What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Pretty much everything.
There is so much shit wrong in this game that I don't know where to start, but for the most part it looks like they just didn't give a single fuck. It feels very lazy.
Pic very related
>Level design is very bland and has little to no personality. The only unique stage is Capitol Building and that doubles as the worst stage in the game.
>Absorption boosts may as well not even be there
>they somehow made a story that's less interesting than "Dr. Wily/Sigma done it"
>Terrible art direction
>enemies are pushovers
>bosses are piss easy
Holy shit, it looks like a Unity prototype made by a kid from highschool in his spare time.
>Final boss is the least interesting and most boring
I'm wondering how it got this bad. The game would've ended up better if Inafune gave most of the money to some 3rd party dev and went on holiday for the development time.
I'm actually baffled by this game's development.
critics don't like good games.
takeout every day for every meal adds up.
Was there anything that went right with the game? Any redeeming factors that people kinda liked among all the shit?
some things are best left in the past
>first red alarm was that cunt getting hired as community manager
I knew way back then exactly what was gonna happen.
Sonic twitter's mocking them was pretty good.
Those who played it, were you "surprised by the female characters?"
>Call: Literally autistic
>Dynatron: eh
>Cryo: Annoying
Does she even give a shit about Mighty No. 9 anymore? She's gone silent ever since she left.
The main theme was great and it preyed on the feeling of melancholy and hope.
I haven't played it yet but I can tell you the voice acting is absolutely disgusting, they should add a way to turn it off.
>her job was to be a glorified forum moderator
>"i've worked on the game. i hope we made you all proud!"
Hey stop it! Don't make her suffering a meme.
You're forgetting one.
oh right
>Trinity: Screams and shits all over the place. 10/10 character thank you Dina.
Honestly, it's not bad.
Awfully mediocre? Yes, but bad I wouldn't say.
I mean, I'd put it on par with, say, Megaman X 5 on PSX on release.
At this point I just think people are looking for reasons to hate on the game and inflate every little thing way beyond what it deserves. Mob mentality and all.
Not that this phenomenon is undeserved, the schadenfreude isn't gratuitous. But give it a few years and I think people will look back and find they were harsher than deserved.
Thing that gets me mad tough is the reaction of the press, with its courage of kicking a man down when he has no support. I mean just compare the reviews for MN9 with those for, say, Dragon Age 2. Journos acting like they grew some balls while we all know they'll praise and inflate the score of the next project of big publishers that is just as mediocre as MN9.
Not saying he's wrong, but a lot people take this out of context.
Game journos are fucking cancer and anybody who bases their opinions around them are also cancer.
It's like the Sup Forums posters who judge a movies worth based on rotten tomatoes.
The Internet and social media was a fucking mistake. Form your own opinions you faggots
without the internet people depended way more on the gaming media like magazines to know what a game was about
Level design, performance, voiceover, music
The dash system and art style are god-tier though.
You didnt hire random Rainbow Hairs to write for your game magazines back in the days to save costs on running your website
Are you implying magazines didn't shill games back then? You're wrong. SJW or not it was a thing, try finding any old game that isn't considered good and you'll find some magazine talking about how fun it was, 9/10.
Except businessmen can do great.
Inafune failed as a businessman here.
>Inafune biting off more than he could chew and trying to establish MN9 as a multimedia franchise before the first game was even finished
>Actually attempting to make the game for 11 platforms right from the get-go
Actually, yeah. Ray looks really cool despite all odds, and her JP voice is fucking fantastic.
They were pretty cute and fuckable. They deserved to be in a better game than this.
As someone that got paid for some writing in game magazines back in the day, the only reason why you didn't have rainbow color hair was that it wasn't the fashion of the times, but game journalism was *always* about taking young enthusiasts and make them work for peanuts.
Dash doesn't work for me because the mechanic and the level design just don't mesh well I find.
To me those rooms where you're forced to stop and fight waves of enemies are basically an admission of defeat by the level designers. They understand the mechanic doesn't mesh gracefully with the classic megaman traversal, so they give you those room to make you dash away.
Making the game on many platforms was the right thing to do, but the first point is right. Also voice acting was clearly a mistake.
Song on the third video?
>Dina in credits
>Rap song playing
Jesus Christ.
It's based around Megaman, an outdated series whose repetitive and bland gameplay has not aged well.
>Making the game on many platforms was the right thing to do
It wasn't really, might have allowed them to get a bit more money during the kickstrter, but that money was way insufficient to cover the costs of developing/porting the game for all those platforms.
I cancelled my pledge when they started adding so many platforms, as to me it it was a sure signs things were going to go south.
Megaman 9 and 10 were fucking awesome though.
Said abrasively, but kind of a fair point. I love the games myself, but looking at complaints from several testers, it just seems like those people don't like the game genre at all, and then are complaining that the game isn't something else altogether.
But putting it on many platforms isn't a waste of money because more people who can buy the game = more money, they should have never added frivolous and expensive stuff like voice acting, so many games like Freedom Planet have awful voice acting when they would benefit from just text and maybe humming sounds for the voices, like MGS on Gameboy Color did.
What's this chick got against gators? Did they eat her kid or something?
>But putting it on many platforms isn't a waste of money because more people who can buy the game = more money
If they can sell the game.
I mean, I agree on voice acting, way too much of it in games that do not benefit from it, but they have to make the game good for it to sell. And that time and resources spent on making the game work on many platforms? That's time not spent on the game proper.
It's because of her Ray turned into a girl for no reason? Her design looks too masculine.
The question is, "is there something that went right?"
The apotheosis of MN9.
I think you mean
>Call: a souless robot for no gotdamn reason
>Dynatron: a literal power hunger bitch
>Cryoshpere: a fucking child with the body of a robot
ok that on is on spot
>Trinity: reminds me of Eve from wall-e
>wake up
>realize that people fell for this ponzi scheme
>do a 360 and go back to bed with sweet dreams made of memes
Don't fucking compare it to X5, cmon.
The games is comfy and fun, have a lot of weird bugs and problems, but after some patches it will work fine.
7/10, solid alternative universe MegaMan game for me. Better than Xover/X7. Ray gameplay is nice.
Well to be honest, it's because of the background and expectations, after all this was Inafune we were talking about, not just some random guy making a megaman clone, then all the hype the conman gave to this game with stuff like the movie and secuel and animated series, all the fuck ups and controversies and of course FOUR FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS.
He set the bar way too high for himself and it blew on his face and that's why everybody hates the game right now. Othereise it would be your regular 6/10 game that would be forgotten within a week or two.
playing this, I had way more fun with Ray than Beck, even with the your-health-is-draining-to-make-this-harder stipulation
she absorbs what she kills instantly and her dash can kill most things too. meanwhile as beck you're pelting them waiting for them to be ready for absorption and THEN dash into them which you might do prematurely and then take damage. It's dumb.
I had to see the ending to this game and am surprised at how uneventful it was.
>beat the final boss
>oh no, the building is collapsing
>cut to a single picture of them all hanging out
Fucking. Wow.
Just a screen of saying "Ending not completed because we didn't make 1 million dollars more" would have been better.
Nothing. But Nothing went right either.
Game is a solid 6-7/10.
Get over it. I understand you shitposters want to experience another epic Tortanic, but this game is fine as it is.
It's nothing but special, and it's nothing bad, just like all the classic megaman and Megaman X games.
the bit was the end, where White tries to rub it in Blackwell's face, while Blackwell says that you're not that great if the problem you're fixing is one you caused yourself in the first place.
White does the whole "You'll see, you'll all see!" shit. Blackwell didn't do anything wrong so obviously a sequel HAHAHAHAH would involve White becoming a bad guy with a god complex, creating more mighty numbers to show how great he is.
X5 was fucking disappointing and uninspired. If we're talking bland and mediocre I think X5 fits the bill.
I kinda agree, as I said, the schadenfreude is understandable. Justified even, to a point. But then the mob mentality makes things be way overstated.
>i only have fun when the game is insultingly easy and doesn't pose any challenge
Might as well play all your game on the easiest difficulty or turn on cheat codes.
nice projecting there bucko
Ray is more fun simply because it's more fast paced and risky
Nothing went wrong. Seriously, everything worked out flawlessly for Inafune - he's now a fucking millionaire thanks to his brilliant Kikestarter scam.
Inafune could've had 10 devs working for the entire 5 years and still have a third of the initial budget left assuming he was trying to make the game on just the kickstarter money. The thing is, the programming part of the game can and has been done by single people in their basement in their spare time in mere months. In other words, it can't have cost more than $5k to have built the whole game, programming wise. They obviously don't use any mocap, so all animations can't have been more than $10k combined. What's left? Effects design (amateurs do better in hours), level designs and boss designs, shader programming (they're obviously using stock shaders), modeling (again, an amateur makes better models in a couple of days). The production value of the game is a whopping $100k if you're very generous with your funds allocation.
In conclusion, Inafune is one of the most brilliant scam artists in the last decade, becoming a millionaire basically overnight.
>Inafune design doesn't win the contest
>put her in the game anyway
>make her the final boss
How full of yourself do you have to be to do that?
Blunder no.9 is closer to X7 than X5
can some one tell me how to debug the fucking game
I want to turn off the lighting too make it look better
please help
protofaggot where are you?
There's honestly a lot I did not fucking like, it's hard to be concise about it but I did write up some thoughts.
Of course it's all just my personal experience from one full playthrough and is subjective.
Above all else, the gameplay.
It's not fun, I didn't enjoy the game at any stage. There were maybe moments I thought it was alright or average, but nothing shined and a lot frustrated.
The weapons in the game are highly imbalanced ranging from completely useless to ridiculously useful.
Your standard pea-shooter sucks, you cannot charge it and you will be hammering that fire button to take out enemies, many of which are airborne. When you use this, everything becomes a bullet sponge until they are suspectible to Xel absorption.
Because your damage output is difficult to track, you kinda need to count the number of shots you land on an enemy before you can dash through them to finish them off, else you'll find yourself accidentally dashing into an enemy who wasn't vulnerable because you didn't quite get this right. It happens way too often, and the fact that enemies flash when you damage them and flash a different way when you can absorb them doesn't help, it's difficult to actually know for certain when you're safe to dash.
Couple this with shoddy sound design where nothing actually feels all that satisfying like sound effects of old, and constant noise that drowns out the background music, and you have an experience that makes your participation all that less palpable.
It's at odds with traditional Mega Man play, because you've never needed to be too close to an enemy to deal with them. Proper Mega Man has moments when close-quarters can be risky but rewarding, but throughout Mighty No. 9 it is necessary and unsatisfying. Whilst you can defeat enemies by continuing to attack them, this means you won't get any beneficial Xel, overall making for a system far less preferable to most games where enemies are defeated by substantial attacks and they drop an item.
Weapon switching, this is actually quite a headache.
You cannot switch weapons whilst paused, and rather than other Mega Man games where you can cycle through abilities on the fly using the shoulder button, you have to cycle through a selector and THEN press a button to transform between your standard form and alternate form.
This mess makes it really cumbersome to actually switch to the power you want on the fly, because the game doesn't have slow or relaxed periods to give you time to switch seamlessly, at the very least not on a first playthrough.
The default controls for switching don't make sense either.
Left Trigger and Left Bumper cycle your transformations, whilst your right trigger is "Action Shift" and right bumper is dash.
I can't think why they kept actions to the bumpers, and cycling to the triggers, I should've changed this myself.
Even worse is that you do not get separate buttons dedicated to your pea shooter and your special weapon, which even Mega Man 8 figured out.
Making this worse is that although your special weapon energy can recharge, it only does so when you have the form active. If you wanted your energy to recharge whilst you use the pea shooter, tough luck.
>all those backers forever immortalized in that godawful song
>I can't think why they kept actions to the bumpers, and cycling to the triggers, I should've changed this myself.
first thing I did was put dash on right trigger, fuck that bumper
Now about the Xel absorption system, which we get in lieu of enemy transformations because of tight budget.
There are four kinds of Xel that enemies drop.
Blue Xel fills your Xel Recovery gauge, which is basically your Sub-tank. This doesn't stay filled between stages and even empties if you die, which is insane, it punishes death in a way other Mega Man games wouldn't dare.
Adding to this is that enemies never drop health recovery, but you can find items placed around stages. The health recovery items have quite a similar appearance to extra lives, and don't logically look like health recovery. Nothing about the item designs convey their purpose too well.
What doesn't help is that for having an emphasis on collecting blue Xel, you don't see a meter fill up on the HUD, you can very easily overlook the icon when you have a full recover gauge.
The sub-tank implementation is clearly better because health pickups will either fill your health meter, or overflow into a subtank with at least a sound cue that it's filling.
Red Xel boosts your weapon power temporarily, attacks get stronger and reduces weapon energy consumption. This can make it difficult to count damage dealing for dashing into enemies, but it also gives your pea shooter temporary piercing fire, which is useful actually. So for the combo heavy gameplay it's a mixed bag.
Green Xel makes you run faster temporarily, Yellow Xel temporarily boosts your defense.
It's a semi-decent system but has weird ways of making you trip up, because you don't get a strong feeling for when you're boosted or when you aren't.
Oh, and very importantly, Xel absorption refills the weapon energy of your currently used weapon. This rewards using other weapons and successfully absorbing Xel, but in turn can mean you never run out of weapon energy and don't have to think about which weapons to use if you have a good one.
I was okay with dash on right bumper personally, I was using a 360 controller on PC.
Xel? Absorption? Is this fucking Metroid Fusion?
Okay, now the weapons, oh deary me the weapons.
Mighty No. 1, Pyrogen's weapon is charged fire burst. You press the button to detonate a blast of fire around you. It's useless, as it's slow to charge and doesn't hit very hard. The idea is probably to predict when you're in a room with a shitload of enemies.
Mighty No. 2, Cryosphere's weapon is an ice ball toss. It shoots forward then drops after a fairly short distance, it is slightly more powerful than the pea shooter and is capable of freezing enemies. It's good for clearing stages especially if you want to maintain a combo, because it makes it easier to get 100% absorption.
Not that the combo system is rewarding in any way.
Mighty No. 3, Dynatron's weapon is a tagging electrical attack. You fire off a spread of 6 conductors that stick to enemies, and deal damage for a brief period. It's kinda useful but I didn't find myself using it often.
Mighty No. 4, Seismic's weapon turns you into a tank with treads, and you perform a charge attack. I never once used this though I doubted it would have any use knowing the enemies. It apparently can send enemies flying, but why on earth would you want to do this when the goal is to destabilise and absorb them??
The whole gimmick of this game is that enemies don't traditionally die and you have to dash into them after they 'die' to absorb them and truly remove them from the field. actually I'm lying, they do die if you keep shooting them after this point but you don't get points
Bosses have to be done in segments this way
I still don't even really understand why everybody bothered to attack her in the first place. Despite what she said, it was painfully obvious that she had fuck-all to do with the game. She wasn't designing characters or directing the story. At most, she designed a tiny doodlybopper on some random enemy's head but she had zero creative control. She was a glorified forum manager who was just a little too enthusiastic about being near the game. It would have been easier to just ignore her and move on with our lives and the game would have turned into the exact same shitshow anyway.
Yeah, she was obnoxious, but it was pretty pointless for everybody to go after her like that. All it did was make her another martyr and make the rest of us look bad.
Mighty No. 5, Battalion's weapon. Okay this weapon is ridiculously overpowered, there are no drawbacks to it and it demands its own section.
It's powerful explosive that fires straight forward, first button press fires and second detonates. The blast radius is huge and deals very heavy damage, and its weapon energy is surprisingly low. This is the defacto stage clearing weapon because it works against EVERYTHING, and requires no effort to aim other than having a little care with your detonation timing.
This lets you steamroll enemies as soon as you see them, most are ready to absorb after one or two fires, and due to Xel absorption replenishing weapon energy you should never ever run out.
It's a bit less useful against bosses because you do not constantly recover weapon energy in boss fights, but is still a very good weapon.
This goes beyond the usefulness of the Metal Blades in Mega Man 2, it's insane how imbalanced this is.
The only disadvantage I can think of is that it the large explosions might make it difficult to see what is happening, such as if enemies were not made susceptible to absorption.
You might also accidentally overkill and miss the opportunity to absorb, which is the other side of being able to completely remove potential obstacles.
Xel is whatever the fuck the digital pixels that all robots are made up of.
Where Metroid Fusion actually had good ideas with absorbing enemies, like they can reconstitute in different ways, Mighty No. 9 has shit implementation.
This thing really/still brick ingredients Wii Us?
The above is an actual, genuine quote from the Cyrosphere boss fight in Mighty Number 9. And it's ten times as annoying as it seems. And it makes no fucking sense since the boss says "pew" eighteen times despite only shooting THREE PROJECTILES.
Inafune pocketed 3.5 million. Holy hell. youtu.be
Mighty No. 6, Aviator's weapon is a gyrocopter blade. Hold the button to be able to jump higher and descend slower, which is actually necessary for one of the final stages. Release the button to throw the blade, but as an attack it's difficult to use because of short range. Holding the button slowly drains weapon energy too, I would say this weapon is only useful one time, but it might be effective somewhere if you use it?
Mighty No. 7, Brandish's weapon is some blades. Just press the button and you cut in front of you, it can reflect fire and grants some invulnerability frames. The standard attack doesn't consume energy but charged attacks can, but I never actually used this weapon during the course of the game. From what I've seen you can use this weapon to cheese the final boss fight.
I didn't use it at all but it might actually be a very useful weapon that flows better with the whole dash system, making combat more Mega Man Zero like.
Mighty No. 8, Countershade's weapon is like a sniper rifle. You shoot very powerful shots that ricochet off walls or other objects, and intelligently home towards enemies. But, its weapon energy consumption is enormous so you can fire off very few shots. It does seem to recharge a bit faster than the others to compensate, but like sniping it emphasises that you don't miss your mark.
And that's the weapons, there are few that you'll actually want to use.
Worth mentioning that Ray's weapons are completely different but I didn't play that DLC so I don't know how.
Everything. Bums me out, the ideas they had on paper aren't the worst in the world, it was the execution. And thanks to both this and Broken Age there will always be retards that say any and all kickstarted games are shit.
>>Red Xel boosts your weapon power temporarily, attacks get stronger and reduces weapon energy consumption. This can make it difficult to count damage dealing for dashing into enemies, but it also gives your pea shooter temporary piercing fire, which is useful actually. So for the combo heavy gameplay it's a mixed bag.
The problem with this is that there are times where the enemy placement expect you to have piercing abilites, making you have to fight against three or four enemies and dashing into them. If you don't have it anymore, you'll probably end up hitting enemies while trying to absorb the other ones. That is unless you want to defeat to take a lot of time to defeat them in the traditional way.
Post 'em, we know you got 'em
Backer no. 1553 here
>Beck finishes bosses by data draining them
>Ray finishes bosses by shooting laser beams for some reason
I mean if anything Ray should be the one data draining
Where were you when Sonic ended MN9?
it's the resident evil 7 trailer music
>references old Mega Man dubs which were always awful
>this is somehow bad
Just play with the Japanese VO, the difference is like day and night.
Now that I've explained the weapons, I'll explain how maybe a good 80-90% of the game doesn't take advantage of them.
Battalion's weapon was so ridiculously overpowered that I was always using it, this lead to me not even trying other weapons to see how they work (largely due to how cumbersome weapon switching is).
The game does a very poor job of encouraging weapon experimentation, because the majority of enemies can be dealt with normally and are not placed in creative ways where your weapons have a clearcut advantage. Although it does appear that certain weapons have special uses against both a boss AND their stage, this isn't communicated very well.
Unlocking new weapons also does not demonstrate the weapons, you have to try them for yourself. There are game-tips you can read about each weapon, but best practice is to show, don't tell.
To add to this, there are no enemies that are weak or immune to certain weapons. Everything is effective, and bosses don't appear to have immunities but at least have weaknesses, as far as I can tell weapons can be advantageous in some scenarios but there is no obvious weapon weakness circle here.
Or more appropriately, the weapon weaknesses aren't very palpable. The game seems to imply this by having rescued Mighty Numbers show up in other stages, that you should use their weapon against the boss. So if Countershade appears in Aviator's stage, use his weapon against him. You us Brandish against Dynatron, Battalion against Seismic, etc.
Further, when selecting stages, you can get a barebones explanation about the stage from Call, and you might see an "advice" option which will be a rescued Mighty Number asking for support.
This is basically your not so subtle cue that you should play this stage because you have the bosses' weakness.
If you overlook or ignore this you might make mistakes like thinking Cryosphere's ice attack is of any use in Pyrogen's stage, it's not. Pretty sure it's the other way around.
I still can't believe that this is the music that plays in the credits for Mighty No.9, a game funded by over 67,000 people on kickstarter because they saw it as the revival of Mega Man and as a big middle finger to Capcom.
Back when they started the kickstarter campaign they posted this theme and people were shitting their pants because it was filling them with hope of a good game. Now the game is out, it's mediocre as fuck and the credits have a nigger rapping in the background about shooting blacks (or whatever the fuck he's saying, who cares at this point).
This entire thing is so fucking hilarious, I have to thank Inafune for that at least.
How much went into the actual game, does anybody know? Wasn't one of the stretch goals an animation? he probably sank a bunch into that shit