it's a fat western woman who wears makeup and had corrective surgery on her teeth as a child.
mainly because if you're not an absolute shitter you can get your mech back in 10 seconds
Her ult is also extremely useful just for the fact that you can self destruct as your mech is dying to escape and grab another mech
Because of waifu bullshit
I don't get why people are so bad with her, she's easy. Way more mobile than Winston too. They both have their uses.
What does D.Va's E actually do. I ain't getting it
Winston doesn't make my dick hard
noob here
how does her defence matrix work?
do you have to be directly in front of them?
does it block everything?
Absorbs any incoming projectiles in a 180 degress arc in front of you for the duration.
It works by using Winston's barrier instead you MMR hell squatter
Defense Matrix is a very powerful defensive ability that blocks most incoming shots and projectiles coming your way. Shooting your cannons while Defense Matrix is on will cancel it. Defense Matrix can be used at the same time with your Boosters, this allows you to fly towards really strong defenses while taking no damage. This allows you to fly right up to Bastion Sentries, Torbjorn Turrets or Widowmakers (and many others) without taking damage and you can then take those strong defenses out at close range with your Fusion Cannons.
When a match starts as an Attacker, D.va can walk out of the gates with Defense Matrix on to protect all her allies as they flood out into the battlefield. D.va works better in this case than Reinhardt because she can move quickly while using it.
Defense Matrix is also extremely useful for blocking most ultimates in the game, but most importantly:
Roadhog's Whole Hog
Solder 76's Tactical Visor
McCree's Deadeye
Reaper's Death Blossom
Pharah's Barrage
Bastion's Tank Form
Defense Matrix can also be used similar to Reinhardt's shield, as you can use it to push forward while providing cover for your teammates.
The only reason I started playing Overwatch is because my friend told me there's a cute Korean girl in the game.
I don't care if she isn't the best hero, she's my favorite to play as. Like that other user said, she's cute.
She reminds me of my Korean gf :p
>Not playing as Junkrat 24/7
>Not wanting Play of The Game 4 times in a row
>Not buttfucking opposing team with your perfectly placed mines and traps
>Not getting 5+ hate mail
rineheart rapes both of them and streetpig
Why would you regurgitate the opinions of other people?
It has already been said - Winston exists. Jump is faster and accurate enough with just a bit of practice, his shield is more team oriented and versatile (although this cooldown hurts), his weapon aims itself + hits multiple targets and he doesn't turn into a snail while firing it. Ulti is also way more usefull in many more situations.
And you just can't hate the character, really.
Because they're true
>a tank
Because this is consensus among high-level players.
You can't get around the fact that even a buffed D.Va is merely a Winston clone. Except Winston has a better shield and more mobility while firing, and his ultimate isn't the easiest thing to avoid.
>playing on consoles
because winston is fucking gorilla
why would you play overwatch at all?
Winston cannot clear and objective like she can. Even if she doesn't kill she'll still send people running.
Don't underestimate a good zoner.
why are you in this thread at all?
>she'll still send people running.
She'll send shitters running. Everyone else thinks "sweed free gill :DDDD" because her defense is ass.
She sends people running with her ultimate. Probably should have specified that.
She has the best survivability in the game as far as im concerned. Go hard on small targets, back out before you lose a mech. If you do just shoot from afar and get your 300 health mech back. Constantly go at least 10:1 due to just not dying for so long in matches.
Shes also great at stalling overtime, hunting snipers and can blocking a little damage. I dont think shes the best character but the "just play winston" people need to calm down.
Just pop her mech and let her go naked. I dont care about killing her unless she is begged for it. She is a lower HP blaster only mercy in naked mode. You have more important targets to worry about. Sure she can go 10:1, but if she gets 5 mechs back she had to farm that 5 times during which she didnt help her team
>mfw shitting on widow mains last patch
a shame there's less now, they all switched to Hanzo who is slightly better at dealing with WInston
The mech shouldnt be a throw away. Pilot mode is good as a support dps to pair with someone else, but you should still try to play a guerrilla style mech or else theres no point picking her.
So if you keep killing off the mech and conclude shes bad, its because youre bad.
>So if you keep killing off the mech and conclude shes bad, its because youre bad.
I think her passive does more bad that good. Which makes her weak overal.
I'm apparently retarded because I can't figure out how this friend shit works. I put in the names I see during games or from the Recently Played list letter for letter and it still never lets me send requests. What's up with that? Is there something I'm missing?
Are you on PC? You should be able to just right click any name and hit add to friends.
Ironic really, I say that D.Va is a better version of Winston, although equally situational and often useless ults. D.Va at least can push an enemy team off a cap for a while.
The difference for me is in how much more freedom D.Va has. D.Va does much more direct damage, she can can tank more from DPS heroes like Reaper and Roadgog while dealing good DPS herself especially with headshots which Winston doesn't get. Her boost is incredible, way more versatile and easier to control compared to leap coupled with strong knockback. Defense matrix I would say is better than the bubble for two reasons, it straight up absorbs all the projectiles for the duration while you can still move and your team can still shoot, and I find the bubble cause situations where several teammates hide in a tiny shield which rapidly gets destroyed giving easy ultimate targets out in the open.
On top of this D.Va gets to bail from the mech in any direction after a short invincible delay and gets a zero recoil high ammo high rate of fire pistol which earn her another full HP mech rapidly.
you need battlenet tag.
Also if you are in a game you can click their name and then a menu pops up which includes add as friend
Winston? He deals no single target damage.
Or am I playing him wrong? I tried him a couple of times and consistently got outdueled by every single merchant.
Winstons damage block is lasts longer but absorbs significantly less since D.va has infinite blocking in three seconds. D.va has 500 armor in comparison to Wiston's 100. Armor reduces the damage you take and 400 Armor + 100 HP is better than 100 Armor + 400 HP. Dva has an additional 150 HP upon losing her original HP and Armor. D.va has better mobility and can bump players off places. D.va's ult situationaly can clear the point either from damage or causing people to run off. Primal rage is pretty cool and but it's better for tanking and staying alive until back up arrives, but it's not point clearing unless you actively chase and kill people.
You could also just realize that both of them are fucking situational. Winston wrecks speedy characters and low hp defenders. D.va wrecks snipers with her block and mobility and soaks damage better, unless Winston's ult is involved.
I'll try that next time. Thanks.
She's actually pretty dangerous without her mech. The blaster does pretty good damage and has loads of shots and can be spammed to cover a wide area or fuck up one target like a Bastion or turret.
The only buff she needs as far as I'm concerned is the reduction of her weapon spread. Every other tank can hold the fort and outlast then kill in 1v1 but, While D.va can hold the fort, she has to chase down to get kills.
>One short range ark leap in one direction is better than a long constant boost in any direction that you can cancel
Im not seeing it
> weapon auto aims?
Also does pathetic damage and doesnt headshot, the auto aim isnt worth it
>can't block shots while leaping.
I still have to meet a good Junkrat that's not all about MUH ULT.
Because she takes out both Snipers AND Torbjorn / turret with ease which is what the retards I get matched with seem to struggle with the most.
Also she is fun as fuck, like being a gigantic robotic pest and if you manage to destroy her mech then you have the fun activity of hacing to chase down and shoot at a tiny hitbox jumping Korean girl.
>she can can tank more from DPS heroes like Reaper and Roadgog while dealing good DPS herself
holy shit dude those can absolutely melt DVA. Seriously as roadhog I hook DVA all the time. Her critbox is right in the middle of her model so a shotgun blast will not only do insane damage to her critbox, but any pellets missing will still hit her. With others you have to pick either head or body. But DVA just takes it all like the greedy little slut she is.
Armour blocks 50% of pellet damage and a good D.Va counters roadhog pretty reasonably
bastion will tear her apart in a blink of an eye. And if she pops in and out of cover he can still repair himself from the little damage she can do that way. And you must remember that as long as you are naked mode you still take up a slot in the team and you can only deal a fraction of the damage or absorb a fraction of the damage. Spending 20 seconds to get your mech back is a very selfish thing to do.
>All this Winston cock suckig and D.Va ego stroking
76 is objectively the best. He's great at medium and long range, and with that sprint he can make it in and out of points quickly. He can also move around the battlefield and heal low health teammates. I've mowed down some nasty tankers using 76 before. A good soldier can change the course of a battle.
Every encounter with a Roadhog ends with him just running away and having to heal up because his hook didn't give him a free kill, but instead maybe 1 free hit before he gets a Defensive Matrix in his face and loads of damage in return afterwards.
your post doesnt make any sense dude, everyone who plays junkrat is bad because they use their ultimate? Genius m9
>which is what the retards I get matched with seem to struggle with the most.
>she's only viable in MMR hell
>the auto aim isn't worth it
Winston doesn't need to do big damage, he still tears apart the squishy characters with no effort at all since he can just hold M1 and spaz about. D.V.A slows down to a crawl allowing the enemy to just simply get the fuck out of there or aim at her head and just out damage her. D.V.A's guns are complete trash and firing them can often get you killed considering her hitbox is so fuckhuge. Winston is excellent at disrupting enemy teams and getting the fuck out. D.V.A can only do that with her ult, other than that she is complete shit.
hook will stun you and allow him to shotgun you in the face for insane damage. If you pop def matrix he can just wait, if you turn and run he can pop your back, if you stay there he can just wait it out and pop you. Then he can also try to run around the matrix (which im pretty sure also has a minimum range you can get close to). After that, sure you can do a lot of damage on roadhog since DVA has shotguns herself. But roadhog has upfront damage and with that first shot you wont be able to get enough time to get a lot of damage out.
>Roadhog pulls me
>pop def
>bump him backwards
>spray him down
>roadhog runs away to go heal
The Bastion might not be aware of the D.Va that's shooting 10 quick blasts at him because he's probably busy looking elsewhere for enemies or just doesn't care about her at all. But she can still do quite a lot of damage that will fuck him if your team pushes at the right time.
She's great at helping to take out long distance targets and in close quarters by shooting through more tanky friends.
She's not super-great at making kills but she's good for deterrence and dealing damage.
This. Lol even Winston can still do damage with a shield deployed or during his jump. Shitva can't xd
you need to focus on healers and snipers. you won't win 1v1 versus a Reaper for example. you can however do certain things to even your chances. for example, ducking in and otu of your shield to absorb most of their hits.
hook stuns so long he can shoot+melee before you can pop def.
Once you have taken one shot from roadhog any agression against him just means he can kill you with his next shot
You are aware that the snipers get better at high MMR too you spaz?
>Winston leaps in
>D.va doesn't dash to put distance between them and gun him down
I'm saying that's all they are good at. Can't kill or help their team without it.
>his ultimate isn't the easiest thing to avoid
His ultimate is indisputably worse than D.Va's on any map where he can't knock them off the side.
And even then D.Va can do that with her Boosters but Winsto's jump can't knock shit.
Winston doesn't need to aim his gun so he's more about causing mayhem than racking up kills. Aim for the squishier characters and avoid Reaper, he'll turn you to mulch. His leap is on a very low cooldown so keep an eye on it and use it to quickly leap out once your health begins to drop.
Well, a lot of Roadhogs are dumb enough to waste all their 4 shots on her Matrix, but assuming they aren't, she can still walk backwards to avoid her Matrix getting bypassed somehow and if she flies away, he probably won't be able to finish her
She's not gonna outlast a Roadhog in a 1v1 shootout though, that's true.
You're bad if you honestly believe that
How the hell is a second life with a better primary weapon and the ability to get your mech back at all "more harm than good"
>Armour blocks 50% of pellet damage
Not exactly. Roadhog M1 pellets deal 9 damage from close range, meaning they crit for 18. This means after armor they deal 13. There are 25 pellets, meaning the max damage is 325. Add hook and melee and you're at 375. Obviously, not all pellets hit you in the face, but you'll generally take somewhere around 250 damage from the combo.
Roadhog has no problems shooting you in the face afterwards, getting you to 0 or almost 0. You'll only prevent this with defense matrix or by running away. If you start shooting at him, he'll have an even easier time shooting you in the face because you move at a snail's pace.
Roadhog kills D.Va pretty easily.
Meh her auto-detonation doesnt kill anybody now. I tried to set it in multiple ways but everyone cover right away even if I try to surprise them. Seems like when I got play of the match with her, we all were a bunch of noobs because high level player doesnt even fall for these tricks anymore.
because the mech itself is shit
and so is her damage output
and the shield
and the ult
>people still think Blizzard can """""""""""save""""""""" her
With the amount armor D.va has that is nothing Unless I'm playing nothing but shitters, Roadhog encounters tend to go my way. Reinhardt is the only Tank that can wreck me if he gets close. His dash counters min, is E goes through my defense and is melee is does ridic damage and fucks camera in the ass. Oh Zarya also wrecks me close range. Winston and Roadhogs though, I tend to win those or escape them with ease.
>Gun him down
Have you actually played the game m8? D.V.A has the range of a t-rex's arms. If she puts distance between him she will tickle his 500 health and not be able to get through his shield.
Also I clearly said that Winston tears apart the squishier characters. A Winston who tries to 1v1 tanks without any support is going to get shit on. Also Winston's leap is on a tiny cooldown so he can just leap away from most battles.
Yeah, it's great for getting people to run for cover, not great for kills anymore.
Her ult can't hurt allies, it clears an objective better than rodhogg lol
The games a mess as far as "high level" play goes right now anyways, no one is using the heroes right yet.
>Getting fanny flustered enough to send hatemail
It still happens on PC ironically just not as much. People will send friend requests just to send you a salt induced message then remove you.
>because the mech itself is shit
Not an argument.
>and so is her damage output
In terms of raw DPS, she's only outdone by Reaper and Bastion.
>and the shield
Defense matrix is necessary for trading efficiently and blocking ults
>and the ult
"Leave or die" is fine by me.
I love leaving leaping in preparing to expand dong and seeing them obviously panicking while I tickle them to death.
>Already a D.va on every team
>After she's buffed every team will have at least 2
Damn gremlin
That's ok m9, you know you can change your character mid game, right? ;)
>pick character used to bully support/snipers
>other people pick other heroes since that role is fullfilled
>get mech killed
>whole team has to wait 30 seconds for you to grind your mech back up so you can deal with the widowmaker raping the whole team.
Yeah if you fight a roadhog that has no game knowledge you can beat him. But other than that the only reason to lose as roadhog is when you forget you have only 1 shot left and you pull a dva. She can easily kill you while you reload.
Other than that 90% of the DVAs I face as roadhog switch after a while because they just arent useful enough
>Defense matrix is necessary for trading efficiently and blocking ults
Winston's barrier is more versatile and team-oriented overall, even if the cooldown rate sucks.
>Not an argument.
So having the GIANT FUCKING CRITBOX isn't an argument ok there pal see you never in mid MMR kid :^)